The Lovers Quotes

  • Udaji: Tell me of this Captain Stewart

    Tulaja Naik: He is a leader of men

    Udaji: He inspires love in our people?

    Tulaja Naik: Some people say so, father

    Udaji: Then it will benefit us to arrange his death

  • Governor of Bombay: The vast sum of money involved will mollify their scruples

  • [first lines]

    [Instrumental music]

    Sadhu: Why are you frightened child?

    Tulaja Naik: I'm disturbed by my visions, Gurdev. I see strange figures... in white. In some strange place full of light. I see a man in some other place in a blood red coat. And I see a ring which shimmers in a blue light.

    [ominous wind gusting]

    Sadhu: You wish to know the meaning of these visions, child... come what may?

    [Tulaja nods]

    Sadhu: There was a ring, child. Long ago. It was forged of eternal love. One ring made of two rings. To fit together, both halves had to be pure at the first moment of love. After much toil, a match was finally created. The two halves combined... and formed a single ring. It is said, that once united... even if separated by an ocean or an age... they will always reunite. They are called, "The Lovers."

  • Sadhu: Look in yourself, Tulaja... It will be, thus. You would love with the full force of a woman's heart. And your love will be returned in full. But you will betray your love and as you have foreseen, he will die.

    Tulaja Naik: Gurdev, am I such a person, Gurdev?

    Sadhu: What beats within your chest, Tulaja?

    Tulaja Naik: My heart, Gurdev.

    Sadhu: Where else in the universe is betrayal, Tulaja? If not in the human heart.

    Tulaja Naik: I will not betray. I swear not to do so, Gurdev. I will not betray.

    Sadhu: Your path is already chosen.

    Tulaja Naik: Then I will not love.

  • [last lines]

    Sadhu: Of such entangling, is our universe woven. A hard pattern you may say, this path of love. But how, child, could it be otherwise?