The Hunger Quotes

  • Sarah Roberts: She's that kind of a woman. She's... European.

  • Alice Cavender: What's wrong with him?

    Miriam Blaylock: He'll be all right. He's having trouble sleeping.

    Alice Cavender: Want some 'ludes? I've got some in my case.

    Miriam Blaylock: What?

    Alice Cavender: Quaaludes.

    Miriam Blaylock: Alice!

    Alice Cavender: I stole 'em from my stepmother.

    Miriam Blaylock: Alice!

    Alice Cavender: She doesn't care; she gets them by the gross! She's got every pill ever invented! She collects them.

    Miriam Blaylock: Poor woman.

    Alice Cavender: That's what my dad says. 'Cause she's scared of getting old.

  • John Blaylock: Forever?

    Miriam Blaylock: What?

    John Blaylock: Forever and ever.

  • Sarah Roberts: What's that piece you're playing?

    Miriam Blaylock: It's "Lakme" by Delibes. Lakme is a Brahmin princess in India, she has a slave named Malika.

    Sarah Roberts: Malika...

    Miriam Blaylock: In a magical garden they sing how they follow the stream to its source, gliding over the water.

    Sarah Roberts: Is it a love song?

    Miriam Blaylock: I told you, it was sung by two women.

    Sarah Roberts: It sounds like a love song.

    Miriam Blaylock: Then I suppose that's what it is.

    Sarah Roberts: Are you making a pass at me, Mrs. Blaylock?

    Miriam Blaylock: Miriam.

    Sarah Roberts: Miriam.

    Miriam Blaylock: Not that I'm aware of, Sarah.

    [Sarah smiles, shakes her head, and then spills wine on her top]

  • Lieutenant Allegrezza: Lieutenant Allegrezza.

    Miriam Blaylock: [smiles]

    Lieutenant Allegrezza: I don't usually get a smile on that...

    Miriam Blaylock: You should: this mean "good cheer."

    Lieutenant Allegrezza: That's right.

  • [first lines]

    John Blaylock: No ice.

  • [last lines]

    Miriam Blaylock: Sarah!

  • Lillybelle: Excuse me, make it to Lillybelle.

  • John Blaylock: You said forever. Never ending. Do you remember?

    Miriam Blaylock: Everyday.

    John Blaylock: Forever you said.

    Miriam Blaylock: Forever and ever.

    John Blaylock: Never growing old. Do you? Remember?

    Miriam Blaylock: Stop it.

    John Blaylock: Forever young.

    Miriam Blaylock: Stop it.

    John Blaylock: Kiss. Kiss me. Think of me as I was. Kiss me like that.

  • Miriam Blaylock: There is no release, my darling. No rest. No letting go.

  • Miriam Blaylock: Humankind dies one way, we another. Their end is final. Ours is not. In the earth, in rotting wood, in the eternal darkness, we will see and hear and feel.

  • Sarah Roberts: I don't know why I'm here.

    Miriam Blaylock: Come in.

  • Sarah Roberts: I like your pendent.

    Miriam Blaylock: Its Egyptian. It was the symbol of everlasting life.

  • Miriam Blaylock: You belong to me. We belong to each other.

  • Miriam Blaylock: Its not nearly as difficult as you imagined, is it?

  • Miriam Blaylock: You're a part of me now and I cannot let you go.

  • John Blaylock: Dr. Roberts.

    Sarah Roberts: Yeah.

    John Blaylock: You Iet me down.

    Sarah Roberts: Beg your pardon?

    John Blaylock: You didn't beIieve me. You made me sit here for over two hours.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock?

    John Blaylock: You had your meeting to go to. Fifteen minutes, you said. You Iied. Just thought I was some ridicuIous oId crank.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock, wait, pIease.

    John Blaylock: Wait? I can't wait.

  • John Blaylock: PIease pIay the LaIo for me, even if it is a IittIe saccharine.

  • Miriam Blaylock: My husband is not here.

    Sarah Roberts: When wiII he be back?

    Miriam Blaylock: He's gone to SwitzerIand.

  • Miriam Blaylock: l'm sure we could talk for hours, you and l, but l suppose you're very busy.

    Sarah Roberts: No, not too busy. What about you?

    Miriam Blaylock: Me? You wouId think me mostIy idIe, I'm afraid. My time is my own.

  • Tom Haver: What's that?

    Sarah Roberts: What?

    Tom Haver: The chain around your neck.

    Sarah Roberts: It's an ankh. It's Egyptian. Miriam gave it to me. Mrs. BIayIock. The woman that I went to see this afternoon.

  • Tom Haver: I think you shouId see a doctor.

    Sarah Roberts: I am a doctor.

    Tom Haver: And so am I.

  • Sarah Roberts: What have you done to me?

    Miriam Blaylock: I've given you something you never dared dream of.

    Sarah Roberts: What?

    Miriam Blaylock: EverIasting Iife.

  • Sarah Roberts: I'm getting out of here.

    Miriam Blaylock: You'II be back. When The Hunger hurts so much you've Iost reason, then you'II have to feed, and then you'II need me to show you how.

  • Sarah Roberts: [on the phone] May I speak to Dr. Tom Haver, pIease? What do you mean he's gone home? No, but he's not there. I aIready caIIed the apartment. No, he can't caII me. I'm in a booth.

  • 2nd Phone Booth Youth: Hey, lady, how 'bout it?

    1st Phone Booth Youth: Come on, Iady. How 'bout it? Huh?

    [Sarah runs away]

    1st Phone Booth Youth: Crazy fuckin' junkie.

  • Miriam Blaylock: I'm going to bring someone to you. Someone who can feed your Hunger.

  • Miriam Blaylock: We're damned to live forever - with no release, no end.

The Hunger

Director: Tony Scott

Language: English Release date: April 29, 1983

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