The Jackal Quotes

  • [after splitting an associate's head with an axe]

    Terek Murad: I loved this man like a brother. He was a dear friend and partner to me. So I took no joy in that. But if I can do this to someone I love, imagine what I can do with someone I hate! The American FBI declares war on us. Then WAR IT IS!

  • Declan Mulqueen: Ms. Koslova, is it?

    Valentina Koslova: Mm-hmm.

    Declan Mulqueen: And what would your first name be?

    Valentina Koslova: [Impersonally] Major. Major Koslova.

  • Declan Mulqueen: A man like this doesn't make mistakes.

    Valentina Koslova: No? They always make one somewhere. Isn't that how you were caught?

    Carter Preston: Ouch.

  • Carter Preston: Major Koslova ends the debate about women in combat as far as I'm concerned.

    Declan Mulqueen: How's that?

    Carter Preston: She saved my life and took out Terek's brother. She did it knowing she'd be drawing a death sentence down on her neck. But when we offered to set her up some place else when this is over, you know what she said? The good guys don't hide.

    Declan Mulqueen: Fierce woman.

    Carter Preston: In that country, under that system: staggering.

  • Valentina Koslova: She's Basque, isn't she?

    Declan Mulqueen: Aye.

    Valentina Koslova: They say Basques live by the vendetta. If they hate someone it's to the death. It's the same when they love.

  • McMurphy: How did you know whose phone to tap?

    Carter Preston: I didn't. So I tapped everybody's.

    Ambassador Koldin: But I have Diplomatic Immunity! Who authorized you to tap my telephone?

    Valentina Koslova: I did, Ambassador.

  • Carter Preston: Witherspoon, you by-the-book asshole.

  • Carter Preston: I wonder if we'll ever know who the hell he was.

    Declan Mulqueen: We know all we need to. He was evil, he is dead. And he's gone. Nothing more matters.

  • [the Jackal shoots and blows Lamont's arm off]

    The Jackal: [referring to the aim of the gun] I told you it was off!

  • Douglas: [Douglas is skeptical about giving his business card out] You're not gonna call.

    The Jackal: [flirtatiously] Douglas. You just have to have a little faith in people, that's all. Like I do.

    [kisses him passionately]

  • Declan Mulqueen: Preston, how about letting me have a gun.

    Carter Preston: Are you crazy! If the right people knew I was letting you walk around without cuffs, I'd get forced retirement!

  • [the Jackal has shot Koslova]

    The Jackal: Ooh, that's bad. The blood's almost black, that means the bullet's in your liver. You have about 20 minutes to live. If the pain gets to be too much, you can take your hand away. Then you'll be dead in 5 minutes.

    Valentina Koslova: When Declan kills you, you think of me, OK.

    The Jackal: OK. I'll make a note of that.

    [grabs her head]

    The Jackal: If you see Declan before you die, you tell him that he can't protect his women.

  • [to FBI Director Brown, about the Jackal]

    Declan Mulqueen: I'm sorry, Mr. Brown, but this man is no clown. He knows all your moves, back to front. Right now, you've got a name; that's all you've got. So, the Jackal's got a target, you. He's got a timetable. And as to making mistakes, he's spent twenty years in a trade that doesn't forgive error. And he's prevailed. You think he's the one who's up against it?

    [shakes his head]

    Declan Mulqueen: It's the other way around.

  • [after finding out the the gun sights are off by 3 mm, but the auto-tracking is perfect]

    The Jackal: Well, Lamont. I'm gonna have to speed-test it now.

    Ian Lamont: Yes. Yes. Speed-test.

    The Jackal: So... run.

    Ian Lamont: [chuckles] What do you mean?

    The Jackal: I mean run.

    The Jackal: [icily] Now!

  • Carter Preston: [watching the interrogation of a Russian mobster] He said... "Jackal"?

    General Belinko: Does this mean something to you, Mr. Preston?

    Carter Preston: There's supposedly a killer for hire who uses that name. Several assassinations are credited to him, but we've never been able to prove if he even exists.

    [Valentina, Belinko and the other MVD officers exchange looks, then Belinko and the other officers leave]

    Valentina Koslova: From time to time he was a KGB asset.

    Carter Preston: Do you have a name?

    Valentina Koslova: No name! Payments were made to the contracting organization, or a Hong Kong bank account. No KGB member has ever seen him.

  • Declan Mulqueen: Do you remember Valentina said "A statement, public and brutal." Now, it always bothered me. Why did he keep comin' when he knew- he knew we could protector the director, especially once I got involved. But he didn't abort. Why? It didn't come together until I remembered what he said to Valentina. "Tell Declan he can't protect his women."

    Carter Preston: Wasn't he referring to Isabella?

    Declan Mulqueen: No. Any woman. All women! But remember, "public and brutal." We're guarding the wrong person.

    [Declan slams a newspaper onto the table]

    Declan Mulqueen: He's after the First Lady.

  • Carter Preston: This is a manhunt, not your cause. Don't make it personal.

    Declan Mulqueen: What do you fucking know?

    Carter Preston: [as Mulqueen walks away] All right! I'll tell you what I know. I know the Jackal set you up in that arms deal in Libya. I know that Isabella was wounded when *you* walked in to the trap. I also know that it was the life *you* had chosen for...

    Declan Mulqueen: Did you also know that Isabella was *pregnant* when she got shot... That OUR CHILD didn't survive! Don't tell me this isn't personal, Mr. Preston!

    Carter Preston: I can't risk all of this over a vendetta!

    Declan Mulqueen: There's no vendetta. All I hope for now is a fresh start.

    Carter Preston: [to himself] That just might happen.

  • Declan Mulqueen: So many people!

    Valentina Koslova: So many rich people.

    Declan Mulqueen: [Tongue in cheek] Shall we dance?

  • FBI Agent T. I. Witherspoon: Look, we know that certain gang elements in this prison want you dead.

    Declan Mulqueen: An entire government wants me dead, mister, yet here I am.

  • Carter Preston: [Grateful and consoling to Koslova] It's not easy taking a life, but you saved one too - mine.

  • Ian Lamont: Motherfucker, motherfucker. *That motherfucker is state of the art!* Dude, I knew it was going to be big. I didn't know it was going to be the fuckin' prototype cannon. It's a fuckin' motrol... Damn! Some hairy looking rounds.

    The Jackal: Made from depleted uranium. Go through anything. Once they get inside they just spall.

    Ian Lamont: Hell yeah. They spall yeah. They get in there and they just.

    [imitates spalling noise]

    Ian Lamont: That rocks. Look at the friggin' lens on that thing...

    The Jackal: Don't touch that!

    Ian Lamont: It's got like a 2000 mile zoom lens! That thing is kick ass. Dude is this thing a prototype, or what? I bet you it cost you a shitload. That rocks. Man, you rock. Do you know what I'm saying? ROCK! Fuckin' thing kicks ass.

    [crosshairs appear on the computer screen]

    Ian Lamont: Oh, yeah. Bring on the *spall*, baby. I can't wait to see the shit...

    The Jackal: LAMONT!

    [quietly but menacingly]

    The Jackal: Close your mouth!

  • Ghazzi Murad: [as Koslova is trying to arrest him] Fuck you, fuck YOU! You scar- faced CUNT! *FUCK YOU*!

  • Terek Murad: [Sadly] My poor brother, how many militia did you kill?

    Vasilov: [Nervously] You have to understand, there were 50 of them. Plus the Americans...

    Terek Murad: [Abruptly] Yes, yes, but how many did you *kill*?

    Vasilov: [Quietly] None.

    Terek Murad: [Incensed] None? Not even *one*?

    Vasilov: [Protesting] Please, Terek. I did what I could.

    [Jumps to his feet]

    Terek Murad: [Mockingly] You did what you could? You did what you could. Letting those militia pigs and their American scum kill my brother, without killing even one in return. Okay, that is what *you could do*, and this is what *I* CAN DO!

    [Snatches an ancient axe off the wall and smashes it into Vasilov's skull]

  • Carter Preston: I'm going back to Russia where I will stay until Terek Murad rots in prison or in the grave.

    Declan Mulqueen: [referring to Valentina] I'm sure she'd appreciate that.

  • Isabella: [Recounting when she first met *Jackal*] I didn't like talking to him. I suppose we were all *dangerous people*, but he was different. I mean Declan was *fire*. All passion! He had a cause. This man was *Ice*. No feeling! Nothing!

  • Carter Preston: Here's how it's gonna go, Mulqueen. You will be searched on a random schedule and if we turn up so much as a paperclip that hasn't been authorized, I'll send you right back to prison. Same goes for using the telephone.

    Declan Mulqueen: Sounds like you don't trust me?

    Carter Preston: As far as I can throw you. But I have little choice. Do I? And if you have ANY thoughts about an IRA snatch, we'll *shoot to kill*! THEM and YOU! And not necessarily in that order.

    Declan Mulqueen: Got it.

    Carter Preston: Go along, and we'll get along.

Extended Reading
  • Dereck 2022-04-21 09:02:10

    vomited... he kissed the man...

  • Jamarcus 2022-04-23 07:02:10

    The Irish Republican Army is the protagonist