Jewel: Do you have any children?
Forrest Tucker: I hope not.
Forrest Tucker: Let's take this place. Say it was a bank and say that counter up there was really a tellers window and you just walk in, look calm and so you just walk up, look her in the eye and you say 'ma'am, this is a robbery' and you show her the gun, like this
[makes a gun with his hand]
Forrest Tucker: and you say 'I wouldn't want you to get hurt cause I like you, I like you a lot, so don't go breakin my heart now, ok'
Stephen Beckley Jr., Esquire: I remember I sat down with him once and I said, "Forrest, surely there's an easier way for somebody in your position to make a living." And he looked at me and he said, "Brother, I'm not talking about making a living. I'm just talking about... living."
Jewel: 'Cause you think about... ten years from now, where will you be, what'll you be doing? Now, whenever I close the door, I think: "Oh, is this the last time I'll ever have a chance to do whatever that thing was?"
Forrest Tucker: You know what I do when the door closes?
Jewel: What's that?
Forrest Tucker: I jump out the window.
Forrest Tucker: If I ever wonder what I'm doing or where I'm going, I just think to myself: "Is that little kid I was when I was just about this tall," I say, "well now, would he have been proud of me?" And if the answer is "no", well then I just keep walking on through. But if the answer is "yes", then I know I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.
Jewel: So is he proud of you? That little boy?
Forrest Tucker: Oh, he's getting closer every day.
Jewel: But you're never exactly where you're supposed to be, are you? I mean, 'cause if you are, you're dead. And little ten year-old you, he's... y'know, he might have hopes and dreams, but he doesn't understand time or the world like you do. So, I think you gotta keep on keeping on, just living your life, trying new things, just gotta keep on pushing.
John Hunt: I figured out who he is.
Maureen: And?
John Hunt: He's a guy... who is old... but used to be young... and he just really loves robbing banks.
Maureen: That's it?
John Hunt: That's it.
Maureen: Just like you're a guy... who's a cop... who's gonna catch him.
[first lines]
Dispatcher: [crackling over radio] All right, 1-10, this is Dispatch. Do you copy?
Officer: This is 1-10. Go ahead.
Dispatcher: What's your 20, 1-10?
[no reply]
Dispatcher: All right, 1-10, what's your 20?
Officer: We're right around the corner, Marianne. What do you need?
Dispatcher: We've got a 4-1-5 at 68th South Corbine Street.
[police radio chatter continues indistinctly]
Dispatcher: All units. There's a 211 in progress. American Bank. Suspect is driving a white sedan. I repeat. Suspect is armed and driving a white sedan.
The Old Man & the Gun Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: David Lowery
Language: English,Spanish Release date: October 19, 2018