The Sitter Quotes

  • Noah Griffith: My name's Noah Jaybird. Ca caaa! What's your name?

    Soul Baby: They call me Soul. Soul Baby.

    Noah Griffith: Soul Baby?

    Soul Baby: Yeah.

    Noah Griffith: Keep it in control baby. Tears, no fears man.

    Soul Baby: Is that right?

    Noah Griffith: Respect it, don't neglect it. Treat it, don't beat it.

    [walks away]

    Soul Baby: You're a badass motherfucker.

  • Noah Griffith: [to Rodrigo] I know you're a little kid, and I know I'm not supposed to say this kind of stuff to you, but fuck you. Fuck you so much. You're a douche.

  • Tina: But I got your back now Noah, because I found out you got some big ass balls, man!

    Noah Griffith: Can't buy underwear, balls don't fit.

  • Soul Baby: Make love to the night, motherfucker.