The Nightingale Quotes

  • Clare: Get me to the soldiers that came by this morning.

  • Hawkins: That's just the way, isn't it? You don't want trouble but sometimes trouble wants you.

  • Clare: Welcome to the world - full of misery from top to bottom.

  • Clare: The little bird thought she was going to die out there in the forest. All alone. She called out in her sweet, baby voice, to see if her ma would hear her. Her voice was so pure, it carried for miles through the trees. And suddenly, out of nowhere, her ma came flying down and scooped her up in her breast. And the little baby bird chirped with delight. She held on tight to the trees till they came to a beautiful place. Where she and her ma and pa could live happily together. The sun shone brightly, the air was clear, and she was home. She was free.

  • [last lines]

    Billy: I'm still here you white bastards! I'm not going anywhere! I'm home!

  • Clare: You can tell me to shut up. You can threaten me. But it won't do nothing. That girl you raped, whose husband and baby you murdered - that girl died. And you can't kill what's already dead.

    Hawkins: This woman's a lying thief. She's just upset because I caught her trying to steal my horse. I'll have you arrested, you drunken whore.

    Clare: I'm not your whore. I'm not your nightingale, your little bird, your dove. I'm not your anything. I belong to me and no one else!

  • Billy: We don't fix them. We kill them.

  • Hawkins: "It's the law" , cried the thief.

  • Billy: You England.

    Clare: I'm not England. I'm Ireland.

    Billy: You bloody England!

    Clare: I'm Ireland!

    Clare: [speaks in Gaelic] Damn all the English to hell! Every one of their sons! May the pox disfigure them! May the plague consume them! Long live Ireland!

    Billy: You Ireland.

    Clare: Yes, I'm Ireland, you fool. I fecking hate the English! I'm Ireland.

    Billy: Bloody white people...

  • Aidan: Let her go.

    Hawkins: Beg yours?

    Aidan: I asked you nice this morning. And now I'm telling ya. Let her go.

    Ruse: Hey hey, hey, watch your mouth.

    Hawkins: No it's alright. Let him speak.

    Aidan: She's been asking for three months. Every week you say you're going to send the letter. And every week you don't. Why won't you let her go?

    Clare: Please, Aidan...

    Aidan: She's paid her dues. And so have I.

    Hawkins: Is that right?

    Aidan: She's my wife.

    Hawkins: And she's my property. So I'll do what I want with her.

    Clare: [to Aidan] Please, love. Let's go.

  • Jago: [terrified] I surrender!

    Clare: You surrender?

    Clare: [she shoots him] YOU SURRENDER?

The Nightingale

Director: Jennifer Kent

Language: English,Irish Gaelic,Aboriginal Release date: August 29, 2019