The Thief of Bagdad: I am not a prince. I am less than the slave who serves you-a wretched outcast-a thief. What I wanted, I took. I wanted you-I tried to take you-But when I held you in my arms-the very world did change. The evil within me died. I can bear a thousand tortures, endure a thousand deaths-but not thy tears.
Guard: This Arab Prince is but a thief. Seek him out!
The Princess: Quick! Hide thyself. If thou art found with me, they will be merciless. I love you.
The Holy Man: O true believers, gathered in this sacred mosque, earn thy happiness in the name of the true God ---...
The Holy Man: Toil ---- for by toil the sweets of human life are found.
The Thief of Bagdad: Thou liest! What I want - I take. My reward is *here*. Paradise is a fool's dream and Allah is a myth.
The Thief's Evil Associate: Nizzy noodle! He's turned love-bird.
The Princess: He glowers. I like him not.
The Princess: He's fat and gross as if he fed on lard.
The Princess: Praise Allah! He touched not the rose-tree.
The Princess: Tis he would make me happy. Allah guide him to touch the rose.
The Thief's Evil Associate: We must make haste to steal her. The Mongol pig suspects us.
The Caliph: When the moon tips the cypress the betrothal will be consummate in feast. Come.
The Caliph: Thou dog! What torments can we devise for thee!
The Thief's Evil Associate: Turned lily-white he now goes mewling to the mosque. Bah!
The Holy Man: Allah hath made thy soul to yearn for happiness, but thou must earn it.
The Holy Man: On the bedrock of humility thou canst build any structure.
The Holy Man: Thou must be brave. Go now. Control thy destiny.
Hermit of the Defile: Knowest thou, rash youth devouring flames, foul monsters, shapes of death beset the path? A hundred years have I been here. Many have gone this way and none returned.
Persian Prince: My magic carpet brought us here. By the beard of the Prophet, it is rarest.
The Mongol Prince: We shall be wed at once. Prepare thyself. It is my command.
Mongol Prince's Counselor: You shall add joy to the wedding festival by being boiled in oil.
The Thief's Evil Associate: She is a rare jewel, my love-bird.
The Caliph: Thou dog! What torments can we devise for thee! -- Flog him! -- Fling him to the ape! Let him be torn to pieces.
The Thief of Bagdad: Open wide the gates of Bagdad!
The Thief of Bagdad Quotes
Extended Reading