The Man with the Iron Fists Quotes

  • [from trailer]

    The Blacksmith: When you forge a weapon, you need three things: the right metal, temperatures over fourteen hundred degrees... and someone who wants to kill. Here in this village, we got all three.

  • [from trailer]

    Madame Blossom: [to her students] Power belongs to no one, until it is seized through sex or violence.

  • [from trailer]

    Lady Silk: Everyone's so afraid of these men. Are you?

    Jackknife: No.

  • [from trailer]

    Chan: Some pleasure, before business?

    Jackknife: For me, this business is the pleasure.

  • [from trailer]

    Madame Blossom: Gentlemen, warriors, we'll see who's left standing and who's on their knees...

  • [from trailer]

    Gold Lion: Attack!

  • [from trailer]

    Jackknife: I always bring a gun to a knife fight.

  • Jackknife: I came here for the duck.

  • The Blacksmith: When it comes to money, things get funny.

  • Madame Blossom: [to Jackknife] If you damage my girls...

    [grabs his scrotum and squeezes]

    Madame Blossom: I damage your boys.

  • Poison Dagger: I'll see you in hell!

    Jackknife: [Chuckles] Yes, I suppose you will. I'll save you a spot by the fire.

  • Jackknife: I haven't had this much fun since we protected the Crown in Macau.

  • Jackknife: [On hell] Save me a spot by the fire!