The Forger Quotes

  • [opening lines]

    Joshua: [voiceover] Ever think on how you got somewhere, or why? Well, my somewhere was an art town on the edge of the Pacific. The name of the place didn't matter much. I just knew I didn't belong.

  • Joshua: [noting her school uniform] That's a nice outfit, by the way.

    Amber: Thank you. It's required.

    Joshua: Thank God. I was beginning to think your grandma dressed you.

  • Vanessa: Joshua, are you an only child?

    Joshua: What does the file say?

    Vanessa: It's incomplete.

    Joshua: Yeah, well, that sounds like me.

  • Everly: The judge asked me to house you in the hope that you might benefit from some tutelage from me. Personally, I think you're a born loser who's gonna squander his talent before he realizes its full potential.

    Joshua: Wow. That was some, uh... that was some motivational speech.

  • Joshua: Man, you got a mean left hook.

    Ryan: Ooo. Sorry about that. Hey, you know, your shots were pretty good, too. I was feelin' that the next day.

  • Ryan: So, what're you doin' here?

    Joshua: I just... I love hangin' out with old people.

  • Bernie: He's not right for this. It's too much for a kid to handle. He's fifteen. He has pimples. I'm not even sure his voice has broken. He probably thinks the impressionists are a heavy metal band. He's talented, but he's a risk. We need to find someone else to do the Winslow Homer and get Dauphine his money, now.

  • Everly: When you've stopped smoking crack, call me from planet Earth.

  • Joshua: Yeah, he's cool, but, uh, I DO think, that after all my efforts, that I, uh, deserve a kiss.

    Amber: Whoo! Slow down! Ha-ha. A kiss for the con man who punched my brother.

    Joshua: Yeah.

    Amber: Hnn.

    Joshua: That sounds reasonable. It's an idea.

    Amber: I have an idea.

    Joshua: What?

    Amber: How about you kiss my butt when I beat you down the beach?

    Joshua: What do I get if I win?

    Amber: Nothing, and you'll like it!

  • Everly: You take a painting by a particular artist, a lesser known work of little value; you strip it and then paint a forgery of a more valuable work over it.

    Joshua: Wow, I guess you have this thing down to a science.

    Everly: Many paintings hanging in great museums are forgeries.

    Joshua: Really? Like, even famous ones?

    Everly: You better believe it.

  • Everly: This kid is screwed up in the head. He is an emotional wreck. You know how hard a life in art is. Forgery isn't perfect, but he could make a living at it. I'm giving him a way so he never has to worry about money. Yeah, I'm tinkering, but the little bastard doesn't even know how lucky he is.

  • Amber: If only you were a couple years older.

    Joshua: Yeah, it's funny, you know, I was just thinking if only YOU were a couple years YOUNGER.

  • Amber: [wondering about Joshua's flippant attitude over Anne-Marie] Have you ever taken art history?

    Joshua: Not really.

    Amber: All right, well, I'll tell you this - tons of artists would KILL to have a conversation with her, talk to her about her life, her art...

    Joshua: Yeah, she is a piece of work.

  • Joshua: My mom never noticed I was good at anything.

    Everly: Hm, your mother.

    Joshua: I wonder what she's doing right now.

    Everly: Probably takin' drugs in an alleyway somewhere. Oh, geez, what? You're gonna cry now?

  • Everly: You're gonna be so rich you can buy yourself a new mom.

  • Anne-Marie: When it comes to girls, you make your own invitations.

  • [last lines]

    Joshua: [voiceover] I learned to say "I'm sorry" and "thank you" and how to keep my fists to myself, but the best lesson I learned...

    Amber: Help me up.

    Joshua: [voiceover] First you kiss the hand and then you kiss the girl.