[first lines]
Title Card: All wars begin long before the first shot is fired and continue long after the last bullet has done its job.
Robert: I think it was Oscar Wilde who said: Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.
Honorio: [about his chocolate] Not everyone has a taste for the divine you know.
Josemaria: First before trying to change the world, think about changing yourselves.
Train Conductor: If you're going to make an omelet you have to break a few eggs.
Josemaria: No, the world is not an omelet, and people are not eggs.
Josemaria: It's remarkably easy to join a war.
Aline: [about God] He's a monster. I love Him, you know.
Josemaria: Even though He's a monster?
Aline: Women can love monsters.
Josemaria: When you forgive you set someone free. Yourself.
There Be Dragons Quotes
Dane 2022-04-23 07:04:54
Neither fascism nor the Communist Party can eradicate humanity. Do we choose faith, or are we chosen by faith? Listen to your heart, because there is no other way.
Lolita 2022-03-17 09:01:09
The different paths of a pair of childhood friends: one follows the Lord, the other abandons the Lord; one chooses love, the other hates; one advocates forgiveness, while the other practice revenge; one becomes a saint, and one becomes a sinner. Both paths are full of suffering, but suffering has its own meaning. Torres has spent his life trying to resist Jose Maria, spying, going undercover, fighting, betraying, killing, unsuccessfully. Theology dropouts are a tragedy...