The Shadow Quotes

  • The Shadow: I saved your life, Roy Tam. It now belongs to me.

    Dr. Roy Tam: It does?

  • Margo Lane: Oh, God I dreamed.

    Lamont Cranston: So did I. What did you dream?

    Margo Lane: I was lying naked on a beach in the South Seas. The tide was coming up to my toes. The sun was beating down. My skin hot and cool at the same time. It was wonderful. What was yours?

    Lamont Cranston: I dreamed I tore all the skin off my face and was somebody else underneath.

    Margo Lane: You have problems.

    Lamont Cranston: I'm aware of that.

  • [repeated line]

    Moe Shrevnitz: Somebody's coming.

  • Shiwan Khan: Your mind is like an open book to me!

    Lamont Cranston: Then learn how to read!

  • Lamont Cranston: You are a barbarian.

    Shiwan Khan: Thank you.

  • Shiwan Khan: In three days, the entire world will hear my roar, and willingly fall subject to the lost empire of Shan Kahn. That is a lovely tie, by the way. May I ask where you acquire it?

    Lamont Cranston: Brooks Brothers.

    Shiwan Khan: Is that mid-town?

    Lamont Cranston: 45th and Madison. You are a barbarian.

    Shiwan Khan: Thank you. We both are.

  • Margo Lane: We need each other.

    Lamont Cranston: No we don't.

    Margo Lane: We have a connection.

    Lamont Cranston: No we don't.

    Margo Lane: Then how can you explain that I can read your thoughts?

    Lamont Cranston: My thoughts are hard to miss.

    Margo Lane: And why is that?

    Lamont Cranston: Psychically, I'm very well endowed.

    Margo Lane: I'll bet you are.

  • Dr. Roy Tam: I guess you would call it an implosive-explosive sub-molecular device.

    Lamont Cranston: Or an Atomic Bomb.

    Dr. Roy Tam: Hey, that's catchy.

  • Lamont Cranston: Am I in hell?

    Tulku: Not yet.

  • Tibetan Kidnapper: The clouded mind sees nothing.

  • Lamont Cranston: I'll see you later.

    Margo Lane: Hey, how'll you know where I am?

    Lamont Cranston: I'll know.

  • The Shadow: The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.

  • Farley Claymore: There's a new world order coming, Shadow, and I'm going to be a king! A KING!

  • The Shadow: I'll be there... around every corner... in every empty room... as inevitable as your guilty conscience...

  • Lamont Cranston: The sun is shining...

    Dr. Roy Tam: [finishing the code phrase of The Shadow] But the ice is slippery.

    Dr. Roy Tam: You're an agent of The Shadow!

    Lamont Cranston: [feigning ignorance] Who?

  • Moe Shrevnitz: [puts a ring from the Shadow on Tam's finger] Don't ever take it off.

    Dr. Roy Tam: [confused] Who *are* you?

    Moe Shrevnitz: [holds up his hand with an identical ring on it] Somebody who owes him their life... somebody just like *you*.

  • Lamont Cranston: Do you have *any* *idea* who you just kidnapped?

    Tulku: Cranston; Lamont Cranston.

    Lamont Cranston: You know my real name?

    Tulku: Yes. I also know that for as long as you can remember, you struggled against your own black heart and always lost. You watched your sprit, your very face change as the beast claws its way out from within you. You are in great pain, aren't you?

    [Cranston leaps at the Tulku, who magically vanishes and reappears]

    Tulku: You know what evil lurks in the hearts of men, for you have seen that evil in your own heart. Every man pays a price for redemption; this is yours.

    Lamont Cranston: I'm not lookin' for redemption!

    Tulku: You have no choice: you *will* be redeemed, because I will teach you to use your black shadow to fight evil.

  • Dr. Reinhardt Lane: Oh what the heck, it's always green.

    [starts to cut the red wire]

    Margo Lane: NO!

    [bomb deactivates, holds a green wire]

    Margo Lane: That is red! THIS is green!

  • Dr. Roy Tam: How did you know where to find me? How did you know who I am?

    The Shadow: [begins to laugh] The Shadow knows!

  • Margo Lane: [as Lamont walks away to become The Shadow] Wait! How will you know where I am?

    Lamont Cranston: [turns to answer] *I'll* know!

  • Lamont Cranston: [sees Barth reading a note] What's the matter? Cops and robbers business slowing down?

    Barth: Mm-mm. It's a report of that damn Shadow character again.

    Lamont Cranston: I thought you said he was only a rumor.

    Barth: I'm sick of this Shadow business. His meddling in police affairs. This time tomorrow, I'll put a task force on him.

    Lamont Cranston: [using mind control on Barth] You're not going to appoint a task force.

    Barth: No. The hell with it. I'm not going to appoint a task force.

    Lamont Cranston: You're not going to pay any attention to these reports of the Shadow.

    Barth: Ignore them entirely.

    Lamont Cranston: There is no Shadow.

    Barth: No, there is no Shadow. If there were, I'd be Eleanor Roosevelt.

  • Lamont Cranston: Where are you taking me?

    Tibetan Kidnapper: The Tulku wishes to see you at his temple.

    Lamont Cranston: A holy man wants to see me?

    [sees a small tent]

    Lamont Cranston: You call that a temple?

    Tibetan Kidnapper: No.

    [points past tent]

    Tibetan Kidnapper: There.

    Lamont Cranston: [after seeing a huge temple appear from behind some clouds] Where did that come from?

    Tibetan Kidnapper: The clouded mind sees nothing.

  • Lamont Cranston: [Shiwan Khan stabs the Phurba into the table between Lamont's fingers] Oh, that knife.

    Shiwan Khan: Recognize it? I took it from the Tulku. No. No, no. I correct myself. I took it out of the Tulku after I ran it through his heart. When will you learn to listen to your instincts.

    Lamont Cranston: Instincts? I'll show you my instincts.

    [takes the Phurba and attempts to use it to kill Khan but the Phurba prevents it]

    Shiwan Khan: Never did master the Phurba did you? Still expect it to respond to brute force.

  • Isaac Newboldt: Oh, my god. Temüjin. This is the silver coffin of Temüjin.

    Berger: Who's Temüjin?

    Isaac Newboldt: A man who very nearly conquered the globe eight centuries ago.

    Berger: Well, how come I never heard of him?

    Isaac Newboldt: Temüjin was the birth name... of Genghis Khan.