The Green Inferno Quotes

  • Alejandro: Have you ever had fantasies of saving a tribe?

  • Charles: Peru is dangeorus, you can't just go invade a country because you see them as doing something immoral.

    Justine: I know. I just think I should be doing something about the rainforest.

  • Amy: [talking in nervous excitement to Justine] Eh, I hate small planes. I always get this feeling that they're going to crash.

  • Daniel: [to Alejandro before the others following their treatment by the tribe before being allocated to their cages] You know what this is? You know what they're doing to us?

  • Samantha: [watching the cannibalism of Jonah] We have to get out of here.

  • The Bald Headhunter: [turning to face an awakening Justine on his canoe as they scale up the river] Paia!

  • Alejandro: Look, it's good they ate Josh first. He should last them almost a week.

    [Justine lunges at him in anger]

  • Alejandro: You must be a freshman. Only a freshman would speak with such insolence.

  • Jonah: Don't think, act.

  • Carlos: Be careful, the jungle is a dangerous place.

  • Alejandro: No matter what, keep streaming.

  • [after feeding the natives marijuana]

    Lars: Oh fuck, they got the munchies!

  • Amy: No one's going to find us.

  • Kara: There's nowhere to go, everywhere looks the fucking same.

  • Amy: Guys, they're coming back!

    [cannibal villagers return with ceramic bowls for captives]

  • Kaycee: So I go to this party, and Scott's like, you should totally rush. And I'm like, that's retarded. That's were idiots who were stupid enough to go to Dartmouth.

    [offers a piece of fruit]

    Justine: I'm on a hunger strike.

    Kaycee: You're one of them, I can tell.

    Justine: Or I'm just not hungry.

    Kaycee: Or you secretly want to starve yourself.

    Justine: Duh, what girl doesn't?

  • Alejandro: Get media attention. Right or wrong, you need cameras on them. That's the only way people change their behavior. The threat of embarrassment. You must shame them.

  • Kaycee: Well, what do you want me to say? I think you're 100% wrong.

    Justine: I think you're 100% whore.

    Kaycee: [smirking] I'm probably 50/50.

  • Lars: You're such a fat guy in love.

    Jonah: I am not.

    Lars: There's nothing sadder than that.

  • Justine: [to Lars about to pee next to her] This is the girls tree, find your own!

  • Alejandro: You're a hero.

    Justine: You were going to let them kill me.

    Alejandro: You knew the risks.

    Justine: Yeah. I just didn't know the the biggest one was you.

  • Lars: I can smell it. My God, I can smell my friend being cooked.

  • Alejandro: Be thankful that they killed Jonah first. He can feed them for a week.

  • [last lines]

    Justine: [answering the phone] Hello?

    Sister: [voice] Justine?

    Justine: Who is this?

    Sister: [voice] My name is Lucia. I'm Alejandro's sister.

    Justine: I'm really sorry, I actually can't talk right now.

    Sister: [voice] I... I found a satellite photo. It looks like my brother. We need to talk.

    [Alejandro comes into focus looking up]