The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane Quotes

  • Frank Hallet: You know how to survive, don't you?

    Rynn Jacobs: I thought I did.

  • Mario Podesta: Yeah, but kids have to go to school.

    Rynn Jacobs: Why?

    Mario Podesta: Okay, so your father taught you. Everybody doesn't have a father like yours. Everybody can't be like you.

    Rynn Jacobs: If I'd listened to them, I'd be like them.

    Mario Podesta: Damn. You keep saying "them" like everyone's out to get you.

    Rynn Jacobs: Maybe they are.

  • [repeated line]

    Rynn Jacobs: This is *my* house. *My* house.

  • Mario Podesta: Like your father said in that letter: Since when do they let kids do what they want?

  • Rynn Jacobs: How old do you have to be before people start treating you like a person?

  • Mario Podesta: But what about school?

    Rynn Jacobs: School is having people tell you what life is and never finding out by yourself.

  • Rynn Jacobs: Thirteen means I have no right, is that it?

    Cora Hallet: Thirteen means you should be in school.

  • Rynn Jacobs: [about her Mom] My father had given me a small bottle containing some white powder. He said if she should arrive, I should put it in her tea. Calm her, make her less aggressive.

    Mario Podesta: Well it sure did, but you didn't know what it was, eh?

    Rynn Jacobs: Not until after. I looked it up based on it properties. Potassium cyanide.

    Mario Podesta: And that's what you put in her tea?

    Rynn Jacobs: Father meant what he said about doing anything you have to to survive.

    [Mario looks at his tea in fear]

    Mario Podesta: How come you're not drinking yours?

    Rynn Jacobs: Mine's still too hot, I didn't put in any cold milk. I can still see her red nails holding up that cup. After a few sips she said that the tea tasted of almonds. It's the almond cookies, I told her.

  • Mario Podesta: Rynn, don't bodies...

    Rynn Jacobs: Decompose? Well, you can put stuff on them.

    Mario Podesta: How do you know how do to that stuff.

    Rynn Jacobs: I looked it up in the library.

  • Mario Podesta: I'll make a deal with you. You tell me about the car, I'll tell you why I'm crippled.

    Rynn Jacobs: No.

    Mario Podesta: It was polio shots. See, I have so many brothers and sisters that my mother forgot who did and who didn't.

  • Mario Podesta: Somebody's out there.

  • Ron Miglioriti: I don't believe what you've been telling me about your father.

  • Rynn Jacobs: I think I should warn you that the police are watching our house right this very minute, Mr. Hallet.

  • Rynn Jacobs: [answering the phone, pausing along the way to listen to the person on the other end] Hello? Mr. Hallet, Mr. Hallet I know this is you because everyone else is at the football game this afternoon. I think I should warn you that the police are watching our house right this very minute, Mr. Hallet.

    [Rynn abruptly hangs up the phone]

  • Ron Miglioriti: Rynn, I don't believe what you've been telling me about your father.

    Rynn Jacobs: No?

    Ron Miglioriti: No, no you're going to tell me that he's in there working, right?

    Rynn Jacobs: He was this afternoon translating.

    Ron Miglioriti: Then he was and now he isn't, that's it, eh?

    Rynn Jacobs: No he's resting upstairs.

    Ron Miglioriti: I've been here three times, and each time I notice how good you are with words, you're very careful, you're too Goddamned careful.

  • Rynn Jacobs: Maybe you don't understand about poets: Edgar Allen Poe was a drug addict, Dylan Thomas drank himself to death, Sylvia Plath took her own life.

    Ron Miglioriti: Rynn, we're talking about your father.

    Rynn Jacobs: Yeah well, sometimes my father goes into his room and locks the door, keeps something in a desk drawer, I don't know what it is. I know when he locks that door, he doesn't want me to see the way he becomes, you know?

  • Rynn Jacobs: [about her father] Through most all September he looked fine, if the pain was terrible he never said anything. Then one Sunday evening, we were sitting in this room and he whispered to me in a very soft voice that I wasn't like anybody else in the world, and people wouldn't understand me, they'd order me around, tell me what to do and try to turn me into the person they wanted me to be. Since I was only a kid, I couldn't say anything, I'd have to stay alone, keep out of trouble and make myself very small in the world.

    Mario Podesta: All alone?

    Rynn Jacobs: We worked out every detail, we knew it wouldn't be easy. Here's a letter from my father: "Don't give in and play their game, fight them any way you have to, survive." That's what he said. Then he kissed me and walked off into the trees and down the lane.

  • Rynn Jacobs: [after Mario returns Mrs. Hallet's car] Did you lock all the doors?

    [Mario palms the keys to Mrs. Hallet's car]

    Rynn Jacobs: You should've put 'em through her office mailbox.

    Mario Podesta: No I shouldn't, let me tell you, I'm sitting there in her Bentley, in the dark, right? In front of her Goddamned office, trying not to let anybody see me and ask me what I'm doing, I gotta be careful right? Now, I may not know why Mrs. Hallet didn't drive her own car back, but one thing I do know, why would Mrs. Hallet put her own keys through her own Goddamned office mailbox? She wouldn't, she'd keep her keys, they'd be wherever she is.

  • Rynn Jacobs: You got any pets?

    Mario Podesta: Nope, just my parents, which I water and feed regularly.

  • Mario Podesta: What, are you gonna bust us for drinking here? I won't have it!

    Ron Miglioriti: You're just lucky I don't smell any grass.

    Mario Podesta: You got any? I'll buy it cheap.

  • [last lines]

    Frank Hallet: [beginning to cough as he progresses in his talk] You should see the way the fire lights up your hair. All yellow and gold. Such lovely hair.

  • Mario Podesta: Aw, hey Gordon...

    [Rynn smacks Mario's hand when he touches the hamster]

    Rynn Jacobs: Get away.

    Mario Podesta: Man, you won't even trust me with your rat!

    Rynn Jacobs: He's a hamster.

    Mario Podesta: Yeah, well he looks like a rat.

    Rynn Jacobs: You look like a rat.

  • Mario: You keep saying "them" like everyone's out to get you.

    Rynn: Maybe they are.

  • Mario Podesta: [holding Mrs. Hallet's umbrella] Well, Mary fucking Poppins!

Extended Reading
  • Moises 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    It can be so cold and quiet without gimmicks like magical vampires. Stunning.

  • Layne 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    A girl seems to be born with ambition fighting against the world and destined to be alone forever. A little unrealistic story just as her beautiful blonde hair.