The Last Word Quotes

  • Anne: She puts the bitch in obituary.

  • Harriet: Please don't have a nice day. Have a day that matters... have a day that means something.

  • Harriet: Please don't have a nice day. Have a day that matters. Have a day that's true. Have a day that's direct. Have a day that's honest. A nice day? Mm-mmm, you'll be miserable. Have a day that means something.

  • Harriet: You don't make mistakes. Mistakes make you. Mistakes make you smarter. They make you stronger, and they make you more self-reliant.

  • Harriet: Fall on your face. Fail. Fail spectacularly. Because when you fail, you learn. When you fail, you live.

  • Anne: [Last lines] This is not my letter of resignation, this is my obituary. The young girl who worked for you for the last seven years... is dead, and buried. She leaves behind a lifetime of indecision, hesitation and fear. She will not be missed, she will not be mourned, because she was really never alive to begin with. But she is now, and she has her *entire* life in front of her. An entire life just waiting to be filled.

  • Harriet: Sarcasm, the wit of the witless.

    Anne: Condescension, the repartee of the rude.

  • Dr. Morgan: I'm going to do some tests, okay? And if you have a problem with that, I don't care.

  • Harriet: [points at Anne] Ambition neutered by self-doubt.

  • Harriet: He act of public aggression that I have planned will probably end up with you and me in jail.

    Brenda: What about me?

    Harriet: Juvie!

    Brenda: I'm in.