The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio Quotes

  • Evelyn Ryan: I don't need you to make me happy. I just need you to leave me alone when I am.

  • Evelyn Ryan: [singing] My frisk the Frigidaire, clean the cupboard bare sandwich.

  • Leo "Kelly" Ryan: You know what your problem is?

    Evelyn Ryan: No Dad, I don't.

    Leo "Kelly" Ryan: You're too damn happy.

    [Evelyn and the kids laugh]

  • Detective Feeney: If you were stranded on an island and could take only one beverage with you, which beverage would you take?

    Evelyn Ryan: Orange juice.

    Detective Feeney: Orange juice?

    Evelyn Ryan: Yes, orange juice... to prevent scurvy.


    Evelyn Ryan: But my beverage of choice is Dr. Pepper.

    Detective Feeney: [laughs]

  • Evelyn Ryan: Let's go to bed. I'm tired of this day. I need a new one.

  • Evelyn Ryan: Do you know that U.S. Army research has shown a relationship between intelligence and willingness to eat unfamiliar foods?

  • Evelyn Ryan: You know what the worst part of it is?

    Mrs. Bidlack: What?

    Evelyn Ryan: A quart of milk got sucked up inside my girdle.

  • Evelyn Ryan: He said that I beat 250,000 other entries. And do you know what else? It wasn't even my best one.

  • Evelyn Ryan: Everything is possible.

  • Leo "Kelly" Ryan: I wanted to make a nice dinner for the kids.

    Evelyn Ryan: Why didn't you feed them?

    Leo "Kelly" Ryan: I was crying and didn't want them to see me.

    Evelyn Ryan: Why on earth were you crying?

    Leo "Kelly" Ryan: I thought you decided to go away and never come back.

    Evelyn Ryan: [sighs] For goodness sakes. You know I'd never leave the kids with you.

  • Evelyn Ryan: Don't be silly. Spices don't have legs. There are no bugs in the soup.

  • Leo "Kelly" Ryan: This is my last dollar. What if we don't win?

    Evelyn Ryan: Well, that is a problem for another day.

  • Leo "Kelly" Ryan: Do you hate me, Mother?

    Evelyn Ryan: I'm still in shock right now. I'll have to let you know.

  • Evelyn Ryan: [to her daughter Tuff] You have a wonderful mind and a beautiful heart.