The Lazarus Project Quotes

  • [first lines]

    Katie Garvey: Daddy, what's the greatest thing you ever saw?

    Ben Garvey: Greatest thing you ever saw. Umm. One time when I was a little boy, I was playing with my slingshot and I saw this Jaybird. I don't know why but I shot him.

    Katie Garvey: You killed a birdie?

    Ben Garvey: I didn't mean to. I don't even know why I shot at him, but I felt so bad, I started praying to God that he would come back. And all of a sudden the Jaybird woke up. He just flew away.

    Katie Garvey: God saved him?

    Ben Garvey: Yeah, I think so.

  • Ben Garvey: I did something real bad. Something that I didn't mean to do.

    Katie Garvey: Like the Jaybird?

  • William Reeds: There are no accidents. There are only things we do and what those things do to other people.

  • [repeated line]

    Robbie: They're watching us.

  • Julie Ingram: You named your dog "dog"?

  • Julie Ingram: There's a struggle. How do you live if you're ruled by your past? But, how do you let go of a past that made you?

  • Father Ezra: You don't have to forget. You just have to move on.

  • [last lines]

    Katie Garvey: Mommy, what's the greatest thing you ever saw?

    Lisa Garvey: I don't think I've seen it yet, baby.

  • Father Ezra: We all create fictions to hide our pain.

  • [last lines]

    William Reeds: They can't follow me into heaven

  • Avery: Only a fool spits in the eye of god

Extended Reading
  • Zackery 2022-03-27 09:01:15

    aka Paradise Plan Woke up after being fired by lethal injection for a criminal record and found himself walking on a wooded path, the doctor said he was a gardener in a hospital, not allowed to leave Angel Post for a chance to respawn, a mad prisoner (quick through the atonement system, Severed from the past social relationship) The mental patient who set fire to the insane asylum, the low-profile version of the confinement island, the secret experiment of implanting microchips on death row prisoners

  • Christian 2022-04-22 07:01:47

    Procrastinating plot, just watch it...