The Wild Geese Quotes

  • Faulkner: There is a clause in all of my contracts, that my liver is to be buried separately, and, with honors.

  • Faulkner: I'm dry when I work.

    Sir Edward Matherson: Yes, so I've heard.

    Faulkner: There's a separate clause in my contract that says my liver is to be buried separately with honors.

    Sir Edward Matherson: I'm not a very humorous man.

    Faulkner: So I've noticed.

  • [as the enemy attacks]

    Esposito: We're dead!

    RSM Sandy Young: Esposito, you're not dead until I TELL you you're dead.

  • RSM Sandy Young: Get up

    Samuels: I can't, sir. I'm dead.

  • RSM Sandy Young: "Get on your feet, you fuckin' abortion!"

  • Lt. Shawn Fynn: That's one of the most moving benedictions I ever heard.

  • Fr. Geoghagen, the Priest: Good luck to you, you Godless murderers.

  • Faulkner: Jesse, I'm glad to got my wire.

    Sgt. Jesse Blake: So am I, sir... it was my breakfast.

  • Faulkner: Sandy?

    RSM Sandy Young: Sir!

    Faulkner: There's your killing ground. Take Tosh and four other men and set up a field of fire. Rafer and I will go deep around and take them in the flank.

  • Julius Limbani: The man is dead, Mr. Faulkner. Now only the spirit remains.

  • [after womanizer Sean Finn fails at a simulated parachute drop]

    RSM Sandy Young: That was LUDICROUS, sir. You're jumping from an aeroplane, not a whorehouse window. Do it again.

  • Sir Edward Matherson: [laughing] Well, then I suppose you'd better kill me.

    Faulkner: You're a remarkable man too, Sir Edward. So I suppose I better had.

  • Faulkner: What do I call you? SIR Edward?

    Sir Edward Matherson: You do.

  • RSM Sandy Young: Sir! With respect, you can stick the money up your arse that's all I can offer you sir. - I love what I do, I also love these grubby, thickheaded men I trained - you most of all and I expect to be with them and with you because I'm needed. You want to see a REAL revolution? Try and stop me.

  • Keith: Who are you leaving your money to, Queenie?

    Medical Orderly Arthur Witty: Well, if it's any of your business, To the dearest, kindest proctologist in the whole wide world.

    Keith: What's that?

    Medical Orderly Arthur Witty: "Bum-doctor" to you, chubby cheeks.

  • Medical Orderly Arthur Witty: [defending a retreat against impossible odds] Get yer lovely arses out of here! I'm just holdin' the fort!

  • Lt. Pieter Coetze: [in advance of the mission, the officers are discussing the best way of overcoming some sentry posts] And ther's no cover from 100 yards? I'd use a crossbow.

    Lt. Shawn Fynn: Who do you think you are, William Tell?

  • Lt. Shawn Fynn: I may have a job for you.

    Lt. Pieter Coetze: Thanks, I went to prison once, I didn't like it.

  • Sir Edward Matherson: You drink whisky I take it, soda or water?

    Faulkner: Large and straight, thank you.

  • Faulkner: Is your wife at home?

    RSM Sandy Young: Yes sir, she'll be delighted to see you.

    Faulkner: I don't think so. I think we'd better talk out here!

  • Faulkner: Let's talk about your father.

  • Faulkner: Thirty men in the valley of the shadow, and he wants to take over an entire country!

  • RSM Sandy Young: Some of you know me already! Those of you who don't are in for a great, big fuckin' surprise! For those of you who do can expect an infinitely more horrible time than they can remember! Any man here who steps out of line and I will kill stone dead, it will not worry me in the slightest! There are no Queen's regulations here! When I say jump, you ask how high,Do I make myself clear? I want to hear it! Do I make myself clear? RIGHT! On the command Right and Left turn, A and B squads turn to the right, C and D squads turn to the left. SQUADS! Right and Left TURN! Right! Let's drive for our first heart attack shall we!

  • Lt. Shawn Fynn: That's the best news I've had since I threw up my breakfast.

  • Faulkner: [after the parachute drop] Shawn, how goes it?

    Lt. Shawn Fynn: [in some discomfort] Oh fine, fine thanks. I tell you, Jock, that's it. My heels are where my balls used to be.

  • Sgt. Jock McTaggart: I just like to fight, with weapons or without.

  • Lt. Shawn Fynn: [referring to the radio callsigns for his men and for their transport aircraft] Iron Man,Wild Goose! Sounds like a finger up a tin man's backside,doesn't it?

  • Capt. Rafer Janders: Father Geoghagen... my God... I thought you were dead... long ago

    Fr. Geoghagen, the Priest: Looking at you and your guns... I am

  • Faulkner: All right. You've got the job.

    Medical Orderly Arthur Witty: Do I have time to get a divorce?

    Faulkner: Thirty-six hours.

    Medical Orderly Arthur Witty: Oh, lovely, sir! I can't WAIT to see his face!

  • Lt. Shawn Fynn: [forcing a punk to eat heroin] I hope you have a big appetite, sonny, because it's all yours.

  • Lt. Pieter Coetze: We whites have carried you people on our backs ever since we came to this country.

    Julius Limbani: It's the other way around now, is it?

    Lt. Pieter Coetze: Is it? You need me to save your miserable black life now, don't you?

    Julius Limbani: I do. And then you may need me to save yours. We need each other, white man. And that's the way it should be. We've got the whole world using us now. Setting group against group, destroying Africa. Our new freedom is just a new label for their brand of slavery. And a final blood bath is coming. First between black and white, and then between black and black when you whites have left Africa for good.

    Lt. Pieter Coetze: Man, we've built your countries, and now you're kicking us out or almost all of them! You're living on foreign aid, robbing your own people blind, crying about outside oppression while you kill each other in great big bleeding batches. Once you have something better to offer, then you can come talk to us in the white south.

    Julius Limbani: We both have something better to offer. Listen to me, because the white south is next unless you learn.

    Lt. Pieter Coetze: Oh, bullshit! We whites were born here. We're just as African as you are. And don't make a mistake, we're going to stay.

    Julius Limbani: I'm glad to hear that. Then you better join us, and help us sort out our future.

    Lt. Pieter Coetze: Join you?

    Julius Limbani: We have to learn to care for each other, or there will be nothing left of our Africa but a burnt-out battlefield.

    Lt. Pieter Coetze: You have a point there. But do you have an answer?

    Julius Limbani: I have the will to look for one. We have to forgive you for the past, and you have to forgive us for the present. If we have no future together, white man, then we have no future. That's what I believe in, and that's what I'm willing to die for.

    Lt. Pieter Coetze: You're beginning to sound good to me. Maybe we need you. Maybe you're just the man.