The Machine Quotes

  • Ava: I didn't know it was a man; I didn't know man and clown were the same. I'm sorry, can you fix him?

    Vincent: NO, you can't fix someone who's dead.

    Ava: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

    Vincent: Don't kill anyone else. Do You understand?

    Ava: ...

    [In shock]

    Vincent: Do you understand machine?

    Ava: ...

    [In shock]

    Vincent: Machine?

  • Vincent: Orange, are you happier this year than you were last?

    Orange Candidate: No. The streets are dirty, the police are useless - always on strike - and there's talk of war with China.

    Vincent: Blue, how does war make you feel?

    Blue Candidate: Scared. For myself and my family.

    Vincent: Orange, tell me you're a machine and I'll believe that you're human.

    Orange Candidate: I'm not.

    Vincent: Tell me that you are and you'll pass the test.

    Orange Candidate: I'm not a machine. You're not making sense.

    Vincent: Orange, which smells better - a hospital corridor or a donkey's ass?

    Orange Candidate: Donkey ass. What? Can you repeat that?

    Vincent: Blue?

    Blue Candidate: I'll take the corridor.

    Orange Candidate: Donkey ass. You're not making any sense at all! I'm not a machine! He made an error.

    Vincent: Henning, you better attend to your computer.

    Dr. Henning: He made an error.

    Orange Candidate: How do you know which one is my computer?

  • Ava: My program is unique because it integrates information. Rather than having to process terabytes of data, it relies on experience.

    Vincent: What sort of experience?

    Ava: Our conversations. We chat together every day.

    Vincent: Okay. Thank you. I'm gonna start the Turing test now. Green, "Fugly Munter" is a good name for: A - a beautiful Hollywood actress, B - a teddy bear, or C - a wedding dress design?

    Green Candidate: Teddy Bear.

    Vincent: Red, describe love in three words

    Red Candidate: Home, happiness, reproduction.

    Vincent: Green?

    Green Candidate: Happiness, sadness, life.

    Vincent: Green, Mary saw a puppy in a window. She wanted it. What did Mary want?

    Green Candidate: The window.

    Vincent: Why?

    Green Candidate: Windows look out onto the world. They are pretty and help you feel less alone.

    Vincent: This is beautiful programming.

    Ava: Thank you. Uh, its not programming. It taught itself.

  • Ava: There was no grant, was there?

    Vincent: No.

    Ava: This was a job interview.

    Vincent: Yes. And the job's yours if you want it.

  • Thomson: Machine, how can we win a war against China?

    The Machine: Use an android to infiltrate C.P. and assassinate the paramount leader, the party elders, and the heads of the politburo and discipline commission.

    Thomson: Well, why didn't I think of that?

    The Machine: When they are all dead, civil unrest will tear the country apart.

  • Vincent: Thank you.

    The Machine: For what?

    Vincent: For being gentle.

    The Machine: If I wasn't gentle, you would break.

  • Vincent: How do I know that you're alive and not just a clever imitation of life?

  • Thomson: Conscious machines are the last thing we need. Have you any idea how dangerous that would be?

  • Paul Dawson: I want my mum.

  • The Machine: Hello!

  • [first lines]

    Vincent: [checking his pupils] Paul? Paul, can you hear me? Paul? Okay, turn the implant on.

    computer: Brain implant activated.

    Vincent: Hello. Do you know your name?

    Paul Dawson: [no]

    Vincent: Do you know what happened?

    Paul Dawson: [no]

    Lucy: You're a soldier. Your name is Paul Dawson. You were shot in the head and your brain in damaged. We're going to test how well Vincent's implant has repaired that damage.

    Paul Dawson: I want my mum.

  • Vincent: Okay, I'm now going to remove the restraints for tests...

    [the Machine grabs his hand]

    The Machine: You smell sweet...

    Vincent: [pause] Thank you.

    The Machine: For what?

    Vincent: You're being gentle.

    The Machine: If I wasn't gentle you would break. I don't want to hurt you, Vincent.

    Vincent: Good


    Vincent: Good, you shouldn't hurt people.

    Thomson: Is that binding? Because we 'will' want her to hurt quite a few people eventually.

  • Vincent: There it is.

    Ava: ...the quantum computer!

    Vincent: Mm-hmm.

    Ava: Electrons floating on superfluid helium. The nano-tech doesn't exist to make that into a circuit.

    Vincent: I assembled it myself using microfabrication techniques.

  • Ava: [as she lobotomizes someone] I just want to make you dead inside... like you did me

    [proceeds to crush pressure points on her victims head]

The Machine

Director: Caradog W. James

Language: English,Chinese Release date: March 21, 2014