The Master Quotes

  • Lancaster Dodd: If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first person in the history of the world.

  • Receptionist: You look like you've traveled here.

    Freddie Quell: How else do you get someplace?

  • Freddie Quell: I believe, in your profession, it's called... 'Nostalgia'.

  • Freddie Quell: What do you do?

    Lancaster Dodd: I am a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist and a theoretical philosopher. But above all, I am a man, a hopelessly inquisitive man, just like you.

  • Peggy Dodd: This is pointless. He isn't interested in getting better.

  • [last lines]

    Freddie Quell: [to Win] You're the bravest girl I've ever met. Now stick it back in, it fell out.

  • Freddie Quell: Maybe we think the same things at the same time.

  • Lancaster Dodd: You're acting aggressive because you drink too much alcohol.

    Freddie Quell: No, I don't think so.

  • Lancaster Dodd: My daughter's getting married, come join us! Leave your worries for awhile, they will still be there when you get back, and your memories aren't invited.

  • Clark: I don't think Freddie is as committed to the cause as the cause is committed to him.

  • Freddie Quell: Well, I'm sorry if I got out of hand last night. It was cold and...

    Lancaster Dodd: Don't apologize. You're a scoundrel

    Freddie Quell: [laughs]

    Lancaster Dodd: And as a scientist and a connoisseur, I have no idea the contents of this remarkable potion. What's in it?

    Freddie Quell: Secrets.

  • Freddie Quell: I don't know what I told you but if you have work for me to do I can do it.

    Lancaster Dodd: You seem so familiar to me.

    Freddie Quell: Yeah. What do you do?

    Lancaster Dodd: I do many, many things. I am a writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist, a theoretical philosopher, but, above all, I am a man. A hopelessly inquisitive man, just like you.

  • Freddie Quell: Do you know how to get rid of crabs?

    Seaman: No.

    Freddie Quell: You got to shave one testicle, then all the crabs go over to the other testicle. You got to light the hair on fire on that one, and when they all go scurrying out, you take an icepick and you fucking stab every single last one of them.

  • Lancaster Dodd: Your fear of capture and imprisonment is from millions of years ago. You are not there. You are asleep.

  • Val Dodd: He's making all of this up as he goes along. You don't see that?

  • Peggy Dodd: This is something you do for a billion years or not at all. This isn't fashion.

  • Lancaster Dodd: Man is not an animal. We are not a part of the animal kingdom. We sit far above that crown, perched as spirits, not beasts. I have unlocked and discovered a secret to living in these bodies that we hold.

  • Lancaster Dodd: Marriage, previous to The Cause, was *awful*. Awful. There's a cycle, like life. Birth, excitement, growth, decay. Death. Now... now. How about this? Here comes, a large dragon. Teeth! Blood dripping! Red eyes! What do I got? A lasso. And I whip it up, I wrap it around its neck, and I wrestle! Wrestle! Wrestle him to the ground. I snap up, I say "Sit, dragon!" Dragon sits. I say "Stay!", dragon stays. Now it's got a leash on. Take it for a walk. And that's what-where we're at with it now. It stays on command. Next we're gonna teach it to roll over and play dead.

  • Lancaster Dodd: What a day. We fought against the day and we won. We won.

  • John More: I belong to no club, and if you're unwilling to allow any discussion...

    Lancaster Dodd: No, this isn't a discussion, it's a grilling! There's nothing I can do for you, if your mind has been made up. You seem to know the answers to your questions, why do you ask?

    John More: I'm sorry you're unwilling to defend your beliefs in any kind of rational...

    Lancaster Dodd: If, if you already know the answers to your questions, then why ask PIG FUCK? We are not helpless. And we are on a journey that risks the dark. If you don't mind, a good night to you.

  • Peggy Dodd: And this is where we are at. At the lowest level. To have to explain ourselves, for what? For what we do, we have to grovel? The only way to defend ourselves is to attack. If we don't do that we will lose every battle that we are engaged in. We will *never* dominate our environment the way we should unless we attack! And the city, city's just noise. I know the city. I know its rotten secrets, its filthy lies and secrets. They... invited us here and welcomed us. Only to throw us down. And kick us out. It's a grim joke.

  • Lancaster Dodd: [Lancaster and Freddie have been imprisoned in two separate cells, sharing a wall] Your fear of capture and imprisonment is an implant from millions of years ago. This battle has been with you from before you know. This is not you.

    Freddie Quell: SHUT THE FUCK UP!

    Lancaster Dodd: It's not you.

    Freddie Quell: SHUT. THE FUCK. UP!

    Lancaster Dodd: It's not you. You are asleep. Your spirit was free. Moving from body, to the next body. Free. Free for a moment. Then it was captured by an invader force, bent on turning you to the darkest way, you've been implanted with a push-pull mechanism that keeps you fearful of authority and destructive. We are in the middle of a battle that's a trillion years in the making and it's bigger than the both of us!

    Freddie Quell: You're making this shit up! You make this shit up! You don't know what you're talking about!

  • Lancaster Dodd: Why aren't you with her?

    Freddie Quell: I'm an idiot.

    Lancaster Dodd: Why aren't you with the lovely girl?

    Freddie Quell: I got no reason. I'm a fool.

    Lancaster Dodd: Do you love Doris?

    Freddie Quell: Yes.

    Lancaster Dodd: Is she the love of your life?

    Freddie Quell: Yes, sir.

    Lancaster Dodd: Then why aren't you with her?

    Freddie Quell: I don't know.

    Lancaster Dodd: Yes you do. Tell me why you are not with her if you love her so much.

    Freddie Quell: I told her I'd come back and I never went back and now I just... I gotta get back to her.

    Lancaster Dodd: Why don't you go back?

    Freddie Quell: I don't know.

    Lancaster Dodd: Close your eyes. Starting now, you are not to blink. If you blink we go back to the start.

  • Lancaster Dodd: Free winds and no tyranny for you, Freddie, sailor of the seas. You pay no rent, free to go where you please. Then go, go to that landless latitude and good luck. If you figure a way to live without serving a master, any master, then let the rest of us know, will you? For you'd be the first in the history of the world.

  • Lancaster Dodd: If you leave me now, in the next life you will be my sworn enemy. And I will show you no mercy.

  • Lancaster Dodd: What a horrible young man you are. This is acting like an animal. A dirty animal that eats it's own faeces when hungry.

  • Peggy Dodd: This exercise will help you with your concentration. What color are my eyes?

    Freddie Quell: Green.

    Peggy Dodd: Turn them blue. Turn them black. What color are my eyes?

    Freddie Quell: Black.

    Peggy Dodd: Very good.

  • John More: Some of this sounds quite like Hypnosis. Is it not?

    Lancaster Dodd: This is a process of dehypnotization, if you will. Man is asleep; this process wakes him from his slumber

    John More: I still find it difficult to see the proof with regards to past lives that your movement claims.

    Lancaster Dodd: Would you care to submit yourself to processing? You'd look through the telescope, as my friend said.

    John More: Perhaps another time. You've also said that these methods, cause methods can cure leukemia. According to your book...

    Lancaster Dodd: Some forms of Leukemia. In being able to access past lives we are able to treat illnesses that may have started back thousands even trillions of years

    John More: Trillions?

    Lancaster Dodd: With a tee, sir.

    John More: [chuckles] Earth is not understood to be more than a few billion years old.

    Lancaster Dodd: Well even the smartest of our current scientists can be fooled, yes?

    John More: You can understand skepticism, Can you not?

    Lancaster Dodd: Yes, Oh yes yes. For without it we'd be positives and no negatives. Therefore zero charge, we must have it.

    John More: Good science by definition allows for more than one opinion, doesn't it?

    Lancaster Dodd: Which is why our gathering of data is so far-reaching.

    John More: Otherwise you merely have the will of one man. Which is the basis of cult. Is it not?

    Lancaster Dodd: Tis, tis. And thankfully we are, all of us, working at breakneck speeds, in the unison towards capturing the mind's fatal flaws and correcting it back to its inherent state of perfect. While righting civilization and eliminating war and poverty and therefore the atomic threat.

  • Peggy Dodd: This is difficult for you, listen.

    [reading Victorian pornography]

    Peggy Dodd: It's really a damn shame to tease you so, my little whore, he laughed. So I will get the dildo out of my cabinet in the next room. He was scarcely gone many seconds before he returned and I felt his fingers opening the lips of my cunt. Oh oh ah who is that? I screamed for my...

    Freddie Quell: I don't want to hear any of this.

    Peggy Dodd: Just listen, no reaction.


    Peggy Dodd: Kiss her, put your tongue in her mouth, my boy. Fuck, fuck, fuck away.

  • Lancaster Dodd: I recalled you and I working together in Paris. We were members of the pigeon post during a four-and-a-half month siege of the city by Prussian forces. We worked in raid balloons, delivered mail and secret messages across the communications blockade set up by the Prussians. We sent 65 unguided mail balloons and only two went missing. In the worst winter on record. Two.

  • V.A. Doctor: According to the history here, I notice that you say you saw a vision of your mother, tell me about that, tell me what happened.

    Freddie Quell: [speaking over him] No it wasn't a vision, it was a dream.

    V.A. Doctor: Well tell me about the dream.

    Freddie Quell: Why?

    V.A. Doctor: I need to know.

    Freddie Quell: Why you need to know?

    V.A. Doctor: This will help in your treatment.

    Freddie Quell: You can't help in my treatment, you don't even know... Well, it was my mother and my father and me and... back home. And... we're sitting around a table... and drinks... laughing. And it just sort of ended there. Thanks for the help.

  • Lancaster Dodd: When we're in love we experience pleasure, and extreme pain.

  • Freddie Quell: Jim Day, Jim Day, that Jim Day?

    Mrs. Solstad: Yes. Jim Day from Somerville.

    Freddie Quell: Well, when'd that happen?

    Mrs. Solstad: They've been married for three years.

    Freddie Quell: Is he still ugly?

  • Lancaster Dodd: Are you unpredictable?

    [Freddie farts and starts laughing]

    Lancaster Dodd: Silly. Silly animal.

    Freddie Quell: I couldn't help it. I'm sorry.

    Lancaster Dodd: It's good to laugh during processing. Sometimes we forget. Even if it is at the sound of an animal.

  • Lancaster Dodd: You shouldn't work in your condition.

    Freddie Quell: No, I can work.

    Lancaster Dodd: You're aberrated.

    Freddie Quell: No I'm not!

    Lancaster Dodd: You know what that means?

    Freddie Quell: ...No.

  • Clark: [talking to Freddy about Doris during a test] She got rid of you, right? She saw you for what you are. Selfish. And alone. You should go into the hospital with your mother. 'Cause that's where you belong. 'Cause you're sick. And you're tired. And you need to be alone, away from people.

  • V.A. representative addressing returning veterans: You men are blessed with the rejuvenating powers of youth. The responsibilities of peacetime must now be considered. You can start a business: filling station, grocery or hardware store. Get a few acres of land and raise some chickens... go back to school.

    V.A. representative addressing returning veterans: [continues] Undoubtedly, there will be people on the outside who will not understand the condition you men have, or will think it a rather shameful condition. If the average civilian had been through the same stresses that you have been through, undoubtedly they too would have developed the same nervous conditions.

  • Rorschach Doctor: Freddie, I'm going to show you a series of pictures. I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind. There's no right or wrong answers.

    Rorschach Doctor: [Holds up a typical ink-blot Rorschach picture] Tell me what you see.

    Freddie Quell: Well, that's a pussy, a lady's pussy.

    Rorschach Doctor: [holds up another picture] What about this one?

    Freddie Quell: Looks like cock going inside of a pussy.

    Rorschach Doctor: All right, let's try it again.

    Rorschach Doctor: [holds up another picture] Tell me what you see, Freddie.

    Freddie Quell: That looks like... That's just like a cock, actually, upside down.

    Rorschach Doctor: Thank you.

  • Peggy Dodd: You can do whatever you want, as long as I don't find out.

    Peggy Dodd: And as long as no one that I know knows about it. Other than that, stop with this idea. Put it back in its pants.

    [Peggy grabs Lancaster's dick and starts to give him a handjob]

    Peggy Dodd: It didn't work for them, and it's not going to work for you.

    Peggy Dodd: We have enough problems as it is, OK?

    Peggy Dodd: Can you cum for me?

    Lancaster Dodd: Oh, yes.

    Peggy Dodd: Cum for me.

    Lancaster Dodd: Oh, yes!

    Peggy Dodd: Best behavior out!

    Peggy Dodd: Cum for me?

    Lancaster Dodd: Yes.

    Peggy Dodd: And no more of that boy's hooch.

    Lancaster Dodd: No more hooch.

    Peggy Dodd: Say it again!

    Lancaster Dodd: No more hooch!

    Peggy Dodd: Cum for me baby!

    Lancaster Dodd: [Lancaster cums on Peggy's face] Yes! Oh! Jesus fucking Christ!

  • Lancaster Dodd: If we meet again in the next life, I will be your sworn enemy and I will show you no mercy.

Extended Reading
  • Winifred 2022-04-23 07:01:55

    Still think "Boogie Nights" is PTA's best work. PTA's later work feels like he has been wasting his talent for visual storytelling. His perspective is sharp and unique, but his final work is often the result of overinterpretation. For real subjects, meaning is precisely the least important.

  • Russell 2022-04-22 07:01:19

    PTA is both elusive and cult-like magic

The Master

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson

Language: English,Filipino Release date: September 21, 2012