The Hunt for Red October Quotes

  • Jeffrey Pelt: Mr. Ambassador, you have nearly a hundred naval vessels operating in the North Atlantic right now. Your aircraft has dropped enough sonar buoys so that a man could walk from Greenland to Iceland to Scotland without getting his feet wet. Now, shall we dispense with the bull?

    Ambassador Lysenko: You make your point as delicately as ever, Mr. Pelt.

  • Helicopter Pilot: Fuel status says we turn back now.

    Jack Ryan: Wait a minute. Fuel status? You have a reserve, don't you?

    Helicopter Pilot: Yes, sir. I've got a ten minute reserve... but I'm not allowed to invade that except in time of war.

    Jack Ryan: Listen, mister, if you don't get me on board that goddamn submarine, that just might be what you'll have! You got me? Now you have ten more minutes' worth of fuel, we stay here ten more minutes!

  • Capt. Vasili Borodin: I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck... maybe even a "recreational vehicle." And drive from state to state. Do they let you do that?

    Captain Ramius: I suppose.

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: No papers?

    Captain Ramius: No papers, state to state.

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Well then, in winter I will live in... Arizona. Actually, I think I will need two wives.

    Captain Ramius: Oh, at least.

  • Watson: Y'know, I seen me a mermaid once. I even seen me a shark eat an octopus. But I ain't never seen no phantom Russian submarine.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: How did you know that his next turn would be to starboard?

    Jack Ryan: I didn't. I had a 50/50 chance. I needed a break. Sorry.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: That's all right, Mr Ryan. My Morse is so rusty, I could be sending him dimensions on Playmate of the Month.

  • Captain Ramius: We will pass through the American patrols, past their sonar nets, and lay off their largest city, and listen to their rock and roll... while we conduct missile drills.

  • Jeffrey Pelt: It would be well for your government to consider that having your ships and ours, your aircraft and ours, in such proximity... is inherently DANGEROUS. Wars have begun that way, Mr. Ambassador.

  • [the Russian Alpha submarine shoots a torpedo at the Red October]

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Torpedo impact, 20 seconds.

    Captain Ramius: [to Ryan] What books?

    Jack Ryan: [confused] Pardon me?

    Captain Ramius: What books did you write?

    Jack Ryan: I wrote a biography of, of Admiral Halsey, called "The Fighting Sailor", about, uh, naval combat tactics...

    Captain Ramius: I know this book!

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Torpedo impact...

    Captain Ramius: Your conclusions were all wrong, Ryan...

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: ...10 seconds.

    Captain Ramius: ...Halsey acted stupidly.

    [Ryan is dumbfounded that Ramius' mind is about book criticism, while they are about to be hit by a torpedo within a few seconds]

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: 9, 8, 7, 6...

    [Ryan looks worriedly at captain Mancuso]

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: 5, 4, 3, 2...

    [everyone prepares for the impact]

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Torpedo impact... now.

    [the torpedo slams into the bow of Red October and breaks up harmlessly on impact. The Red October is unharmed. The broken shards of the torpedo drift away]

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: I'll be damned.

    Jack Ryan: What happened?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.

  • Captain Davenport: What's he going to do, sail into New York, pop the hatch, and say "Here I am"?

    Jack Ryan: It might be just that simple, yes.

  • Captain Ramius: You're afraid of our fleet. Well, you should be. Personally, I'd give us one chance in three. More tea anyone?

  • [Shootout in the missile room]

    Captain Ramius: Hey, Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Most things in here don't react too well to bullets.

    Jack Ryan: Right.

    [Moves closer to enemy, who fires several shots at him]

    Jack Ryan: *I* have to be careful what *I* shoot at?

  • Jack Ryan: [to himself, imitating Ramius] "Ryan, some things in here don't react well to bullets." Yeah, like me. I don't react well to bullets.

  • [last lines]

    Captain Ramius: "... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

    Jack Ryan: Welcome to the New World, Captain.

  • Admiral Josh Painter: This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.

  • Captain Ramius: When he reached the New World, Cortez burned his ships. As a result his men were well motivated.

  • Captain Ramius: I miss the peace of fishing like when I was a boy. Forty years I've been at sea. A war at sea. A war with no battles, no monuments... only casualties. I widowed her the day I married her. My wife died while I was at sea, you know.

  • Seaman Jones: Conn, sonar! Crazy Ivan!

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: All stop! Quick quiet!

    [the ships engines are shut down completely]

    Beaumont: What's goin' on?

    Seaman Jones: Russian captains sometime turn suddenly to see if anyone's behind them. We call it "Crazy Ivan." The only thing you can do is go dead. Shut everything down and make like a hole in the water.

    Beaumont: So what's the catch?

    Seaman Jones: The catch is, a boat this big doesn't exactly stop on a dime... and if we're too close, we'll drift right into the back of him.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: The hard part about playing chicken is knowin' when to flinch.

  • Skip Tyler: When I was twelve, I helped my daddy build a bomb shelter in our basement because some fool parked a dozen warheads 90 miles off the coast of Florida. Well, this thing could park a coupla hundred warheads off Washington and New York and no one would know anything about it till it was all over.

  • Captain Ramius: A great day comrades, we sail into history!

  • Bill Steiner: Hey I think someone just shot a torpedo at us!

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: No shit, Buckwheat, now get the hell out of here!

  • Captain Ramius: It reminds me of the heady days of Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin when the world trembled at the sound of our rockets. Now they will tremble again - at the sound of our silence. The order is: engage the silent drive.

  • Jeffrey Pelt: Listen, I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops. But it also means I keep my options open.

  • Jeffrey Pelt: You slammed the door on the General pretty hard, didn't you?

    Jack Ryan: That was not my intention.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Oh, yes, it was! He was patronizing you, and you stomped on him! And in my opinion, he deserved it!

  • Adm. Painter: What's his plan?

    Jack Ryan: His plan?

    Adm. Painter: Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan.

  • Jack Ryan: [in the shower]

    [imitating the Admiral]

    Jack Ryan: "The average Ruskie, son, don't take a dump without a plan." Wait a minute. We don't have to figure out how to get the crew off the sub. He's already done that, he would have had to. All we gotta do is figure out what he's gonna do. So how's he gonna get the crew off the sub.

    [later, shaving]

    Jack Ryan: They have to want to get off. How do you get a crew to want to get off a submarine? How do you get a crew to want to get off a nuclear sub...


  • [USS Dallas is being chased by a torpedo, heading towards the surface]

    Lieutenant Commander Thompson - USS Dallas: Come on, Big D. Fly!

  • Seaman Jones: [Jonesy is teaching Beaumont] Hear it now?

    Beaumont: [resigned] No.

    Seaman Jones: Beaumont, at Caltech we used to do this in our sleep! You hear it now?

    Beaumont: Wait a minute...

    Seaman Jones: Uh oh...

    Beaumont: Disparaged surface clutter...

    Seaman Jones: Yeeeesssss?

    Beaumont: I should go to SAPS?

    Seaman Jones: Correct! Seaman Beaumont, Signal Algorithmic Processing System. Give it a week and you'll be teaching at Caltech. So, like Beethoven on the computer, you have laboured to produce... a biologic.

    Beaumont: A what?

    Seaman Jones: A whale, Seaman Beaumont, a whale. A marine mammal that knows a hell of a lot more about sonar than you do. Train her around to 269 and let's try it again?

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: [Ramius comments in Russian to Borodin that Mancuso is a "buckaroo". Ryan laughs] What's so funny?

    Jack Ryan: Ah, the Captain seems to think you're some kind of... cowboy.

    Captain Ramius: [spoken "You parle ruski"] You speak Russian.

    Jack Ryan: [in Russian] A little. It is wise to study the ways of ones adversary. Don't you think?

    Captain Ramius: [in English] It is.

  • [after Jack has just arrived at the Central Intelligence Agency]

    Admiral James Greer: Jesus! You look like hell!

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: Central Intelligence Agency... Now, there's a contradiction in terms.

  • Jack Ryan: I'm not an agent, I just write books for the CIA.

  • Captain Davenport: They're pinging away with their active sonar like they're looking for something, but nobody's listening.

    Jack Ryan: What do you mean?

    Captain Davenport: Well, they're moving at almost forty knots. At that speed, they could run right over my daughter's stereo and not hear it.

  • Kamarov: Stop pissing, Yuri. Give me a stopwatch and a map, and I'll fly the Alps in a plane with no windows.

    Yuri (Diving Officer): If the map is accurate enough.

  • Poltical Officer Ivan Putin: [Reading from a book belonging to Ramius, quoting the Bible] And the seventh angel poured his bowl into the air, and a voice cried out from heaven, saying: "It is done." A man with your responsibilities reading about the end of the world. And what's this? "I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds."

    Captain Ramius: It is an ancient Hindu text, quoted by an American.

    Poltical Officer Ivan Putin: An American?

    Captain Ramius: Mmm. He invented the atomic bomb, and was later accused of being a communist.

  • [the Konovalov's own torpedo is about to strike the Konovalov]

    Andrei Bonovia: You arrogant ass. You've killed *us*!

  • Capt. Vasili Borodin: I would like to have seen Montana.

  • Admiral James Greer: Now, understand, Commander, that torpedo did not self-destruct. You heard it hit the hull. And I...

    [showing him his identification]

    Admiral James Greer: ... was never here.

  • Flight Attendant: You know, if you do try and get some sleep, the flight will go a lot faster.

    Jack Ryan: I can never sleep on a plane. Turbulence.

    Flight Attendant: Pardon?

    Jack Ryan: Turbulence. Solar radiation heats the Earth's crust, warm air rises, cold air descends - turbulence. I, I don't like that.

    Flight Attendant: Oh. Well, try to get some sleep anyway.

  • Captain Ramius: Once more, we play our dangerous game, a game of chess against our old adversary - The American Navy. For forty years, your fathers before you and your older brothers played this game and played it well. But today the game is different. We have the advantage.

  • Jack Ryan: Well, Sir, I was just thinking that perhaps there's another possibility we might consider. Ramius might be trying to defect.

  • Jack Ryan: Well... Ramius trained most of their Officer Corps, which would put him in a position to select men willing to help him. And he's not Russian. He's Lithuanian by birth, raised by his paternal grandfather, a fisherman. He has no children, no ties to leave behind. And today is the first anniversary of his wife's death.

    General: Oh, come on. You're just an analyst, what can you possibly know what goes on in his mind?

    Jack Ryan: I know Ramius, General. He's nearly a legend in the submarine community.

  • Jeffrey Pelt: Okay, when do you leave?

    Jack Ryan: [laughing] Wait a minute! The General was right. I am not field personnel, I am only an analyst.

    Jeffrey Pelt: You're perfect.

  • Jeffrey Pelt: I'll give you three days to prove your theory correct. After that... we'll have to hunt down Ramius and destroy him. Will you do it?

  • Captain Ramius: Battle stations!

  • Jeffrey Pelt: Now you want us to help you hunt him down and kill him?

  • Ambassador Lysenko: It seems that the initial reports that one of our submarines was missing were not completely accurate. The submarine in question... is commanded by Captain Marko Ramius. Apparently he's suffered a kind of mental or nervous break down. Just before he sailed, he posted a letter to Admiral Yuri Padorin, in which he announced his intention to, to fire his missiles on the United States.

  • Jack Ryan: [to Captain Bart Mancuso] Give the man a chance.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: My orders are specific, Mr. Ryan.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: Mr. Ryan...

    Jack Ryan: He's defecting.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: And he can't change his mind?

    Jack Ryan: He's not going to change his mind.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Are you willing to bet your life on that?

  • Jeffrey Pelt: I can't ask any of these characters to go. One, they don't believe in it. Two, they'd never stake their reputation on a hunch. Whereas you...

    Jack Ryan: ...are expendable.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Something like that.

  • [to himself, just before being lowered off a helicopter]

    Jack Ryan: Next time, Jack, write a goddamn memo.

  • [Ryan is on board a plane experiencing violent turbulence]

    Navigator C-2A: What's the matter Commander? You don't like flying, huh? Aw, this is nothing! You should've been with us five, six months ago! Whoa! You talk about puke! We ran into a hailstorm over the Sea of Japan. Everybody's retching their guts out! The pilot shot his lunch all over the windshield, and I barfed on the radio! Shorted it out completely! And it wasn't that lightweight stuff either, it was that chunky industrial weight puke!

    [offers him the candy bar he's been eating]

    Navigator C-2A: Hey, you want a bite?

    Jack Ryan: Jack, next time you get a bright idea just put it in a memo!

  • Dr. Petrov: Well if you like borsch perhaps, but I've eaten better in an oily GALLEY. My wife said to the waiter, "where did this man learn to cook? AFGHANISTAN? So then we went on to the Bolshoi ballet, to see this new girl Gizelle. Well, you remember how BEAUTIFUL she was! Well, she just married a factory manager and...

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: You, you speak English?

    Red October Officer: Yes, sir.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Get your butt over here!

  • Captain Ramius: Re-verify our range to target... one ping only.

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Captain, I - I - I just...

    Captain Ramius: Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only, please.

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Aye, Captain.

  • [Russian midshipmen see the Dallas jumping out of the water]

    Russian midshipman: [in Russian] Captain's scared them out of the water!

    [the Russians cheer]

  • Jack Ryan: Is there a way you could get me on board the Dallas?

    Admiral Josh Painter: What the hell for?

    Jack Ryan: I think that Captain Mancuso has found the Red October.

  • Admiral James Greer: [after the meeting where Jack Ryan has just explained - quite boldly - his theory that Capt. Raimus is defecting] I told you to speak your mind Jack, but Jesus

    [laughing a little]

    Admiral James Greer: ...!

  • [Jack Ryan, in US Navy Commander uniform, exits after meeting the Admiral and Captain of the carrier]

    Admiral Josh Painter: You think he's crazy?

    Captain Davenport: Certifiable. And no matter what his credentials, I don't care for him wearing the uniform.

    Admiral Josh Painter: You see that ring on his finger? The Academy, Class of '72. A Marine.

    Captain Davenport: You're kidding! How did you...

    Admiral Josh Painter: Greer told me. Summer of his third year, he and his squad went down in a chopper accident in the Med. Bad - pilot, crew killed. That kid spent ten months in traction, another year learning to walk again. Did his fourth year from the hospital. Now it's up to you, Charlie, but you might consider cuttin' the kid a little slack.

  • Seaman Jones: COB, we don't have time for sea stories. I was just teaching Seaman Beaumont, here, the intracacies of modern sonar, now...

    Watson: [chuckling] Yea, and I ain't Chief Of the Boat, I'm actually Sheena, queen of the jungle!

  • [about Ramius]

    Jack Ryan: Has he made any Crazy Ivans?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: What difference does that make?

    Jack Ryan: Because his next one is going to be to starboard.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Why? Because his last was to port?

    Jack Ryan: No. Because he always goes to starboard in the bottom half of the hour.

    [Mancuso looks at a clock, and sees it's near the half-hour mark]

  • Captain Ramius: There's one thing you haven't yet asked me: why?

    Jack Ryan: Well, I thought you would tell me when you felt ready.

    Captain Ramius: Well, there are those who believe that we should attack the United States first. Settle everything in one moment. Red October was built for that purpose.

  • [telling young Sonarman Beaumont about Jones's most embarrassing moment]

    Watson: Seaman Jones here is into music in a big way, and he views this whole boat as his own personal, private stereo set. Well, one day he's got this piece of Pavarotti...

    Seaman Jones: It was Paganini.

    Watson: Whatever.

    Seaman Jones: It was Paganini.

    Watson: Look, this is my story, okay?

    Seaman Jones: Then tell it right, COB. Pavarotti is a tenor, Paganini was a composer.

    Watson: So anyway, he's got this music out in the water, and he's listening to it on his headsets, and he's just happy as a clam. And then all hell breaks loose. See, there's this whole slew of boats out in the water...

    Seaman Jones: Including one WAY out at Pearl!

    Watson: Including one way the hell out at Pearl. All of a sudden, they start hearing, Pavarotti...

    Beaumont: Pavarotti!

    Watson: Coming up their asses!

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: All back full.

    Lt. Cmdr. Thompson: Captain...

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: I said, all back full!

    Lt. Cmdr. Thompson: Back full, aye.

    [the Dallas reverses, churning the water]

    Seaman Jones: Captain, we're cavitating, he can hear us!

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Conn, aye. All right, Ryan, we just unzipped our fly. Mr. Thompson! Open the outer doors, firing point procedures. Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm going to blow him straight to Mars.

  • Jack Ryan: Where are we going, anyway?

    Admiral James Greer: Briefing for Jeffrey Pelt, the President's National Security Advisor. Most of the Joint Chiefs will be there, along with a few other people.

    Jack Ryan: Who's giving the briefing?

    Admiral James Greer: You are.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: [after hearing Jones's findings] Have I got this straight, Jonesy? A $40 million computer tells you you're chasing an earthquake, but you don't believe, and you come up with this on your own?

    Seaman Jones: Yes, sir.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Including all the navigation maps?

    Seaman Jones: Sir, I-I've got all the...

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Relax, Jonesy. You sold me.

  • Ambassador Andrei Lysenko: There is another matter... one I'm reluctant to...

    Dr. Jeffrey Pelt: Please.

    Ambassador Andrei Lysenko: One of our submarines, an Alfa, was last reported in the area of the Grand Banks. We have not heard from her for some time.

    Dr. Jeffrey Pelt: Andrei, you've lost another submarine?

  • Captain Ramius: [to the Political Officer, as he gasps for air on the floor after his neck broken] Where I am going, you cannot follow.

  • Lieutenant Melekhin, Engineer - Red October: [in Russian to shipmates after Ryan chokes on a Russian cigarette] He's turning green.

  • Lieutenant Commander Mike Hewitt: Red October has just turned into the torpedo's path.

    Admiral James Greer: Mother of God!

  • Admiral James Greer: [Concerning a briefing about the Red October and what she is capable of] You're going to be asked some very direct questions. Give them *direct* answers. Tell them what you think.

  • Capt. Vasili Borodin: [reading aloud the morse-code message from the approaching US warship] Red October. Red October. Halt and stay where you are. Do not attempt to submerge or you will be fired upon...

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: [to Ramius] Captain! I think he means to board us!

  • Poltical Officer Ivan Putin: [Discussing Captain Tupolev] He was your student. It is rumoured that he has a special place in his heart for you.

    Captain Ramius: There is little room in Tupolev's heart for anyone but Tupolev.

  • Dr. Petrov: [Ramius has taken the Political officers Missile key and kept it] Sir! The reason for having two keys is so that no one man may...

    Captain Ramius: May what, Doctor?

    Dr. Petrov: Arm the missiles Captain.

    Captain Ramius: Mmm, thank you for your concern Doctor

  • Captain Ramius: Ryan, sit here.

    Jack Ryan: I'm not a Naval officer! I'm with the CIA!

    Captain Ramius: CIA?

    Jack Ryan: I'm not an agent, I just write books for the CIA!

    Captain Ramius: Whatever. Sit here and do exactly what I tell you.

  • Captain Ramius: Steer right until this reads three one five.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: [to Ryan] No, that's wrong! Don't turn that goddamn wheel!

    Captain Ramius: [Ryan looks back over at him] Three one five.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: You're turning into the torpedo's path.

    Captain Ramius: Yes.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: [handing Ramius a gun] You may need this, sir.

  • Captain Ramius: You will go with the men in the life rafts. The officers and I will submerge beneath you, and scuttle the ship.

    Dr. Petrov: You will receive the Order of Lenin for this Captain!

  • Beaumont: Won't he hear us?

    Seaman Jones: Not if we stay in his baffles, Seaman Beaumont. Not if we stay in his baffles. Come up right behind his propellor and he'll be deaf as a post!

  • Captain Ramius: Let them sing.

  • Jack Ryan: [after a torpedo broke up harmlessly on the Red October's hull] What happened?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the torpedo, the captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.

    Jack Ryan: So that's it?

    Captain Ramius: Not quite. Right now, Captain Tupolev is removing the safety features on all his weapons. He won't make the same mistake twice.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: Hang on, Jonesy. If I can get you close enough... can you track this sucker?

    Seaman Jones: Yes, sir. Now that I know what to listen for, I'll bag 'im.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: [smiling] Carry on.

  • Jack Ryan: [thinking out loud - while slamming his hand on the table] You son of a bitch!

    Jeffrey Pelt: [Mildly] You want to add something to our discussion, Doctor Ryan?

  • Jack Ryan: Could you launch an ICBM horizontally?

    Skip Tyler: Sure. Why would you want to?

  • Jack Ryan: [catches Loganov in the act of hot wiring an ICBM] A goddamn cook!

    Jack Ryan: [switches to Russian] Ostav' eto v pokoye! (Leave it alone!)

  • Jack Ryan: I've got a line on those doors. You know what they are?

    Admiral James Greer: A nearly silent propulsion system?

    Jack Ryan: [taken aback] How did you know that?

    Admiral James Greer: The captain of the sub we had following her radioed in. Thing up and disappeared right in front of 'em.

  • Skip Tyler: [Looking at photos of Red October which show the doors in the front and back of the sub] I'll be... This might be a caterpillar.

    Jack Ryan: A what?

    Skip Tyler: A caterpillar drive. Magneto hydrodynamic propulsion. You follow?

    Jack Ryan: No.

    Skip Tyler: It's like... a jet engine for the water. Goes in the front, gets squirted out the back. Only it has no moving parts so it's very, very quiet.

    Jack Ryan: Like how quiet.

    Skip Tyler: Doubt our sonar would even pick it up. If it did, it would sound like... whales humping or some kind of seismic anomaly. Anything but a submarine. We messed with this a few years ago. Couldn't make it work. This... this isn't a mockup.

    Jack Ryan: She was put to sea this morning.

    Skip Tyler: When I was twelve, I helped my daddy build a bomb shelter in our basement because some fool parked a dozen warheads 90 miles off the coast of Florida. Well, this thing could park a couple of hundred warheads off Washington and New York and no one would know anything about it till it was all over.

  • Captain Ramius: A little revolution now and then is a healthy thing, don't you think?

  • [after Red October fails to appear for the exercise, Konovalov surfaces to check with headquarters]

    Captain Tupolev: [reading his new orders] Mother of *God*...!

    [pulls aside the curtain]

    Captain Tupolev: Secure the masts! All ahead two thirds, set depth to 900 meters!

    [reads the orders again]

    Captain Tupolev: Come left to heading two-zero-five!

    Seaman - Konovalov: Heading two-zero-five, aye.

    Captain Tupolev: These orders are seven bloody hours old! Sitting on the bottom like an idle schoolboy...

    Andrei Bonovia - Konovalov: Captain...?

    Captain Tupolev: All ahead flank!

    Seaman - Konovalov: All ahead flank.

    Captain Tupolev: [to Andrei] Inquire with engineer about going to 105 percent on the reactor.

    [an alarmed look passes around the bridge]

    Captain Tupolev: Seven hours... the entire fleet is after him.

    Seaman - Konovalov: Now leveling at 900 meters.

    Captain Tupolev: Very well.

    Andrei Bonovia - Konovalov: Captain, engineer reports 105 percent on the reactor possible, but not recommended.

    [long pause]

    Captain Tupolev: Go to 105 percent on the reactor.

    [instead of relaying the order, Andrei slams down the phone and confronts Tupolev]

    Andrei Bonovia - Konovalov: Captain! What is it? Where are we going?

    Captain Tupolev: We're going to kill a friend, Andrei. We're going to kill Ramius.

  • Admiral James Greer: So, how's Caroline? Last time I saw her was at your granddad's place in Maine, wasn't it?

    Jack Ryan: She's fine. Sends you her best.

    Admiral James Greer: And Sally?

    Jack Ryan: She's fine.

    Admiral James Greer: What is she now, 3?

    Jack Ryan: Uh, no, she's a very precocious five. Uh, she announced to Caroline and I the other day that her life would be considerably less lonely if we were to buy her a baby brother.

    Admiral James Greer: Buy one?

    Jack Ryan: Buy one. But, um, she decided it would be enough if were to buy one for Stanley.

    Admiral James Greer: Who's Stanley?

    Jack Ryan: Uh... Stanley's a bear.

    Admiral James Greer: All right. What's important enough to get you on a plane in the middle of the night?

  • Jack Ryan: British Intelligence obtained these pictures two days ago. She's the Red October, the latest Typhoon-class.

    Admiral James Greer: Big son of a bitch.

    Jack Ryan: 12 meters longer than the standard Typhoon, three meters wider. The captain's name is Ramius.

    Admiral James Greer: One of yours?

    Jack Ryan: Yeah. I did the bio on him last year. He's taken out the lead boat in each new sub class for the last ten years. Fairly good political connections. Trained most of their attack boat skippers. The Russians call him Vilnius Nastavnic; the Vilnius Schoolmaster.

    Admiral James Greer: What are these doors?

    Jack Ryan: Those doors, sir, are the problem. I-I don't know what they are. Neither do the British. Perhaps our friends in Murmansk have come up with something new.

  • Captain Ramius: What gives you the right to fire on my ship? Your signal said nothing of a torpedo.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Ryan?

    Jack Ryan: It was necessary to maintain the illusion for your crew.

    Captain Ramius: My crew are being rescued, yes?

    Jack Ryan: As we speak.

    Captain Ramius: You sent the signal.

    Jack Ryan: That's correct, sir.

    Captain Ramius: Then how did you know our reactor accident was false?

    Jack Ryan: Well, that was a guess, but it seemed logical.

  • Captain Ramius: I present you the ballistic missile submarine Red October. My officers and I request asylum in the United States of America.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: It's a pleasure, sir. Bart Mancuso, USS Dallas.

    Seaman: [hearing a torpedo pass over them] Torpedo. The Americans are shooting at us again.

    Seaman Jones: Pitch is too high. The torpedo's Russian.

  • Jack Ryan: The last 24 hours have seen some extraordinary Soviet naval activity. The first to sail was this ship, we believe called the Red October, in reference to the October Revolution of 1917. A variant of the Typhoon class, she's some 650 feet long and 32,000 tons submerged displacement; roughly the same size as a World War II aircraft carrier. We believe that these doors, here on the bow and again on the stern, enclose a unique propulsion system - a magneto-hydrodynamic drive, or caterpillar, that would enable the sub to run virtually silent. It is possible that this new drive system allowed the captain, a man named Ramius, their senior and perhaps most respected commander...

    [to an aide]

    Jack Ryan: Do we have his picture available?

    [turning back to Pelt and the others]

    Jack Ryan: ...allowed Ramius to elude one of our attack boats, the Dallas, which trailed Red October from harbor this morning. It is also possible that this drive system, if operable, could render the Red October undetectable to our SOSUS warning nets in the Atlantic.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Mr. Ryan, would you characterize this as a first-strike weapon?

    Jack Ryan: Uh, that is a possibility, sir. Uh, it is designed to approach by stealth and to shower its target with multiple independent warheads with little or no warning before impact.

    Admiral (Briefing): God damn thing's made to start a war.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Proceed, Mr. Ryan.

    Jack Ryan: About the same time the Dallas lost contact, there were additional sailings from Polijarny and from Leningrad on the Baltic and from the Mediterranean. There are now some 58 nuclear submarines headed at high speed into the Atlantic. This afternoon, a satellite pass over Polijarny found heat blooms in the engineering plants at the Kirov, the Minsk, and more than 20 other cruisers and destroyers, indicating they were preparing to sail. This constitutes the bulk of the Soviet surface fleet.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Admiral Greer, your conclusions?

    Admiral James Greer: Well, sir, the data support no conclusions as yet. The absence of activity in the Pacific suggests this could be just an exercise. It may have nothing to do...

    General (Briefing): Suppose it's not an exercise? Suppose this is the beginning of a move against NATO?

  • Judge Moore (Briefing): Before sailing, Captain Ramius sent a letter to Admiral Yuri Padorin, chairman of the Red Fleet, northern political directorate.

    Jack Ryan: [quietly to Greer] That's her uncle.

    Admiral James Greer: Whose uncle?

    Jack Ryan: Ramius' wife. Padorin's her uncle.

    Judge Moore (Briefing): Now, the contents of the letter are unknown, but Admiral Padorin immediately demanded a meeting with Premier Cherenenko, and within minutes of that meeting, the Soviet fleet sailed with orders to find Red October... and sink her.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Sink her?

    Admiral (Briefing): Oh, my god, they've got a madman on their hands.

  • Jeffrey Pelt: Let's assume for a minute that you're right and this Russian intends to defect. What do you suggest we do about it?

    Jack Ryan: We definitely grab the boat, sir.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Hey, wait a minute. We're not talking about some stray pilot with a MiG. We're talking about several billion dollars' worth of Soviet state property. They're gonna want it back.

    Jack Ryan: Maybe it's enough then just to get some people on board and inspect it. Call it whatever you want to; a-a Coast Guard safety inspection.

    Jeffrey Pelt: So, how do we proceed?

    Jack Ryan: First, we need to contact the commanders in the Atlantic directly. The Russians get one whiff of this through the regular communication circuits, the game is up. Second, we need to figure out what can we do to help him? We need to devise a plan to intercede, ready to go at a moment's notice. And third, somebody's gotta go out there and make contact with Ramius and find out what his intentions really are.

  • Capt. Vasili Borodin: Captain, I would never disagree with you in front of the men, you know that. But in this case, Victor is right. It would have been better if you had not informed Moscow.

    Captain Ramius: Oh, Vasily. Moscow is not the worry, nor the whole Soviet navy. I know their tactics. I have the advantage. No. The worry is the Americans. If we meet the right sort, this will work.

  • Captain Davenport: The gentleman is here to see you.

    Admiral Josh Painter: Gentleman? What the hell you talking about, Charlie?

    [coming out of the bathroom, he sees Jack]

    Jack Ryan: I apologize for the uniform, sir. This is Admiral Greer's idea of a low profile.

    Admiral Josh Painter: You work for Jim Greer?

    Jack Ryan: That's right, sir.

    Admiral Josh Painter: Then I imagine you'll tell me what all the hubbub's about.

  • Seaman Jones: Sir, the moment that sub went silent and I thought I heard some singing, I heard something in the background, real faint. And then, after all those subs took off, I caught it again and I managed to get it on tape. I washed it through the computer a few times and was able to isolate this sound.

    [pressing "play" on a tape recorder, they hear a slow pulsing]

    Seaman Jones: When I asked the computer to identify it, what I got was magma displacement. You see, sir, the SAPS software was originally written to look for seismic events. And I think when it gets confused, it kind of runs home to mama.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: I'm not following you, Jonesy.

    Seaman Jones: Sir, I'm sorry. Listen to it at ten times speed.

    [playing it again, the pulsing sounds more like a steady clanging]

    Seaman Jones: Now, that's got to man-made, Captain.

  • Seaman Jones: The first contact was at 09:15, and the bearing was 2-6-9.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Mm-hmm.

    Seaman Jones: At 09:30, it was here. I came back to it at 11:00 and 11:15, here and here. Sir, remember the dispatch we got about Russian sub skippers running the Reykjanes Ridge at high speeds because they had hyper-accurate surveys of the underwater canyons?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Yeah, yeah, Red Route 1.

    Seaman Jones: And the front door to those canyons was a formation called Thor's Twins, right?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Yeah?

    Seaman Jones: Well...

    [with a ruler and marker, he connects the line of contacts all the way down to Thor's Twins]

    Seaman Jones: Look at that.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Right into Red Route 1.

    Seaman Jones: Captain, you may think I'm crazy, but I'll bet that magma displacement was actually some new Russian sub, and it's headed for the Iceland coast.

  • Admiral Josh Painter: Jack, the only way to get you on the Dallas is to fly you out there by chopper. And the only way we can get you that far north is to strip it down and turn it into a flying gas can.

  • Captain Davenport: [briefing Jack about the chopper ride out to the Dallas] The bird's loaded down with enough fuel to get you there, but Dallas may not be there. We're trying to get a message to her, but if she's gone deep, it's dodgy. If you have to ditch...

    [a fighter jet engine roars and it takes off]

    Captain Davenport: If you have to ditch, don't think about anything but the survival gear. At this water's temperature, you'll have about four minutes.

    Jack Ryan: I'll try to remember that.

  • Jack Ryan: I understand that message. It makes perfect sense. Look at the situation: Ramius intends to defect. The Russians know this, which is why they've been trying to sink him for the past two days, but they haven't been able to. So they're trying...

    Lieutenant Commander Thompson - USS Dallas: Captain, I've got a firing solution.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Very well.

    Jack Ryan: Captain, you have to listen to me. The Russians will stop at nothing to prevent Ramius from defecting. They are desperate. They've invented this story that he's crazy because they need our help to sink him before he can safely contact us.

  • Seaman Jones: Conn, sonar. Target's flooded his tubes.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Has he opened his outer doors?

    Seaman Jones: Negative, Captain. He's just sitting there. Hold on. Hull popping. Target's coming shallow.

    Jack Ryan: What's that mean?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: That means he's a very cool customer, your Russian. He knows we're here and we're ready to shoot. He's not gonna provoke us. He's heading to periscope depth to see what's on the surface. What's his course now?

    Lieutenant Commander Thompson - USS Dallas: Course is 2-7-0, Captain, due west.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Bring us alongside him.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: You wanted to talk to him, Mr. Ryan. There he is. What do you wanna say?

    Jack Ryan: Will he be the only one looking through the periscope?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Probably.

    Jack Ryan: We'll have to chance that. "U.S. told you intend missile launch." Break. "Do not approach U.S. coast, or you will be attacked." Break. "If intention is other, will you discuss option?" Break. Can he acknowledge with a single ping?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Yeah, he can. The question is, will he?

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: [after Ramius sends a single ping at the Dallas] I'll be damned. Now what?

    Jack Ryan: All right. "If defection..."

    [muttering quietly to himself]

    Jack Ryan: "... you plot course toward..." A chart. I need a chart.

    [rifling through navigation charts]

    Jack Ryan: No. No. Okay. Where the hell are we? Someplace deep. Someplace deep.

    [finding a suitable spot]

    Jack Ryan: Okay. Okay! Send them this!

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: [giving the message a once-over] Are you out of your mind?

    Jack Ryan: Just send it.

Extended Reading
  • Catharine 2022-04-21 09:01:28

    The Soviet Navy speaks Russian when it comes to secondary content, and English when it comes to primary content, or you just keep speaking English. The psychological battle between the two sides is not exciting enough, it seems that Ryan has completely mastered the psychology of the other captain. It is barely qualified to watch as an action movie, but from the perspective of a war movie, it is actually difficult to match with its reputation.

  • Ryleigh 2022-04-22 07:01:04

    It's great. From the beginning, it shows a steady, solid, calm, and restrained temperament. This temperament continues to the end of the film. The only dissatisfaction is that the development of the whole film is based on the analyst's guess on the captain's intention. The basis behind this guess is not convincing force