[first lines]
Tahei: Get away from me! You stink of dead bodies!
Matakishi: Give it up. We both stink of dead bodies. And it's all your fault!
General Rokurota Makabe: Hide a stone among stones and a man among men.
[last lines]
Tahei: [Tahei hands Matakishi a piece of gold] You take this.
Matakishi: No, you keep it.
Tahei: But...
Matakishi: Don't worry about it.
[they both laugh]
Tahei: [the two men rest against a wall of dirt from digging in the hidden fortress, Matashichi's leg over Tahei's. Tahei kicks it away] What are you doing? Don't touch me, fool! lt's uncomfortable enough.
Matakishi: [Kicks Tahei's leg] lt's your face that makes me uncomfortable.
Tahei: You leave my face alone!
[He starts blinking the sweat away profusely]
Matakishi: l hate the way you blink all the time.
[Tahei continues blinking]
Matakishi: There you go again.
Tahei: Shut up! Put your filthy teeth away!
[He begins prodding at Matashichi with an oar]
Tahei: Show them to me once more and l'll bash them in!
[Matashichi lunges with a fork, its prongs landing right near Tahei's head. Tahei starts blubbering]
Tahei: l'm quitting! This is idiotic! l dig and dig and nothing!
Tahei: [Holding onto Matashichi as the escaping, rioting prisoners run past] Matashichi, this is hell!
Matakishi: Let's die together.
Princess Yuki: What you make of another's kindness is up to you.
[subtitled version]
Tahei: Now's our chance to give him the slip.
Matakishi: Shhh.
[He points at Princess Yuki sitting right behind them]
Tahei: Don't worry. She's mute.
Matakishi: She's mute but she can hear.
Tahei: Stupid. A mute can't speak because they're deaf.
General Rokurota Makabe: [sees Tahei and Matashichi scrambling down the rocks, trying to escape] Hey! where are you going?
Tahei: Boss, run! The Yamana soldiers found us! There were horses by the spring!
General Rokurota Makabe: Idiots! I stole those.
Tahei, Matakishi: Huh?
[General Makabe emerges from the fortress on a misty morning, clutching Tahei by the collar of his rags]
General Rokurota Makabe: Where's Matashichi?
Tahei: I don't know!
[Makabe drags the shifty peasant down the steps into the courtyard]
Tahei: Ow, ow, ow...
General Rokurota Makabe: What are you up to?
Tahei: H-he-he's gone to the town...
General Rokurota Makabe: The town? What for?
Tahei: To- to tell the soldiers...
General Rokurota Makabe: Tell them what?
Tahei: A-about the Princess, of course!
General Rokurota Makabe: The Princess?
[Makabe let's go of Tahei in surprise. Tahei scrambles away, wailing and screaming. He's now standing on the other side of the trench that Makabe forced him and Matashichi to dig]
Tahei: We ain't... as stupid as you think! You thought you'd fooled us! We know you... that ten ryo you had... it's from the war funds you stole! On top of that, you intend to get a reward for the Princess! We ain't gonna let you!
General Rokurota Makabe: I was wrong to trust such scum.
Tahei: Look who's talking- you're the scum!
Tahei: Uh...
[He realizes Matashichi is about to speak, and tries to let him speak, but Matashichi wordlessly urges, 'No, you first!']
Tahei: What... are you doing here in the mountains?
General Rokurota Makabe: What about you?
Tahei: [stunned] Us? We intend to cross... the border.
General Rokurota Makabe: The border?
[Matashichi nods]
Matakishi: We want to go to Hayakawa.
General Rokurota Makabe: Hayakawa? But beyond the mountains it's Yamana.
[Tahei and Matashichi briefly exchange glances and both stand up]
Tahei: [nervously] Yes... but you see...
[Tahei crouches, and begins to draw in the dirt with a stick]
Tahei: t-to go to H-Hayakawa... this is Hayakawa... and this is...
[He continues to draw on his diagram]
Tahei: Akizuki where we are now.
[He draws another picture of a plot of land]
Tahei: This is Yamana. Yamana, see? We want to go from, uh, Akizuki to Hayakawa. But the border is guarded by Yamana soldiers. So, uh, we'll cross first into Yamana right there, and then slip into Hayakawa. See...
[He glances at Matashichi]
Matakishi: See... there's no way that the survivors of the Akizuki clan would go to Yamana, the enemy territory. So, uh, the border between Akizuki and Yamana... should be open.
[Tahei laughs nervously]
Tahei: That's right, that's right. Th-the Hayakawa-Yamana border, uh, should be easy to cross, than the, uh, Akizuki-Hayakawa border.
[He and Matashichi nod in agreement]
Tahei: Anyway, we're just peasants. Even if anything happened we'd still make it.
[Rokurota bursts out laughing]
General Rokurota Makabe: All right, I've made up my mind. Going through Yamana is a good idea.
Matakishi: We can't go home like this.
Tahei: Then strip that dead guy.
Matakishi: Huh? I may be desperate, but I ain't a thief.
Tahei: Do what you want. I'm getting out of here!
[Tahei starts to limp off down the road]
Matakishi: Go on, then. I'll catch up to you after I make a buck.
Tahei: Don't come crying to me, then!
[He scoffs]
Tahei: You'll caught again and be digging graves! You'll see!
[Matashichi picks up dust and throws it at Tahei]
Matakishi: Damn you! Go on, get! It'll be a blessing to see you go!
[Tahei scoffs again]
Matakishi: You shitworm!
Matashichi: Shitworms can't smell shit.
Matashichi: What is this place?
Tahei: It's what they call a hidden fortress.
Matashichi: A hidden fortress?
Matashichi: Oh, it's that guy.
Tahei: Hey! What's your name?
General Rokurota Makabe: Me? I'm Rokurota Makabe.
Tahei: Rokurota Makabe? I've heard that name before.
Matashichi: Makabe?
Matashichi, Tahei: Makabe?
Tahei: be?
Matashichi: Makabe?
Matashichi, Tahei: Rokurota? Eh?
Matashichi: Get out of here! Rokurota Makabe is a legendary Akizuki samurai general! You take us for fools?
[Makabe laughs and walks away]
Tahei: We shouldn't put up with this.
Matashichi: Hey! Stop fooling around! You're no gereral. You're just a bully. What's with the big attitude?
[Makabe continues laughing]
Matashichi: Don't make fun of us! Damn you!
Matashichi: Where is she? Who is she?
General Rokurota Makabe: I don't know. She's really quick, though. She's already gone. Look. She's mine, okay? I'll kill you if you go near her.
Matashichi: Damn it! Gone again!
Tahei: He's on his high horse watching us do all the work.
Matashichi: Right. He's probably running around looking for that girl.
Tahei: Maybe he already found a place and is sleeping with her.
Matashichi: We agreed to split everything in three. The girl should be the same.
Princess Yuki: Kofuyu was 16. I am 16. What difference is there in our souls?
Old Lady-in-Waiting: I don't know what to do with her Highness. It's the lord's fault. Even if he was lacking an heir, it was cruel to raise her Highness like a boy. Say right and she'll go left, say left and she'll go right. And though she is a girl, she has never shown me a tear. The same with her present behavior. Insensitive to your pain of having sacrificed your sister, she herself doesn't shed a tear, but she still criticizes you. It's too much.
General Rokurota Makabe: Her Highness is the real sacrifice. Her suffering is having to rebuild the Akizuki clan.
The Old General, Izumi Nagakura: This is good! To fool the Yamana by going through enemy lines.
General Rokurota Makabe: This was the peasants' idea. Depending on their answers, I was ready to kill them. But hearing their plan to go through Yamana to Hayakawa, I was stunned.
The Old General, Izumi Nagakura: Sometimes even moss can be smart.
The Old General, Izumi Nagakura: How long can we rely on them?
General Rokurota Makabe: We can rely on their greed. Make them carry gold and they'll put up with anything.
The Old General, Izumi Nagakura: What shall we do with the princess? We can disguise her looks, but not her class and her speech.
General Rokurota Makabe: Her Highness will have to be a mute.
Slave Trader: [to a slave girl] You're so slow! Pay attention and bring some water! Always crying, but you refuse to take johns. You were a lousy deal.
Potential slave buyer: Where did you get her?
Slave Trader: In Akizuki. Lose a war and plenty of women go on sale.
Slave Trader: Look. Average-looking, but excellent body. How about it? One silver piece, she's yours for the night.
Potential slave buyer: What's the use of buying a woman who won't take customers?
Princess Yuki: Buy that girl back.
General Rokurota Makabe: I cannot.
Princess Yuki: Why not? I am the Princess of Akizuki. I can't bear to see one of our own in trouble.
General Rokurota Makabe: No, you're the one in trouble. Your kindness will be your downfall.
Princess Yuki: I don't care! Buy her back.
Princess Yuki: You cannot make my heart mute too!
Yamana Fire Festival Participants: [chanting] The life of man, Burn it in the fire, The life of an insect, Throw it into the fire, Yeah! When you realize, The world is dark, Life is just a dream, Lose yourself, Yeah!
General Hyoe Tadokoro: Why did you let me survive the shame of my defeat? To defeat an enemy yet let him live may seem kind, but it's cruel!
Princess Yuki: I have enjoyed the journey. The happiness of these days, I would have never known living in the castle. I've seen people as they are, without pretense. I've seen their beauty and their ugliness with my own eyes.
The Hidden Fortress Quotes
Ellen 2022-03-26 09:01:09
Fleeing, arrested, peasants resisting, fighting for gold bars Crazy round up and informer tried to defect again. In the mountains, two far and one near, two near and one far are beautiful, but they cannot share the hardships with Gan Kurosawa. The best works are more interesting than the Seven Samurai, and they are purer than the westernized influences in the middle and late stages.
Lacey 2022-03-27 09:01:14
The gold rush adventures of two farmers, and the story of Zhuge Liang's subduing of Zhou Yu's rebellion. "Shadow Warrior" and "Chaos" are constantly imitating people. In fact, there is no need to pursue such a palace level. If the blockbuster can be made into "Warring States Heroes", it will be enough.