Billie Holiday: [from trailer] Be careful with this feeling. This love right here, baby, it won't love you back. I promise.
Jimmy Fletcher: Despite all of the shit in her life, she's made something of herself and you can't take it because she's strong, beautiful and black.
Billie Holiday: You know, the people that are hardest on me are my own race. I need help; not jail time.
Billie Holiday: [Jimmy steps on Billie's skirt while they are waltzing] Jimmy! Prada! This dress is Prada!
Jimmy Fletcher: Baby, they didn't make Prada back then.
Billie Holiday: Fuck you, n*****!
Jimmy Fletcher: [Billie walks away] Billie!
Reginald Lord Devine: What is the government's problem with Billie Holiday? Why are they after you?
Billie Holiday: My song, Strange Fruit. It reminds them that they're killing us. Reminds them. It reminds you too, Reginald.
Reginald Lord Devine: Lady, don't say that. See, this is why she's always getting in trouble. I'll edit that part out.
Billie Holiday: You don't have to edit shit for Harry Anslinger. He was in charge of prohibition, remember? See us drinking, don't you? He can't afford to lose the drugs.
Reginald Lord Devine: But it's a war on drugs, not on you, lady.
Billie Holiday: Yeah, that's what they want you to believe. They say they want the names of my suppliers. They don't want no names. They want to destroy me. He wants me to stop singing what's in my soul.
Reginald Lord Devine: Then why don't you stop singing the damn song? Wouldn't your life be easier if you just behaved?
[last lines]
Billie Holiday: You think I'm going to stop singing that song. Your grandkids will be singing Strange Fruit. Y'all motherfuckers think you got something on me. You don't. You stupid bitches ain't got shit. Suck my black ass.
The United States vs. Billie Holiday Quotes
Extended Reading
The United States vs. Billie Holiday
Director: Lee Daniels
Language: English,Italian,German Release date: February 26, 2021