Gary Hart: [from trailer] My name is Gary Hart and I'm running for President.
Gary Hart: This campaign is about the future. Not rumors, not sleaze, and I care about the sanctity of this process, *whether you do or do not*!
Bill Dixon: We're talking about how you get through today without pissing away everything we've all worked for on this campaign! If you lose this, we can kiss the White House goodbye.
Lee Hart: [on the phone] Go on, Gary, say it.
Gary Hart: There's going to be a story tomorrow about me.
Bill Dixon: He's not a regular person, he's the next fucking president of the United fucking States!
Ben Bradlee: When I was a reporter we fucked each other and didn't write about it.
[repeated line]
Donna Rice: I just wanna go home.
Georgetown Moderator: Give the president a little credit. One could argue he's trying to keep us safe.
Gary Hart: No, President Regan has allowed us cities to decay while he buys enough warheads to destroy this planet 30 times over.
Georgetown Moderator: You and your younger democratic colleagues have been called the "Atari Democrats".
Gary Hart: I've heard. I didn't coin that.
Georgetown Moderator: Have you ever played Atari?
Gary Hart: Uh, yes, I've tried Asteroids a few times with my son. Uhhh, I mostly drifted around getting pelted with rocks.
[laughs with audience]
Gary Hart: Felt like my first term in the Senate.
[laughs more with audience]
Gary Hart: [responding to Dole] We did not bankrupt the Soviets. Communism bankrupted itself morally and economically. You do not get credit for kicking down a door that's already open.
[audience applauds]
Bill Dixon: [holds up his cup at meeting] Yeah, we're gonna need water for the press.
Kevin Sweeney: Maybe oxygen, too?
John Emerson: It's the death nail of journalism.
Doug Wilson: Do you mean "death knell"? It's a common mistake.
John Emerson: How often do people just punch you in the face?
[last lines]
Gary Hart: [closing speech] Well, clearly, under present circumstances this campaign cannot go on. I refuse, to submit my family and my friends, to further rumors and gossip.
Gary Hart: I don't want to be the issue. And I cannot be the issue. If you're gonna have to spend all your time, talking about yourself, and you're not particularly good at that anyway, then you can't maintain the link with the voters.
Gary Hart: In public life, some things may be interesting, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're important. And the farmers in Amarillo, the oil field workers in Louisiana, the steelworkers in Pennsylvania, they want jobs. Their kids, want an education, and like all the rest of us they don't want to be killed by some nuclear weapon.
Gary Hart: Now, we're all gonna have to, seriously question the system, we have for electing, our national leaders, that has reporters in bushes, photographers peeking in our windows, that reduces the press of this nation into the hunters, and the presidential candidates into the hunted... after which ponderous pundits wonder in mock seriousness as to why some of the best people in this country choose not to run for high office.
Gary Hart: Now politics, in this country, take it from me, is on the verge of becoming another form of athletic competition or sport. We'd all better do something, to make the system work, or we're all soon gonna be rephrasing Jefferson to say: "I tremble for my country when I fear we may, in fact, get the kind of leaders we deserve." I've said I bend but I do not break. And believe me I'm not broken. I say to my children, and the young people of this country: I'm angry too. I've made some mistakes, I said so. I said I would because I'm human. But I'm an idealist, and I want to serve my country. Events of the past week should not deter any of you, who are idealistic young people, from moving on, from moving up. The torch of idealism in your hearts burns bright. It should lead you to want, to make this country better. Wherever you go, whatever you do, at least in spirit I will be with you. Thank you.
The Front Runner Quotes
Extended Reading