[first lines]
Matthews: [sighting through his scope from a bush] Nothin'. Hit n' run. Whoever it was they're gone. War's over, he got the memo.
Matthews: Ize?
[bird squawking]
Matthews: Allen? Ize!
Isaac: [on his radio] What?
Matthews: We got no movement, not a sign of a shadow... How long we been here, man? 18, plus?
Isaac: 20.
Matthews: [sighs] Jesus. There's nobody fuckin' out there, man.
Isaac: Less he's a pro.
Matthews: A Haji?
Isaac: I'm just saying, maybe.
Juba: You Americans. You think you know it all. You think it's simple. That I am your enemy. But we are not so different, you and I.
Isaac: Yeah, 'cept I ain't a fuckin' terrorist.
Juba: And you think I am? You are the one who has come to another man's country. Camouflaged yourself in his land, in his soil. From where I'm sitting, *you* look very much like the terrorist.
Juba: Tear up the planks! Here, here! It is the beating of his hideous heart.
Isaac: What's that, one of your gay-ass Haji poems?
Juba: American. Tell Tale Heart.
Juba: Shakespeare? Is that the only poet you know? I studied English.
Isaac: Boy, you, uh... you minor in sniping or somethin'?
Isaac: From a place you will not see comes a sound you will not hear. Just a flash of fucking light. Boom.