The River Wild Quotes

  • Roarke: I thought you were a nice guy.

    Wade: I am a nice guy. Just a different kind of nice guy.

  • Wade: I want to thank you, Tom. You saved my life.

    Tom: Uh - don't worry about it.

    Wade: You didn't have to hit me, though.

    Tom: ...Yes I did.

  • Gail: Are you makin' a pass at me?

    Tom: I don't know, is that what it's called this far outside of Boston?

    Gail: This far *inside* of marriage, you mean.

    Tom: I think we're sufficiently alienated for this to qualify as a pass.

  • Wade: I'm in charge now. I could bury you and Roarke tonight. I could do anything I want with you.

    Gail: Then go ahead. Don't keep telling me how tough you are, Wade, just show me.

  • Wade: We never had nicknames where I came from. Certainly not "White Water." White trash, maybe.

  • [last lines]

    Policeman: What happened?

    Roarke: My mom got us down the river.

    Policeman: How about your dad? What did he do?

    Roarke: My dad? He saved our lives.

  • [first lines]

    Gail: Roarke! Roarke! I've told you for the 157th time, turn that damn music off. I'm losing my hearing. Jeez. You gotta find your sneakers buddy. You owe me.

  • Gail: You're gonna scream your guts out, you'll be so happy.

  • Roarke: How come you're on his side?

    Gail: I'm not on anybody's side, I'm on everybody's side, I'm the mother.

  • Gail: You listen to me you little idiot. I'm not bullshitting you about the gauntlet. It's big. It's bigger than anything you've seen. And tomorrow, Wade, you're going to drown in it. And the rest of us are going to be hauled under with the raft. So I'm not going to pretend that I give a shit about you and your stupid friend and your pathetic small time nothing life! But I've got everything I care about in this world in this boat, and I've got my baby girl waiting at the other end, and I know I cannot do this. I cannot row this big water man, that's the truth. I cannot do it!

    Wade: You're an amazing woman.

The River Wild

Director: Curtis Hanson

Language: English,American Sign Language Release date: September 30, 1994