The Map of Tiny Perfect Things Quotes

  • Mark: Hi, uh... I'm Mark. I, uh, just had a quick question.

    Margaret: OK.

    Mark: I was wondering... This is going to sound really strange, really bizarre, but are you experiencing any kind of temporal anomaly in your life?


    Mark: By temporal anomaly I mean...

    Margaret: I know what a temporal anomaly is.

    Mark: OK, great. So what specifically I was wondering is...

    Margaret: ...the thing where the same day keeps happening?


    Mark: Woah!

  • Mark: It's great, being the only one who knows what's going to come next, but it's also... weird. Like everything that's happened has happened, like, a thousand times. Everyone is, like, sleepwalking. They think this is all there is.

    Margaret: Yeah. Like everyone else is dreaming, and you're the only one who's awake.

    Mark: Exactly.

  • Mark: Most of life is just junk. It's filler. And then, there's these moments when all the randomness turns into something perfect. It's like life dropping all the b---s--- just for a second to show us how amazing it could be all the time if it wanted to.

  • Mark: Do you ever think about it? We must miss so many of them. All those tiny perfect things, just

    [clicks fingers]

    Mark: poof, gone! Lost forever. But not today.

    Margaret: That is a disturbingly inspirational idea, Mark. But, I have to go.

  • Mark: Wait. What if we found them all?

    Margaret: What do you mean?

    Mark: All the perfect things in this one town in this one day. We could collect them.

    Margaret: Like Pokemon?

    Mark: Kinda. I like Pokemon.

  • Margaret: Mark, look at yourself. You're a nerd who sucks at math. Where does that leave you?... So, the first thing you need to know about math is that it's always perfect.

  • Mark: I thought everything was perfect, but there was more to the story than that. I thought it was a love story, and I was the hero. But it wasn't about me. It wasn't my story at all. It's Margaret's.

  • Margaret: We're the ones sleeping. Everyone else is awake, and it's just us dreaming. I know it's going to hurt really bad. But I think that I have to wake up now.

  • Margaret: Are you okay?

    Greta: It's a relative term.

    Margaret: I thought we'd have so much more time.

    Greta: I know. But you will be all right.

    Margaret: I don't know. I don't know if I can do this.

    Greta: Listen to me, because I'm old and I know things. It's true that we're losing time every day, all the time, until one day it's all gone. But you're gaining it, too. Every second, perfect moments, one after the other, until, by the end, you have your whole life. You have everything. And it costs you everything. But it's worth it. I promise that it's worth it.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

Director: Ian Samuels

Language: English Release date: February 12, 2021