The Forgotten Quotes

  • Telly Paretta: I had life inside me. I had life. I have a child. I have a son. I have a son, and his name is Sam, you son of a bitch.

  • Telly Paretta: [Ash is hitting the NSA agaent they have strapped to a chair while questioning him for answers] Don't do that!

    Ash Correll: What, this?

    [Ash hits him again]

  • Telly Paretta: At first I thought it had something to do with the plane crash. Remember when that TWA plane crashed over Long Island? Everybody thought it was a missile, friendly fire, or some type of government cover-up.

    Ash Correll: Yeah, I remember that.

    Telly Paretta: But then I thought, you know, 'How could the government erase our memories?' Its just not possible. So...

    Ash Correll: What?

    Telly Paretta: So you don't think I'm out of my mind?

    Ash Correll: I don't anymore.

  • A Friendly Man: There are worse things than forgetting.

    Telly Paretta: No, there aren't.

  • Ash Correll: Baseball is great. It's the only sport in the world that you can play while taking a nap.

  • Telly Paretta: Please tell me, no one will know that you spoke to us. I swear to you!

    Cop: They're listening.

  • Telly Paretta: Why did you change the picture? You replaced our book with an empty book.


    Telly Paretta: You erased our son!

    Jim Paretta: I didn't change anything! They were always blank!

  • Dr. Jack Munce: Telly, you never had a son. Sometimes people go around and invent alternate lives, with imagined friends, and imagined families.

    Telly Paretta: [shouts] Stop it! Why are you doing this?


    Telly Paretta: I am not making him up!

  • Telly Paretta: Where is my son?

  • Jim Paretta: I think it's great, you're starting to write again. What's your book going to be about?

    Telly Paretta: Psychotic women, and the men who love them.

  • A Friendly Man: You need to FORGET!

  • Det. Anne Pope: [shouts] Telly Paretta, stop! I'm Detective Pope! I tracked the man to this house. I shot him in the leg, and nothing.


    Det. Anne Pope: He is not human! I believe you!

  • Det. Anne Pope: You don't know very much. National Security, huh? Better buy better locks.

  • [first lines]

    Dr. Jack Munce: How much time did you spend at the dresser compared to last week?

    Telly Paretta: Less.

    Dr. Jack Munce: How much less?

    Telly Paretta: I don't know exactly.

    Dr. Jack Munce: You wanna make a guess, roughly, for the week?

    Telly Paretta: Oh, not even an hour a day.

  • [last lines]

    Telly Paretta: I'm Telly. Sam's mom.

    Ash Correll: I'm Ash. I think we met before.

  • A Friendly Man: I need more TIME!

    [yelling at Telly]

  • Telly Paretta: Do you get drunk every night?

    Ash Correll: No. Sometimes I'm drunk by noon.

  • Telly Paretta: Jim says I have a death grip on the past.

    Dr. Jack Munce: How are you getting along? Did you, uh, fight at all this week?

    Telly Paretta: Jim doesn't fight, he negotiates.

    Dr. Jack Munce: Are you... comfortable physically? How's the sex?

    Telly Paretta: How would you feel if I asked you that question? How's the sex with Mrs. Munce? Would you answer?

    Dr. Jack Munce: Yes. But I'd have to charge you more.

  • Dr. Jack Munce: I'm Dr. Jack Munce. Telly Paretta's my patient. I'd like to help. Telly's contacted me.

    Det. Anne Pope: So, what can you tell me about Telly that might help me find her?

    Dr. Jack Munce: I used to think that she was purely delusional. I'm not sure anymore.

  • Det. Anne Pope: Brasher, how old's Cassidy?

    Brasher: She's seven. Why?

    Det. Anne Pope: What if I told you your daughter never existed? That you made her up?

    Brasher: Well, why would you do that?

    Det. Anne Pope: Yeah. Why?

  • Ash Correll: Put your eyes back in your head, warden.

    Telly Paretta: I'm not looking at you.

    Ash Correll: [sardonic chuckle] I had a wife. Could feel a woman's eyes judging me if I was in a coma.

  • Telly Paretta: Ash, please don't drink.

    Ash Correll: See, I told you you were watching me.

    Telly Paretta: You know what? I wish I didn't have to.

    Ash Correll: Well, then don't. I'm sick of hearing it from you.

    Telly Paretta: Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt your feeling sorry for yourself.

    Ash Correll: Yeah, well, not all of us can be heroes, lady.

    Telly Paretta: You think I wouldn't drink that entire bottle for a few seconds of peace? You're in this. You don't get to drink your way out. What makes you so fucking special?

    Ash Correll: I let her go. My little girl. They took her away from me, but I let her go. What kind of father does that?

  • Telly Paretta: What have you done with him? Why did you take him? What do you want?

    A Friendly Man: It's an experiment.

    Telly Paretta: He's just a little boy! What could you possibly learn from him?

    A Friendly Man: Nothing.

    Telly Paretta: [realizing] This wasn't about Sam. This wasn't about the children.

    A Friendly Man: It was never about the children.

    Telly Paretta: We were the experiment.

    A Friendly Man: Your connection, mother to child. Like an invisible tissue. We can even measure its energy, but we don't fully understand it, so I posed the question, can it be dissolved? And it can. Except for you.

    Telly Paretta: Give me back my son, and I'll do whatever you want.

    A Friendly Man: What I want, Telly, is for you to forget your son, to forget Sam.

    Telly Paretta: No.

    A Friendly Man: If you don't, this experiment will fail. I'm accountable. I can't let that happen, and time is running out.

  • Dr. Jack Munce: You know this is getting out of control. It's finished now. End it. Make it right.

    Telly Paretta: Wha...? Where is my son?

    A Friendly Man: It's not over.

  • Telly Paretta: You're one of those agents.

    Dr. Jack Munce: No. I'm just... one of the few who knows.

    Telly Paretta: So you help them?

    Dr. Jack Munce: They don't need our help. They run their experiments with or without our help. They've been doing it for years, maybe forever.

    Telly Paretta: And you just let them do whatever they want.

    Dr. Jack Munce: Let them? I don't have a choice. We just try to minimize the damage.

    Telly Paretta: I just want my son.

    Dr. Jack Munce: Telly... you'll never get Sam back. You've held on, and they don't know why. You're just a lab rat to them.

    Telly Paretta: I don't believe that. He said it's not over. I can still get him back. You know them. Help me.

    Dr. Jack Munce: If you go any further, I can't help you. I'm sorry.

  • Ash Correll: Found an all-night place. Didn't have much.

    [setting convenience store snacks on the table]

    Ash Correll: You should eat something.

    Telly Paretta: Just deciding whether I want too much salt or too much sugar.

  • Det. Anne Pope: So, how is it that she and Mr. Correll are having the same delusion, making up imaginary children from the same plane crash?

    Dr. Jack Munce: Well, I don't... I don't know Correll. He could be saying anything to... to be with her.

    Det. Anne Pope: Well, if she calls again, you call me.

    Dr. Jack Munce: Lieutenant, I think it's very important that I'm there when you find her. You'll be dealing with a possible psychotic break. You don't wanna do more damage.

    Det. Anne Pope: I'll call you, Dr. Munce.

    Dr. Jack Munce: No, that... that's not what I mean. It's... it's my fault she's out there.

    Det. Anne Pope: Why?

    Dr. Jack Munce: She was in my care. She still trusts me, or she wouldn't have called. She'll call again, and when she does, you'll know because I'll be with you. You're gonna need me to find her.

Extended Reading
  • Hilton 2022-01-04 08:01:08

    It's a bit interesting, suspense plus science fiction... a bit different from Le... but it's still very good... the sixth sense reflects love, then this is family love... TIP: After watching the closing scene, remember to keep watching, There is another version later...

  • Royce 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Huo. . I forgot that I had seen this... Actually it was scary at first, but it was hilarious at the end...