The Mask of Fu Manchu Quotes

  • Nayland Smith: Will we ever understand these Eastern races?

  • Sir Lionel Barton: You're Fu Manchu, aren't you?

    Fu Manchu: I am a doctor of philosophy from Edinburgh, I am a doctor of law from Christ College, I am a doctor of medicine from Harvard. My friends, out of courtesy, call me doctor.

    Sir Lionel Barton: Oh, I beg your pardon. Well, three times doctor, what do you want of me.

    Fu Manchu: I have sent for you to make your fortune. What good are these relics of a dead warrior to you?

    Sir Lionel Barton: Oh, our English people like to look at them on holidays.

    Fu Manchu: Are they worth a million pounds to you?

    Sir Lionel Barton: My dear fellow, I can't sell what I haven't got.

    Fu Manchu: But you will tell me where they are for money, I mean?

    Sir Lionel Barton: Not for anything in the world.

  • Nayland Smith: What do you expect to find in that tomb?

    Sir Lionel Barton: A record, the golden plate, the threat of Genghis Khan's return, the golden mask he wore, and the famous golden scimitar.

    Nayland Smith: Exactly, of course in your hands these things would be merely interesting archaeological specimens to go into British Museum, but should Fu Manchu put that mask across his wicked eyes and take that scimitar into his bony, cruel hands, all Asia rises. He'll declare himself Genghis Khan come to life again. And that, my friend, is what you have got to prevent. You must find that grave, and you must be the first to find it. And you must bring those pretty things back to England.

  • Fu Manchu: I have brought you here for great tidings. I am the most unfortunate of men. I have no son to follow me. Therefore, in shame, I ask you to receive a message from my ugly and insignificant daughter. Speak, my daughter.

    Fah Lo See: I have seen a vision, the prophecy is about to be fulfilled. Genghis Khan, masked in his plate of gold, bearing the scimitar that none but he could ever wield, comes back to us. I've seen a vision of countless hordes swarming to recapture the world. I've seen them victorious. I've heard the shouts of the dead and the dying drowned by the victorious cries of our people. Genghis Khan comes back! Genghis Khan leads the East against the world!

  • Nayland Smith: [pointing to a snake] Is this a friend of your family's?

    Fu Manchu: It is not wise to insult your host, Sir Nayland. If it were not the easy way out, I would kill you now.

  • Fu Manchu: The slightest move will send a bullet crashing through your stiff British spine.

    Nayland Smith: Are you in the habit of shooting your enemies in the back?

    Fu Manchu: Put your gun away. You may turn around. Ah, now that's better. Now we can talk like gentleman.

  • Fah Lo See: [referring to Terrence Granville] He is not entirely unhandsome, is he, my father?

    Fu Manchu: For a white man, no.

  • Fah Lo See: The whips!

    [black slaves start whipping Terrence, Fat Lo See becomes aroused]

    Fah Lo See: Ay! Faster! Faster! Faster, faster! Faster, faster!

  • Sheila: [after Fu Manchu has reveald his murderous plans for her and Dr. Von berg] You yellow beast!

  • Fu Manchu: [Pointing to blonde female captive] Would you have maidens like this for your wives?

    Horde of Asians: Yeah!

    [Roars in approval, some waving swords]

    Fu Manchu: Then conquer and breed! Kill the white man and take his women!

  • Fu Manchu: [to Sir Lionel Barton, describing the "Bell Torture" Barton will suffer until he reveals the location of the tomb of Genghis Khan, as Fu Manchu's minions are securing Barton to a slab beneath a giant bell] You've read about this, Barton: the torture of the bell: it never stops. Minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day. Seems harmless, doesn't it? Just a bell ringing. But the percussion and the repercussion of sound against your eardrums will soften and destroy them until the sound is magnified a thousand times.

    [Barton is now secured hand and foot beneath the giant bell]

    Fu Manchu: You can't move. You can't sleep. You will be frantic with thirst. You will be unspeakably foul. But here you will lie, day after day, until you tell.

  • Fu Manchu: [Fu Manchu temporarily stops the "bell torture bell" from ringing, lifts up Sir Lionel Barton's head and gives him a glass of water] And now for a nice, long drink.

    Fu Manchu: [Sir Lionel Barton begins to drink from the glass, splutters and lays his head back down; moaning] Ha ha ha ha ha... Oh, I forgot to tell you... it was salted!

  • Fu Manchu: [to horde of Asians] Men of Asia! The skies are red with the thunderbolts of Genghis Khan! They rain down on the white race... and burn them!

  • Fu Manchu: [directing his minions to take Nayland Smith into captivity] See that he is quite comfortable... for the present.

  • Fu Manchu: [speaking to Sheila Barton and Dr. von Berg:] Silence! It is my pleasure to show you how I entertain my guests.

    [to Sheila]

    Fu Manchu: You, Miss Barton, will be taken to the Room of the Golden Peacock, where you will be prepared as a sacrifice to our gods!

    [to Dr. von Berg, describing the torture of impalement]

    Fu Manchu: And you? You, my dear doctor, will follow my slaves to the Room of the Slim Silver Fingers, where I am sure you will be more than comfortable!

    [to both]

    Fu Manchu: And at sunrise tomorrow, as my chieftains are assembled in the temple below, you two, and your compatriot, Sir Nayland Smith, will have the pleasure of entering your Christian heaven together! It will be your honor to be the first white martyrs to perish at the hands of the new Genghis Kahn! I congratulate you!

  • Fu Manchu: [telling Terence Granville, who is strapped to an operating table, what Fu Manchu is about to inject him with] This serum, distilled from dragon's blood, my own blood, the organs of different reptiles, and mixed with the magic brew of the sacred seven herbs, will temporarily change you into the living instrument of my will. You will do as I command!

  • Nayland Smith: I want to ask you a very funny question. Do you love your country?

    Sir Lionel Barton: Oh, yes! All through the War and the Depression and the high taxes and the low rent. I shall never love another.

  • Nayland Smith: Lionel, the British Government is asking you to risk your life again.

    Sir Lionel Barton: Oh, very well.

    Nayland Smith: All right, then.

  • Sir Lionel Barton: I want you to understand the truth. From the moment we start, we're in grave danger. There's a fanatic in the East: Dr. Fu Manchu. And we have to beat him.

    Von Berg: A Chinaman beat me? He couldn't do it!

    Sir Lionel Barton: Thanks, old friend.

  • Nayland Smith: McLeod and Von Berg have agreed to carry on with the expedition. To face the job of getting to the tomb before Fu Manchu.

    Sheila: I'm going with Dr. Von Berg.

    Nayland Smith: Sheila, that's no place for a woman.

  • Fah Lo See: Did you send for me, my father?

    Fu Manchu: My daughter. Explain to this gentleman the rewards that might be his. Point out to him the delights of our lovely country, the promise of our beautiful women. Even my daughter! Even that, for you!

    Sir Lionel Barton: Fu Manchu, I'm not for sale!

  • Von Berg: [digging in the earth] Much more of this and I won't have no hands left.

    Terrence Granville: Why, we haven't even started doctor. Just wait until we get in the tomb and start to dig out the jolly old skeleton himself.

    McLeod: We be lucky at that, Von Berg. We haven't been bothered by any curious Chinaman.

    Terrence Granville: Quite right, Mac.

  • Terrence Granville: Nayland, we're done in. We're exhausted. We can't go tonight. Why, think of Sheila.

    Nayland Smith: She's the one I am thinking of. You suppose for a moment Fu Manchu doesn't know we have a beautiful white girl here with us? He wants the sword and mask. Suppose he takes them? Suppose he takes Sheila also?

    Terrence Granville: I hadn't thought of that.

    Nayland Smith: We're in the enemies country now and a wise enemy.

  • Terrence Granville: Do you really think he knows about Sheila?

    Nayland Smith: He knows everything. He knows every move me make. His spies are all around us. I can't even trust our own coolies.

  • Fu Manchu: You can't fool Fu Manchu!

    Terrence Granville: That's the sword we found in the tomb.

    Fu Manchu: Lies! You cursed son of a white dog! I'll flail you for this.

  • Nayland Smith: As I remember, that's the Sing Song shop at a place known as the House of Ten Thousand Joys.

    Von Berg: You are going there?

    Nayland Smith: Yes. I'm sure that it leads to Fu Manchu.

  • Nayland Smith: What I really want is a little comfort. A little rest. Pleasant dreams, perhaps.

    Goy Lo Sung - Fu Manchu Messenger: A-no. No can do. Not for - white man.

    [Nayland gives him money]

    Goy Lo Sung - Fu Manchu Messenger: Ah, understand.

  • Nayland Smith: You know what I want. I want Terry Granville and I want him alive.

    Fu Manchu: Really?

    Nayland Smith: Where is he?

    Fu Manchu: At the moment, he's being entertained by my beautiful daughter.

  • Nayland Smith: I see. Another of your Oriental tricks. In the name of the British Government, I demand the release of his boy.

    Fu Manchu: [disparagingly] British Government. I'll wipe them and the whole accursed white race off the face of the earth!

  • Fu Manchu: Why, my dear Sir Nayland Smith, I will show the sword myself - just before I dispatch you to your cold, sacred, Christian paradise!

  • Sheila: You hideous yellow monster! You've got your cursed sword and mask. What more can you want of us? Do you want to destroy us all?

    Fu Manchu: Yes. This is only the beginning. I will wipe out your whole accursed white race!

  • Sheila: Terrence?

    Fu Manchu: It seems my daughter has conceived a romantic interest in this young man. She's having him taken to the laboratory to await further injections of that interesting serum - which, as you may have noticed, will make him her more than willing slave. Until, of course, she tires of him.