The Devil's Brigade Quotes

  • [Upon meeting the rowdy, unkempt American troops for the first time]

    Maj. Alan Crown: God save the King.

    Capt. Rose: God save us all.

  • Pvt. Billy 'Bronc' Guthrie: [referring to Henri] One of them's a frog, boys. Why don't you say something, froggy!

    Pvt. Henri Laurent: Merde.

    Pvt. Rockwell 'Rocky' Rockman: What the hell does that mean?

    Cpl. Wilfrid Peacock: [to Rocky] To most people, it's an insult. But to you, I'd say it's a compliment.

  • Maj. Alan Crown: [after the Canadians finished singing a mocking version of 'Yankee Doodle'] Corporal Peacock, your stripes are not a licence to behave like an ass. There will be no more insulting or derogatory remarks about the Yanks, is that clear?

    Cpl. Wilfrid Peacock: Yes, sir.

    Cpl. Wilfrid Peacock: [addressing the Canadians] There will be no more insulting or derogatory remarks about the Yanks.

    Pvt. Hugh MacDonald: Oh, would ordinary insults be acceptable, sir?

  • Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: [to Major Bricker] You've been in-and-out of nine different camps because you're the biggest chiseler, hustler, and scrounger in the whole Army. Well, in ten days our first recruits arrive, and whatever they need, and whatever this camp needs, you're going to supply. How you do it is your own business. So start hustling.

  • Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: Major, when you address me, take that cigar out of your mouth.

  • Maj. Gen. Maxwell Hunter: Faith moves mountains. It doesn't take them.

  • Major Cliff Bricker: [Referring to Headquarters] Is there a chance, sir? Have you got friends up there?

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: No. But at this point I don't care about making any more enemies.

  • Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: They say you find what something is worth when you pay for it.

  • Sgt. Pat O'Neill: The human body has numerous vulnerable points.

    [Rockman charges at O'Neill]

    Sgt. Pat O'Neill: [while hitting Rockman] The elbow, the ribs, and the neck.

    Sgt. Pat O'Neill: Including... the solar plexus.

    [Kicks Rockman in the gut]

    Sgt. Pat O'Neill: And many other points.

    Sgt. Pat O'Neill: It's true you are a great powerful beast, but you'll note how his own size and weight can be used against him.

    [Canadians applaud]

    Sgt. Pat O'Neill: Name: Sergeant Patrick O'Neill, Position: Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor.

  • The Lumberjack: [Tugs at Pvt. MacDonald's Kilt] Here. Your petticoat is showing.

  • Pvt. Henri Laurent: [Henri stumbles as the men are fjording an ice-cold Italian stream] "Oh, merde, there goes my chance to be a daddy!"

    Pvt. Hubert Hixon: [Amused] "Don't worry about it, Frog..."

  • Pvt. Rockwell 'Rocky' Rockman: [Looking up the side of a cliff in Italy] "Holy cow, it's straight up!"

    Pvt. Hugh MacDonald: [Seriously] "What's the beef? It's only a mile high."

  • Maj. Alan Crown: ...The most memorable compliment came from their commandin' officer; and he referred to us as Der Teufel Brigade'... Members of The Devil's Brigade.

    [Toasting Col. Frederick]

    Maj. Alan Crown: Long life to the Devil!

    [the Brigade cheers their Colonel]

  • Capt. Cardwell: [Sarcastically to Capt. Rose] Nobody likes a promiscuous rattlesnake, eh, Captain?

  • Lt. Gen. Mark Clark: Full colonels are not expendable.

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: Sir, how low in rank does a man have to be before he is expendable?

  • Major Cliff Bricker: [Discovers the dead rattlesnake] Now, why in the hell did you have to shoot him?

    Capt. Cardwell: You see, sir, we didn't feel like waiting around for him to starve to death.

  • Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: Ransom!

    [Ransom stops in the act of leaving Col. Frederick's office]

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: Have I dismissed you?

    Pvt. Theodore Ransom: No, sir.

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: [Pulls back Ransom's right sleeve, exposing the rope burn] What's this?

    Pvt. Theodore Ransom: When you want to beat somebody up, it's a pretty good way to play it safe--tie his hands behind his back.

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: [Lightly shoves at Ransom's arm, goes to his door and pulls it open] Bricker!

    [Bricker comes in]

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: Get this man a uniform.

    Major Cliff Bricker: You've GOT to be KIDDING!

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: Excuse me?

  • Pvt. Theodore Ransom: I promise you, sir, you won't be sorry.

    Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: Well, if I am, I promise you, you'll be a lot more sorry.

  • Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick: [Private Ransom, after Majors Crown and Bricker told their contingents to do double time at the end of the great hike, suddenly takes off and bolts for the gate, to run a race with the first Canadian who wants to challenge him. Ransom stumbles and falls--but then Private Greco takes over and wins the race. All the other enlisted are hoisting Private Greco on their shoulders--but Ransom is still nursing his injuries] That was a stupid-ass thing to do!

    Pvt. Theodore Ransom: [Gasping for breath] I was just--trying to--return the favor, sir!

  • Pvt. Hugh MacDonald: [the soldiers are looking at William Holden as he leaves, having addressed them prior to the big battle] "Have you never heard a man say goodbye?"

The Devil's Brigade

Director: Andrew V. McLaglen

Language: English,German,French Release date: August 2, 1968