Frank Castle: Howard Saint. Howard Saint!
[Saint stops fleeing]
Frank Castle: You took everything from me.
Howard Saint: You killed my son.
John Saint: [from inside the club] NO...!
[muffled explosion]
Frank Castle: Both of them.
Howard Saint: [to the Toros] Fourteen shipments are perfect. One goes bad and I get this. Why? Because you want to scare me? There's no insurance in this business, you know that. So I'm not covering your fucking losses! And Mike, if you don't like it, just remember one thing: I've got more guns than you do.
[Saint turns away. Mike holds up the cigar he palmed]
Mike Toro: It's not even Cuban, Howard! It's Honduran!
[the Toros leave]
Quentin Glass: They're animals. With all due respect, we *don't* have more guns. It's my duty to inform you...
Howard Saint: It's your duty... to make Castle dead! I don't care what it takes, what it costs! Call the Russian.
Joan: What makes you any different from them?
The Punisher: They have something to lose.
The Punisher: I have work to do. Read your newspaper everyday and you'll understand.
Joan: Which section?
The Punisher: Obituaries.
Candelaria: Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God.
Frank Castle: God's gonna sit this one out.
Joan: I know what it's like. I know what it's like to make your memories go away. You can make new memories; good ones. Good memories can save your life.
The Punisher: I'm not what you're lookin' for.
[Frank approaches a mortally wounded Saint, and throws down pictures of Quentin with his boyfriend]
Frank Castle: I made you kill your best friend.
[after a pause, Frank throws down Livia's earring]
Frank Castle: I made you kill your wife.
Howard Saint: [moans] Oh, God...
Frank Castle: Now I've killed you.
Harry Heck: You are one dumb son of a bitch. Bringing a knife to a gunfight.
[last lines]
The Punisher: Those who do evil to others - the killers, the rapists, psychos, sadists - you will come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me... The Punisher.
The Punisher: I leave this as a declaration of intent, so no one will be confused. One: "Si vis pacem, para bellum." Latin. Boot Camp Sergeant made us recite it like a prayer. "Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war."
[cut to later, as Frank prepares his weapons for the final attack on Saint's gang]
The Punisher: Two: Frank Castle is dead. He died with his family. Three: in certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue... natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance. Punishment.
Bumpo: [after Frank has been in a fight] He needs a hospital.
Frank Castle: [bleeding] No hospitals, no doctors.
Spacker Dave: I know what he wants.
[runs and grabs a full bottle of ferocious liquor]
[as Joan stitches up Frank's wounds]
Spacker Dave: He looks so weak. Is he going to die?
[Joan inserts the stitching needle, and Frank reaches out and grabs Dave's arm, hard]
Spacker Dave: [as he kneels down on the floor in pain] Appearances aren't everything.
Sales Person: Need any help with some underpants, sir?
Quentin Glass: Go fuck yourself.
Livia Saint: [after Howard accuses her of cheating with Glass] Howard, Quentin was gay.
Howard Saint: You'd say anything.
[slapping her across the face]
Iraq Soldier: But these guys are terrorists!
Frank Castle: They think the same thing about us.
Spacker Dave: Leave him alone.
Quentin Glass: Then I'll ask you. Where's Castle?
Spacker Dave: He's not here.
Quentin Glass: Really? Are you sure?
Spacker Dave: [mutters] I ain't saying shit...
Quentin Glass: What did you say? Hmm? I'm having a difficult time hearing you.
Spacker Dave: I said, "I'm not saying shit."
Quentin Glass: Well, I don't want you to say "shit"; I want you to answer me...
Micky Duka: What's the torch for?
Frank Castle: 2000 degrees, Mick. Enough to turn steel into butter.
Frank Castle: It won't hurt at first. It's too hot, you see? The flame sears the nerve endings shut, killing them. You'll go into shock... and all you'll feel is... cold. Isn't science fun, Mickey?
Accountant #1: You know whose money this is? You know whose building this is?
The Punisher: Howard Saint's.
Accountant #2: He's gonna fuck your life up.
The Punisher: He already fucked my life up.
[the Punisher confronts Dante and Spoon at the bank]
The Punisher: Good business, murder? Does Saint pay you for each one, or does he get a group rate discount?
Micky Duka: [after realizing that the Punisher had faked Micky's torture] You are not a nice person.
Jimmy Weeks: [toasting Castle] To Frank Castle... the finest solider, the finest undercover cop, the finest man I've ever known. What am I gonna do without you?
Frank Castle: Get a girlfriend.
Quentin Glass: We're even bringing the Sicilians in for old-time's sake.
Spacker Dave: You are insignificant. You, are a coward. You, are a great disappointment to your mother and I!
[hitting buttons, then spins around on chair. Camera zooms out to reveal a videogame]
Spacker Dave: Yes, die die die! I am the most amazing person in the world!
Quentin Glass: You're not doing drugs, are you?
Spacker Dave: Not right now.
[first lines]
Bobby Saint: So I'm gonna get a three-to-one return on my money?
Micky Duka: Otto is the real deal. I met him at a hash bar in Amsterdam. He speaks Russian, German, Arabic...
Bumpo: [listening to screams from Frank's apartment] We should call the cops.
Spacker Dave: I think we should stay out of it. He's a very scary man.
Bumpo: He's killing someone in there and we're next!
Spacker Dave: Exactly.
[slams door]
Joan: [watching Frank work on his car] He hasn't slept all week.
Bumpo: How do you know?
Joan: 'Cause I haven't slept all week.
Frank Castle: It's been five months since my family was killed. I don't see ONE man in jail.
Police Chief Morris: Obviously you're upset...
Frank Castle: Upset? Is that the word? I used to get upset. When I got a flat tire, when a plane was delayed. I used to get *upset* when the Yankees won the series. So if that's what upset means, what am I feeling now? If you know the word, tell me because I don't.
Spacker Dave: Dude, it's kinda late.
Tattooed Mike: Yeah? What time is it in Hawaii?
Bumpo: You should leave right now!
Tattooed Mike: Shut your face you lard ass!
Maria Castle: [to Frank] You and I... we're not lucky. We are blessed.
[interrogating Dave, Glass notices his collection of piercings]
Quentin Glass: What is all that? Around your face? Your mouth?
Spacker Dave: [scared] Piercings...
Quentin Glass: Piercings... did it hurt to have it done? You like that... when it hurts a little bit?
[Glass picks up some pliers from Castle's tool cage and notices Dave's eyebrow ring]
Quentin Glass: Now that's a special one... that hard to get? That your favorite?
[Dave is now very scared]
Quentin Glass: [to Bumpo] Your friend is about to have a bad day. You can stop this by telling me the truth...
[Glass rips out the ring, Dave screams. Glass starts for another]
Spacker Dave: No, no...! AHHH...!
[cut to later, as Quentin and henchmen leave the apartment building]
Quentin Glass: If they knew, he would have talked. Guess they didn't know.
John Saint: [via cell phone] Pop, you're not going to believe this.
Howard Saint: Oh, I think I might.
[discovering Frank Castle's discarded gravestone on the golf course]
Micky Duka: If you're going to kill me, will you leave my face alone... for my mother?
Quentin Glass: We just made your bail. Now if I wanted to kill you, I would have left you in jail where we have friends, and in some way that I would describe as deeply pornographic, you would have been killed. But you're a small piece of shit... and I don't want the karma of your death on my soul.
Livia Saint: [to Micky Duka] Little prick!
Harry Heck: [singing] I can hear what you're thinking. All your doubts and fears. And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find the reason I'm here. And in time, all things shall pass away. In time, you may come back some day, to live once more or die once more. In time, your time will be no more.
Harry Heck: Like that song? I wrote that for you. I'm gonna sing it at your funeral.
Spacker Dave: No one's ever stood up for me before.
Spacker Dave: [to Castle after being tortured] They tried to make me talk... I gave 'em nothing...
Frank Castle: You don't know me. You don't owe me anything. I've brought you nothing but trouble. Why were you ready to die for me?
Spacker Dave: Because you're one of us... you're family.
Joan: I know it's not Thanksgiving, but I'd like for us to say what we're thankful for. I'll start, I'm thankful to be alive, to have a job, and to be sober.
Spacker Dave: Yeah, I'm thankful for my mom... getting out of jail, which is cool, and this girl who gave me her number, which is also cool.
Bumpo: Thanks for leftovers, full. Thanks for Diet Pepsi, and thanks for good neighbors.
[Awkward silence. Everyone looks at Frank, who has hurriedly cleaned his plate already]
Frank Castle: Thanks for dinner.
Frank Castle: [during the popsicle interrogation] You smell that, Mick? I'm burning off some of your fat.
John Saint: Where've you been? Where's Quentin?
Howard Saint: Oh, he's wrapped up in something.
John Saint: I called home, no one was there.
Howard Saint: Your mother's gone.
John Saint: What?
Howard Saint: She took the train.
Frank Castle: I'm not a betting man, Jimmy.
Jimmy Weeks: I'll tell you who did it.
Frank Castle: You did it.
Jimmy Weeks: Saint did it!
Frank Castle: No, you did it. You called the other day 'cause you're sick, you need my help. That's what friends are for, right? Well here I am, I'm here to help.
Jimmy Weeks: What are you gonna do?
Frank Castle: I'm not gonna do anything.
[tosses him a bullet]
Frank Castle: You are.
Jimmy Weeks: Frank, I will...
Frank Castle: Let's say goodbye like friends we were, huh? Not like animals.
[Frank finds John Saimt, wedged underneath a fallen desk, with only one arm free. John desperately tries to reach his gun, Frank slides it away]
Frank Castle: You look like a strong kid. You must work out. Ever try isometrics? This antipersonnel mine weighs eight pounds. Not much, but try holding it with an outstretched arm.
[He places the mine in John's hand, then ties its trigger to a rail overhead]
Frank Castle: Hell of a workout.
Livia Saint: Wait!
[lifts mourning veil away from her face]
Livia Saint: His family... his *whole* family.
Frank Castle: [to Joan] You were right. Good memories can save your life.
Bumpo: Mr. Castle... Frank?
Frank Castle: I'm fine.
[looks at the dead hit man by his feet]
Frank Castle: He's not.
[keels over]
Howard Saint: How is he still alive? I don't know, Quentin, I wasn't there. Why is he still alive? Now that's an interesting question. Maybe he's still alive because he was meant to suffer more, I don't know. But how can we make him suffer if we can't find him?
Quentin Glass: He's daring us.
Howard Saint: No, no. He misses his family and he wants to die. He's asking for help. So, let's help him.
Tattooed Mike: Come on, Joannie. Open up the goddamn door, you fucking bitch! I want to talk with you now Honey, you're hurting my feelings. Joannie, open up the goddamn door! You're hurting my feelings, you bitch!
The Punisher: [from trailer] They murdered my family. They thought they murdered me. My actions are not vengeance. No, not vengeance. Punishment.
The Punisher Quotes
Extended Reading