Comtesse Louise de...: [praying for her lover who is about to go on a duel with her husband] Save him, dear saint. You know that we were guilty in thought only. And what are thoughts? Will you save him, my dear saint? I thank you in advance. Blessed be your name in heaven as on earth. Amen.
[repeated lines]
Comtesse Louise de...: I don't love you, I don't love you...
Général André de...: [Remy shows a pair of earrings] What's that?
Monsieur Rémy: I couldn't believe she'd sell them without your knowledge.
Général André de...: Sell them?
Monsieur Rémy: I thought that by buying them...
Général André de...: What are you saying, Monsieur Remy?
Monsieur Rémy: I thought I was doing both of you a favor.
Général André de...: I don't follow, Monsieur Remy. I sometimes do favors for others but I avoid letting others do them for me.
Monsieur Rémy: A good policy.
Général André de...: Unhappiness is our own invention. At times I'm sad that I lack the imagination for it.
Général André de...: To please you, I forced myself to play a role I do not like.
Général André de...: [Angrily, as the jeweler, Monsieur Remy, tries to sell him the wife's earrings for a fourth time] Don't bother me with those infernal earrings!
Général André de...: Napoleon was only wrong twice in his life: at Waterloo, and when he said, "The only victory in love is to flee."
Opening Title Card: Madame de... was a very elegant, distinguished and celebrated woman, seemingly destined to a delightful, uncomplicated existence. Probably nothing would have happened had it not been for those jewels...
Comtesse Louise de...: First, you must promise to tell no one.
Monsieur Rémy: It's you ladies who bring us our gentlemen clients. Discretion is part of our profession.
Comtesse Louise de...: I assumed as much.
Comtesse Louise de...: I'm in financial straits at the moment and I thought of selling these diamond earrings. You'd know their value better than anyone.
Monsieur Rémy: Particularly since I sold them to your husband.
Monsieur Rémy: Does this sum seem reasonable?
Comtesse Louise de...: I'm hardly one to speak of reason.
Général André de...: We'll be dining at home.
Comtesse Louise de...: Why? All your friends are waiting.
Général André de...: Your suitors annoy me. Each by himself is a bore. Together, they're insufferable.
Opera Patron: Mr. Paramere wishes me to ask you a question.
Général André de...: Ask away. I love questions.
Opera Patron: He feels that while looking for those earrings, you gave his wife a rather unpleasant stare.
Général André de...: Meaning I suspected she stole them?
Opera Patron: I wouldn't go that far.
Général André de...: Good. Tell him he should have chosen a less attractive wife and that I've often caught him looking at my wife, yet surely he never suspected her of theft.
Lola: In just 15 minutes, I must begin to forget you. I hope it won't take too long.
Général André de...: You're incredible. You would think it was I leaving you.
Lola: One way of leaving a woman is to let her leave.
Lola: A woman can refuse a jewel she hasn't yet seen. After that, it takes heroism.
Comtesse Louise de...: Let's never speak of it again, all right?
Général André de...: Never! What's done is done.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Will we meet again?
Comtesse Louise de...: Certainly. Fate is on our side.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: I'm not so sure! My name is Fabrizio Donati!
Comtesse Louise de...: [riding away in a carriage] And I am Madame de...
Général André de...: Believe me, she'll find you very entertaining. But, I'm warning you: She's a incorrigible flirt.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Really?
Général André de...: She' an expert at dashing men's hopes. You know, torture through hope.
Comtesse Louise de...: I must warn you. They say I'm a terrible flirt.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: I don't believe it.
Comtesse Louise de...: I'm not aware of it, so there is nothing I can do.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Four days without seeing you. Does no one in Paris dance anymore?
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Two days without seeing you. My secretary complains that I'm a nervous wreck.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Twenty-four hours without seeing you.
Comtesse Louise de...: It's torture, I know.
Général André de...: I'd appreciate it if you didn't let your fainting spells go on so long. They've never exceeded three minutes before, as befits a woman of your breeding.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: I beg your pardon for this morning. I'm not a very good horseman.
Général André de...: It didn't show. You pranced like D'Artagnan himself.
Général André de...: You know, I appreciate your considering going away. Of course, only a woman of your good breeding would think of it.
Général André de...: I'll tell you a secret. Our conjugal bliss is a reflection of ourselves. It's only superficially superficial.
Comtesse Louise de...: It's when we have the most to say that we can't speak.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Why are you leaving?
Comtesse Louise de...: Why shouldn't I?
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Where are you going?
Comtesse Louise de...: The Italian lakes.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Without me?
Comtesse Louise de...: Once I'm there, I'll wonder why I ever left.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Then, why go?
Comtesse Louise de...: Yes, why?
Général André de...: Women are all the same, my friend. The simplest things become mysteries.
Comtesse Louise de...: I've answered all your letters, my love. But I never had the courage to mail my replies.
Comtesse Louise de...: My earrings. Thanks to them, you were always at my side. They were my only comfort. I shall wear them always.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Ravishing.
Comtesse Louise de...: Don't these earrings make me look beautiful?
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Like they were made for you.
Comtesse Louise de...: I detest the whole world. I want to be seen by you and you alone.
Général André de...: Give me those earrings.
Comtesse Louise de...: Why?
Général André de...: You have your secrets and I have mine.
Général André de...: Constantinople?
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Yes.
Général André de...: Beautiful city. Beautiful women. Beautiful jewels.
Général André de...: You understand, my friend, that it's incompatible with your dignity and mine for my wife to accept a gift of such value from you. Of course, I don't know just how intimate a confidant you are.
Général André de...: Enough playacting. Learn to hide your feelings as well as you lie.
Comtesse Louise de...: Why did you ask for my earrings?
Général André de...: Let's go to the theater. I hear Sarah Bernhardt is wonderful.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: You were saying? I've gotten a bit lost in all your stories.
Comtesse Louise de...: Can you forgive me? Not right away, of course, but one day you will.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: I'd like to, and even hope to, but it will be difficult. I'm trying my best, yet I'm no longer here. I'm no longer with you, Louise.
Général André de...: What are you suffering from exactly?
Comtesse Louise de...: Humiliation.
Général André de...: Nothing's more quickly cured.
Général André de...: I'm not angry. I simply pity you. You're ill. You're not seeing clearly. You're trying to tun remorse into memories.
Général André de...: There was camaraderie, even gaiety between us.
Comtesse Louise de...: How can you fight over a crazy woman like me? I'm not worth it. I"m not even pretty anymore.
Baron Fabrizio Donati: You're prettier than ever.
Comtesse Louise de...: Really?
Comtesse Louise de...: You see, I'm incorrigible. A frivolous liar. The woman I've become suffers because of the woman I was.
Comtesse Louise de...: He's an excellent shot! He'll kill you! It's suicide!
Baron Fabrizio Donati: Perhaps.
Général André de...: Our marriage is only superficially superficial.
The Earrings of Madame De... Quotes
Vallie 2022-04-20 09:02:21
I always say that I can't really see the film when I watch it, but this one finally shows the feeling. Are you dancing the waltz? So gorgeous and elegant! Do not like stories, the hypocritical glitz and coldness of the upper class, is this also called love? Orpheus' first
Westley 2022-04-19 09:02:44
The characteristics of mobile photography are very obvious. The characters are always walking, and the lens is always moving and extremely smooth and smooth. The earrings are the physical embodiment of "love", which has been pawned four times and redeemed four times, which coincides with the turning point and change of love. The owner of the jewelry store may be the biggest winner, earning four wins. The ending is an open-ended treatment, and the contradictions have accumulated to such a degree that whether the ending is a happy ending or a tragic ending depends entirely on the viewer's own imagination.
Director: Max Ophüls
Language: French,Turkish Release date: July 19, 1954