The Last Kiss Quotes

  • Stephen: Stop talking about love. Every asshole in the world says he loves somebody. It means nothing. It still doesn't mean anything. What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you say you love, that's what matters. It's the only thing that counts.

  • Michael: I'm in love with your daughter Stephen, Maybe that doesn't mean anything you but I'm standing here. You are her father, I am looking you in the eyes and I'm telling you I will do anything in the world to get your daughter back.

    Stephen: Really?

    Michael: Really.

    Stephen: Anything?

    Michael: I'll do anything.

    Stephen: People say that, they don't mean it.

    Michael: But I mean it!

    Stephen: Well it's very simple... do whatever it takes.

    Michael: It's that simple?

    Stephen: Yes... you can't fail if you don't give up.

  • Anna: Life is pretty much in the grays for the most part and if you insist always on black and white... you are going to be very unhappy.

  • Stephen: People know the truth, they may not like it, or want to know it, but, but they always know. Lie and you will lose her.

  • Michael: Ow, ow, no, that's my nut!

  • [after rigorous sex]

    Kenny: Christ... where did you come from and how can I make more of you?

  • Izzy: I took that bitch to the fucking prom!

  • Kim: [from trailer] The world is moving so fast now that we start freaking long before our parents did because we don't ever stop to breathe anymore.

  • Kim: Having a crisis, are we?

    Michael: Do I look like I'm having a crisis?

    Kim: Everyone I know is having a crisis. I know you're not supposed to get them until midlifem but I think something's happening to our metabolism.

    Michael: Our metabolism?

    Kim: [nods] Yeah, I mean the world is moving so fast now, we are all chasing something so fast that we start freaking out long before our parents did. Feel my heart.

    [puts his hand in her chest]

    Kim: Feel how fast it is?

    Michael: ...that's a fast heart.

    Kim: 'Cause we don't ever stop to breathe anymore...

    [takes his hand off her chest]

    Kim: You gotta remember to breathe or you'll die.

  • Michael: Have we met before?

    Kim: Um, do I look familiar?

    Michael: ...No.

    Kim: [laughs] Okay, I'm Kim

    Michael: Michael, nice to meet you.

    Kim: Nice to meet you, um, so you are friends with the groom?

    Michael: Since pre-school, actually...

    Kim: Oohhh, that's really cute.

    Michael: Yeah.

    Kim: [cell phone rings] Can you just excuse me..."Hello, yeah, um I'm coming. Right now. Bye". I'm with three friends that want to leave since we got here... would you... wait? I'll be right back.


  • Kim: And don't worry 'cause crises... crr... crisises?

    Michael: I think it's "crises".

    Kim: Right... like I said, crises, they come and go.

    Michael: Sometimes... sometimes they don't really feel like they are going anywhere.

    Kim: You are having a permanent crisis?

    Michael: I don't know, maybe... just've been thinking about my life lately. Everything feels pretty planned out, you know?. It's like I know everything that's gonna happen. There are no more surprises.

    Kim: That is so boring.

    Michael: [laughs] I know.

  • Kim: [after they got wet with the rain] Oh my God, my top is totally clingy, you can see everything.

    Michael: Don't worry, I promise I won't look.

    Kim: Then I'll be insulted.

    Michael: Well, I wouldn't want to offend you.

  • [from trailer]

    Michael: I've been thinking about my life lately, and everything feels pretty planned out. There's no more surprises.

  • Kim: Did you know that the institution of marriage was created when the average person lived to the age of 30?

  • [Michael answers his cell phone]

    Michael: Hello.

    Kim: Hey, don't hang up. Look, I'm so sorry about before. I think... God, I must've had too much to drink or something, but, if I promise not to try to kiss you or anything, will you come over here and talk to me? I really need to talk to you.

  • Michael: I was never in a fraternity. I was much too serious.

    Kim: Oh, I bet you were 29 even when you were 19.

    Michael: Put it this way. If i had to do it again, I'd do it knowing that after you graduate no one ever gives a fuck what your GPA was.

  • Arianna's Lover: [Izzy is frantically knocking on Arianna's door] I'm coming!

    Izzy: Hurry up! It's your neighbor! Your, your porch is on fire, man!

    [Arianna's lover opens the door and Izzy punches him in the face]

  • Izzy: Tell me you don't love me.

    Arianna: Izzy, I don't love you.

    Izzy: Well, I just... I'm not gonna accept that.

  • Izzy: How much money do you have?

    Kenny: Five thousand. You?

    Izzy: Seven hundred and a fuck load of cheese.

  • Michael: But then, I went back.

  • Chris: Jenna's perfect, she's beautiful. What more could you ask for?

  • Jenna: You wanna make a home with me, right?

  • Chris: Take a risk, take a chance - that's what you used to tell me.

  • Izzy: You're gonna be wondering in 20 years, why didn't I do something exciting with my life.

  • Michael: When I was twelve, I'd close my eyes and picture what it would be like to be thirty and this is exactly what I saw: great friends, beautiful girlfriend. I should also mention that in that same fantasy Hulk Hogan was my live in bodyguard.

  • Michael: Jenna and I met 3 years ago. She's smart, she's beautiful, she makes me laugh. If you absolutely have to become an adult and all that comes with it, this is the kind of woman you wanna do it with... right?

Extended Reading
  • Margaretta 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    When the old man called "Anna" on the porch...was moved...

  • Fletcher 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    He doesn't like you as much as he actually doesn't like you and the four-corner relationship! There's no reason I can't see it, I don't like the mess