[subtitled version]
Lucas: What are you saying? Have you got something to tell me?
Agnes: Stop it, Lucas.
Lucas: You want to tell me something?
Theo: Relax, Lucas.
Lucas: The whole town is listening. Tell me! What do you want to say?
Agnes: Stop it, you fucking psychopath!
Lucas: I want a word with Theo. Look into my eyes. Look me in the eyes. What do you see? Do you see anything? Nothing. There's nothing. There's nothing. You leave me alone now. You leave me alone now, Theo. Then I'll go. Thank you.
Marcus: Bunch of bastards! Bunch of fucking bastards!
Theo: The world is full of evil but if we hold on to each other, it goes away.
Bruun: It's common for children to describe non-existing details. I don't know if it's their imagination, or they pick it up from each other or from their parents. It's always assumed that children tell the truth And unfortunately, very often they do...
The Hunt Quotes
Extended Reading