The Magic of Belle Isle Quotes

  • Monte Wildhorn: If I ever had me a little girl, I guess I'd want her to be you.

  • Finnegan O'Neil: What's he yellin' at?

    Henry: Life.

  • Charlotte O'Neil: I always felt like a book is a friend that does what no friend can do; stay quiet when you wanna think.

  • [first lines]

    Monte Wildhorn: What's all that crap on the windshield?

    Henry: It's ash from the fire.

    Monte Wildhorn: This is where you're bringing me?

    Henry: It's rent free.

    Monte Wildhorn: Before or after it burns down?

  • Monte Wildhorn: Drinking is a very demanding profession, and I can't hold down two jobs at once.

  • Monte Wildhorn: In the future, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't walk my dog.

    Charlotte O'Neil: He's Dave's dog.

    Monte Wildhorn: I am not claiming to be his biological father.

  • Joe Viola: He's just trying to make you a rich son of a bitch.

    Monte Wildhorn: I'm already a son of a bitch. And I don't care to be rich.

  • [last lines]

    Charlotte O'Neil: Looking forward to having you as a neighbor, Mr. Wildhorn.

    Monte Wildhorn: Just keep the noise down, Mrs. O'Neil.

  • Monte Wildhorn: Never stop looking, for what's not there.

  • Monte Wildhorn: That cannot be the response to every admonishment.

  • Monte Wildhorn: Most times real life doesn't measure-up to what's in our heads, but every now and then it comes pretty close... you happen to catch me in one of those rarefied moments.