Emerson Kent: Oh shit, your leg.
Katherine: Oh my God!
[as he carries her to a table]
Katherine: I can't even feel anything.
Emerson Kent: That's usually a bad sign.
Katherine: You always know what to say to a girl.
Max: [Meredith holding a gun on him] You're shaking now. You're getting angry. You're letting your emotions get the better of the situation. The adrenalin, it's really kickin' in. What I know? The reason that I'm not shaking is because this is a choice not dictated by emotion. This is logic - pure, simple. My boy over there is rated fourth in the world in the Glock 30. You now what that means? What's it mean...
Derne: It means I could shoot you from Texas.
Max: Now that's of course exaggeration. But the point still stands, he knows what he's doing. He's a professional. And you're... you. You've already dropped the gun, because this is a choice within a very strict set of parameters. Right now you're in control. What you don't want to do is put him in control. Don't give him the choice. That way is death. That way
[slowly taking the gun from her]
Max: is the unconditional end of future choice.
Max: [she whimpering] That's it. Good girl. Oh, I know, I know. It's always a tough lesson to learn. To realize that you don't have the stomach to do what's needed.
Grey: I'll get you a prescription for Ativan, it'll stop your conscience bothering ya.
Katherine: What would happen if I'm not here Monday?
Emerson Kent: Because there'd been a terrible train accident?
Katherine: No, the train's here, I'm just not on it.
Emerson Kent: I would have to make a phone call.
Katherine: You would have to make a phone call?
Emerson Kent: I would make a phone call.
Katherine: Company man.
The Numbers Station Quotes
Aurore 2022-03-31 09:01:10
I don't know if it's a 13-year-old film, but I still think it's pretty good. There's a nineties vibe to it. The deciphered part is too bloody, and the rest is a story of the past, not salty or bland. I began to think about the killer of my career. I found that participating in social networking filled the gap in my heart, and then I struggled and decided to protect the password person~ From this level of psychology Parts are still good.
Frieda 2022-04-02 09:01:16
It's this woman again. . . boring.