The Safety of Objects Quotes

  • Randy: When you start collecting things, you start thinking you care about stuff. And when they're gone; when they break or someone steals them, you feel like a part of you is gone, too. When you have things and suddenly you don't, it feels like you disappeared. Nothing should make you feel that way... Except when you lose a person

  • Esther Gold: If you are ever in a praying situation with Him: Be Specific! Include certain clauses. It's not enough to assume that if a person lives they'll be okay... Cause God has a wicked sense of humor. And even though he knows you mean more, he'll only give you exactly what you ask for.

  • Julie Gold: [about the car accident] I just want it out of my head!

  • Sam Jennings: [to Randy] You know, uhm... When my mom and dad were first getting divorced, I would always pretend not to hear my dad call up to me to say good-bye. 'Cause I always thought he'd stay longer. If... he couldn't actually say it to me, you know? Maybe it's like that for you. Bye.

  • Esther Gold: How did I get here? Somewhere along the way, things have gotten out of hand. I don't know how. I tried to do things right, but... maybe that's the problem. Maybe there is no right or wrong. We're ruled by chaos. That would make more sense. That there are no rewards, no punishments. Life isn't a series of results of things done right or wrong. It's all just random. Those are the rules. There are no rules.

  • Esther Gold: There's a certain security in feeling that the worst has happened.

The Safety of Objects

Director: Rose Troche

Language: English Release date: August 15, 2003