The Time of the Doctor Quotes

  • The Doctor: [after his regeneration, as the TARDIS loses control] Kidneys! I've got new kidneys! I don't like the color.

    Clara: Of your kidneys?

    [the TARDIS shakes]

    Clara: What's happening?

    The Doctor: We're probably crashing. Oh!

    Clara: Into what?

    The Doctor: Stay calm! Just one question: do you happen to know how to fly this thing?

  • Clara: Doctor!

    The Doctor: Hello.

    Clara: You're young again. You're okay... You didn't even change your face.

    The Doctor: Ha! It's started, I can't stop it now, this is just the reset, a whole new regeneration cycle, ooh. Taking a bit longer, just breaking it in. It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment; like breath on a mirror. Any moment now, he's a comin'.

    Clara: Who's comin'?

    The Doctor: The Doctor.

    Clara: You, you are The Doctor.

    The Doctor: Yup, and I always will be. But times change, and so must I... Amelia.

    Clara: Who is Amelia?

    The Doctor: The first face this face saw. We all change, when you think about it, we're all different people; all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you've gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear. I will always remember when The Doctor was me.

    Amy Pond: Raggedy Man... Goodnight.

    Clara: No, no...

    The Doctor: Hey...

    Clara: Please don't change...

  • Clara: You've been asking a question and it is time someone told you, you've been getting it wrong. His name, his name is The Doctor. All the name he needs. Everything you need to know about him and if you love him... and you should, help him. Help him.

  • Dalek 1: You will die in silence, Doctor. Or your associate will die.

    The Doctor: Fine. Go on. Kill her! Kill her! See if I care. But tell me, what are you going to do next?

    Dalek 1: See how the Time Lord betrays.

    Clara: You'll kill me anyway. What difference does it make? I'm not afraid. I'll leave that to you.

  • Clara: [reads from a cracker] And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now, the clock is striking Twelve's.

    The Doctor: I don't get it.

  • The Eleventh Doctor: Hello, the TARDIS.

    Clara: Emergency. You're my boyfriend.

    The Eleventh Doctor: Ding dong. Okay, brilliant! I may be a bit rusty in some areas but I will glance at a manual.

    Clara: No, no. You're not actually my boyfriend.

    The Eleventh Doctor: Oh. That was quick. It's a roller coaster, this phone call.

    Clara: But I need a boyfriend. Really quickly.

    The Eleventh Doctor: Well, I hope you're nicer to the next one.

    Clara: No! Shut up! Christmas dinner. Me. Cooking.

    The Eleventh Doctor: So?

    Clara: So I may have accidentally invented a boyfriend.

    The Eleventh Doctor: Yeah, I did that once and there's no easy way to get rid of an android.

  • The Eleventh Doctor: You can't keep using the TARDIS like this.

    Clara: Like what?

    The Eleventh Doctor: Missed birthdays. Restaurant bookings. And please, just learn how to use iPlayer.

  • Clara: How can a town be called Christmas?

    The Doctor: I don't know. How can an island be called Easter?

  • The Doctor: So, you lot. Quick word. Thank you. Spot of news. Christmas has a new sheriff. Hello, everyone. I'm the Doctor.

  • Tasha Lem: Attention. Attention all chapels and choirs of the Papal Mainframe. The siege of Trenzalore is now begun. There will now be an unscheduled faith change. From this moment on, I dedicate this church to one cause. Silence. The Doctor will not speak his name and war will not begin. Silence will fall.

  • The Doctor: You think I'm just going to fly away, abandon everyone?

    Clara: Of course not! But you've been protecting this town for over three hundred years. Do you not think it's anyone else's go yet?

    The Doctor: There is no one else to protect it.

    Clara: Then it's not going to be you forever. It's going to end the same way, no matter what you do.

    The Doctor: Every life I save is a victory. Every single one.

    Clara: What about your life? Just for once, after all of this time, have you not earned the right to think about that?

  • The Doctor: Everything ends, Clara. And sooner than you think.

  • The Doctor: [old and walking on a cane, climbs to the top of the clock tower] Sorry I'm a bit slow, may not be at my best right now...

    Daleks: You are dying, Doctor!

    The Doctor: Yes, I'm dying. You've been trying to kill me for centuries, and here I am - dying of old age. If you want something done, do it yourself...

    Daleks: You will die, and the Time Lords will never return!

    The Doctor: You still can't work up the courage to shoot me, can you?

    [jabs his cane in the air]

    The Doctor: You're still worried I've got something up my sleeve!

    [lowers his cane, sighs]

    The Doctor: Well, you knock yourselves out boys. I've got nothing this time...

    [the Daleks converge and open fire, destroying parts of Christmas town]

    Daleks: [Suddenly, a MASSIVE crack in space opens in the sky. As the Doctor looks at it, regeneration energy flows from the crack and into his mouth, his eyes widen and he looks down to see his hands glowing] You will die now, Doctor! This is the end of you! The rules of regeneration are known! You have expended all your lives!

    The Doctor: [energized] Sorry, what did you say? Did you mention "the rules"? Now listen, bit of advice - tell me the truth if you think you know it, lay down the law if you're feeling brave! But, Daleks - never, ever, tell me the rules!

    Daleks: [panicking] Emergency! Emergency! The Doctor is regenerating! The Doctor is regenerating!

    The Doctor: [dancing around excitedly] Oh, ho ho! Look at this - Regeneration Number Thirteen, we're breaking some serious science here, boys! I tell you what - it's gonna be a whopper! Ha ha!


    The Doctor: HA! You think you can stop me now, Daleks? IF YOU WANT MY LIFE


    The Doctor: - COME. AND. GET IT!

    [the Doctor thrusts his arms out, unleashing powerful streams of energy, shooting Daleks out of the sky]

    Clara: Get inside! Get inside! Quick! Quick!

    [hurries the townsfolk indoors]

    The Doctor: [laughs triumphantly] Love from Gallifrey, boys!

    [the Doctor leans forward, then tosses his head back, unleashing a mighty blast up at the Dalek ship. A powerful shockwave rips through the town, blowing the Daleks away]

    Daleks: Aaaahhhh!

  • [repeated line]

    Handles: You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit.

  • The Doctor: The trouble with Daleks is they take so long to say anything. Probably die of boredom before they shoot me.

  • Clara: You're naked!

    The Doctor: Yes, I am naked. I wondered if you'd notice.

    Clara: Doctor, why are you naked?

    The Doctor: Because I'm going to church!