The Last King of Scotland Quotes

  • Nicholas Garrigan: Why are you doing this?

    Djonjo: Frankly, I don't know. You deserve to die. But dead, you can do nothing. Alive, you might just be able to redeem yourself.

    Nicholas Garrigan: I don't understand.

    Djonjo: I am tired of hatred, Doctor Garrigan. This country is drowning in it. We deserve better... Go home. Tell the world the truth about Amin. They will believe you; you are a white man.

  • Nicholas Garrigan: I didn't want him to die though.

    Idi Amin: But you did it. Why? You want to know why?

    Nicholas Garrigan: Yes.

    Idi Amin: You did it because you love me.

  • Idi Amin: What you need, is to have some fun.

  • Idi Amin: You dare try to poison me? After everything I gave you? I am Idi Amin! President-for-life and ruler of Uganda. I am the father of Africa.

    Nicholas Garrigan: You're a child. You have the mind and ego of an angry, spoiled, uneducated child. And that's what makes you so fucking scary.

  • Kay Amin: You must find a way to get out.

  • Idi Amin: I want you to tell me what to do.

    Nicholas Garrigan: You want ME to tell YOU what to do?

    Idi Amin: Yes, you are my advisor. You are the only one I can trust in here. You should have told me not to throw the Asians out, in the first place.

    Nicholas Garrigan: I DID!

    Idi Amin: But you did not persuade me, Nicholas. You did not persuade me!

  • Idi Amin: [to crowd at rally] I know who you are and what you are. I am you!

  • Idi Amin: You see. You are a doctor and a philosopher. Yes, I do have a good life now. Please, please. Sit here. I come from a very poor family, I think you should know this. My father left me when I was a child. The British Army; became my home. They took me as a cleaner, in the kitchens, cleaning pots. They used to beat me.

    [imitating British]

    Idi Amin: "Beat this wall, Amin." "Dig the latreen, Amin." And now, here I am. The President of Uganda. And who put me here, huh? It was the British.

  • Idi Amin: Before I forget, I need to ask you a favor.

    Nicholas Garrigan: Anything.

    Idi Amin: I will be in Libya next week, and I need you to attend a meeting in my place.

    Nicholas Garrigan: What kind of meeting?

    Idi Amin: A simple matter of taste and common sense. I cannot think of anyone better than you.

  • Idi Amin: They take you to a tree and hang you by your skin. Each time you scream the evil comes out of you. Sometimes, it can take three days for your evil to be spent. Pull him up.

  • Nicholas Garrigan: I can't. It fucking stinks. I can't help coming back to that moment when I asked you to talk to him. This isn't me. I have to go home now.

    Idi Amin: You cannot.

    Nicholas Garrigan: What?

    Idi Amin: Your work is not finished here yet.

  • Idi Amin: You promised to me you would help me build a new Uganda. You swore an oath.

    Nicholas Garrigan: The oath is... erm... it's, it's a doctor's oath of confidentiallity; we all take it. It's got nothing to do with Uganda.

    Idi Amin: Huh? Nothing? Nothing comes from nothing. You have a conscience, I know you do. That is why you came here in the first place. Or are you like all the other British. Just here to fuck and to take away? No? Why else would I trust you with my family? You are like my own son.

    Nicholas Garrigan: My name is Nicholas Garrigan, and I'm from Scotland. I need to go home now.

    Idi Amin: Your home... is here.

  • Idi Amin: I am the father of this nation, Nicholas. And you have most... grossly... offended your father.

  • Idi Amin: I am ashamed that you saw me like that. I was frightened.

    Nicholas Garrigan: I'm a doctor. Everything that passes between us is confidential. Ok? I've taken an oath.

    Idi Amin: But a man that shows fear... he is weak, and he is a slave.

    Nicholas Garrigan: Well... if you're afraid of dying, shows you have a life worth keeping.

  • Nicholas Garrigan: If you're afraid of dying it shows you have a life worth living.

  • Kay Amin: [about her husband] He cannot trust anybody anymore.

  • Girl on Bus: Do you have monkeys in Scotland?

    Nicholas Garrigan: No, but if we did we'd probably deep fry them!

  • Sarah Merrit: Do you know the feeling when you're married to a really nice guy?

    Dr. Garrigan: You feel like a shit.

    Sarah Merrit: Yeah...

  • Idi Amin: Look at you. Is there one thing you have done that is good? Did you think this was all a game? 'I will go to Africa and I will play the white man with the natives.' Is that what you thought? We are not a game, Nicholas. We are real. This room here, it is real. I think your death will be the first real thing that has happened to you.

  • Nigel Stone: You know what they're calling you? Amin's white monkey.

  • Idi Amin: You are British?

    Nicholas Garrigan: Scottish. I am Scottish.

    Idi Amin: Scottish? Ha! Ha! Why didn't you say so?... Great soldiers. Very brave. And good people. Completely. Let me tell you, if I could be anything instead of a Ugandan, I would be a Scot.

    Nicholas Garrigan: Right... Really?

    Idi Amin: He. Except for the red hair, which I'm sure is attractive to your women, but which we Africans, we find is quite disgusting.

  • Nicholas Garrigan: Can't you see that she is in pain? Would somebody do something about this cow?

  • Masanga: Hallo Nicholas! Welcome to the president's car!

  • Nigel Stone: Should you find the need to clarify your status regarding the details of that relationship, we would of course welcome any clarification you might feel the need to share with us.

    Nicholas Garrigan: Is there some special school where you people learn to talk that bollocks?

  • Nicholas Garrigan: [closes eyes, spins globe] First place you land, first place you land.

    [stops globe with finger, looks]

    Nicholas Garrigan: Canada.

    [pause. Spins globe again]

  • [while having sex with a Ugandan girl he met on the bus]

    Nicholas Garrigan: I'M A MEDICAL OFFICER OVERSEAS!

  • [Drunk at a party wth Kay]

    Nicholas Garrigan: I'm fucking doomed! You know he's got go-go dancers after me?

    Joy: Nicky!

    Nicholas Garrigan: Oh, Shit! Hide me!

    Kay Amin: Shhhh! Who is that?

    Nicholas Garrigan: It's the go-go dancer.

  • [first lines]

    Nicholas Garrigan: Come on! Are youse ready?

  • [last lines]

    Idi Amin: Because many of the people who, uh, broke relations with Israel, they are not only Muslims, they are also Christians. This particular certain point is very important...

    [interrupted by minister]

  • [last title cards]

    Title card: 48 hours later, Israeli forces stormed Entebbe and liberated all but one of the hostages. International public opinion turned against Amin for good.

    Title card: When he was finally overthrown in 1979 jubilant crowds poured onto the streets.

    Title card: His regime had killed more than 300,000 Ugandans.

    Title card: Amin died in exile in Saudi Arabia on the 16th of August 2003.

    Title card: Nobody knows if that was the date he had dreamed about.

  • Nicholas Garrigan: [to Kay] Oh, fuck it.

  • Djonjo: My wife...

  • Nicholas Garrigan: Almost all aberrations of nature are possible.

  • Idi Amin: I am the fadder of this nation, Nicholas, and you have most grossly offended your father!

    Nicholas Garrigan: You're a child. That's what makes you so fuckin' scary.

  • Dr. Merrit: [to Nicholas] You know, the interesting thing is, 80% of the locals prefer the witch doctor to us. Sometimes I just think we're just skimming the surface of an ocean.

  • Nigel Stone: This man is trying to help his country. Idi always seems to get it wrong, doesn't he?

    Nicholas Garrigan: Jesus fuckin' Christ! Get me out of here!

    Nigel Stone: You earn your passage, friend.

    Nicholas Garrigan: Wh-what?

    Nigel Stone: You know what they're calling you? His white monkey.

    Nigel Stone: I'm his doctor. It's not my job to judge the man.

    Nicholas Garrigan: [Mimicking him] "I'm his doctor?" Is that your defense? Fuck off, Garrigan! We don't just hand out passports to chimps like you! Particularly not chimps with blood on their hands!

  • Sarah Merrit: I hope you don't mind me saying this, but, you seem an unlikely candidate for this kind of work.

    Nicholas Garrigan: Why, 'cause I don't wear socks and sandals?

    Sarah Merrit: Touché.

    Nicholas Garrigan: I still want to make a difference, you know.

    Sarah Merrit: Really?

    Nicholas Garrigan: Yes, really. Want to have fun, too, though. Bit of adventure. Something different.

    Sarah Merrit: That's a lot of things.

    Nicholas Garrigan: Is it?

  • Idi Amin: You see, Jonah? This is the sort of man a president needs around him. Someone who is not afraid to speak his mind.

  • Nigel Stone: Dr. Garrigan. Daydreaming?

    Nicholas Garrigan: Well, looking at you, Stone, I certainly hope so.

  • Nicholas Garrigan: This is Africa. You meet violence with violence. Anything else, and you're dead.

  • Title Card: Amin died in exile in Saudi Arabia on the 16th of August 2003. Nobody knows if that was the date he had dreamed about.

  • Idi Amin: [to prisoners] Why did you try to kill me? Huh? I will not die until I say.