The Curse of Sleeping Beauty Quotes

  • Briar Rose: Thomas.

    Thomas: [mumbling to himself] I always woke up before. This can't be a dream. It's too real.

    Briar Rose: This realm is like a dream. One where we can both dwell.

    Thomas: You're in my head.

    Briar Rose: As you are in mine. I am also close to you in the physical world. That is the reason I'm awake.

    Thomas: Sleeping Beauty. That's what I called you before.

    Briar Rose: Briar Rose is my given name.

    Thomas: I like that. When you said you're close to me in the physical world, what do you mean?

    Briar Rose: I'm still asleep. Awaiting your kiss.

  • Briar Rose: [far-off voice] Come to me...

    [he approaches slowly]

    Briar Rose: You're back.

    Thomas: Only in my dreams.

    Briar Rose: This realm is yours as much as it is mine.

    Thomas: What about in waking life?

    Briar Rose: You will be the one to set me free. You are lord of the land which I am cursed to. You may be mortal, Thomas, but in the physical realm you have great power. The Veiled Demon knows this.

    Thomas: The Veiled Demon? Is that what I saw yesterday?

    Briar Rose: She is merely an intruder on your domain. She is what made me flee. Until her curse is lifted, we can't truly be together.

  • Linda: That was the last time he was seen. I am completely obsessed with this place. Every few years another person goes missing.

  • Linda: [as the door to the hidden room rumbles open] Holy shit...

    Thomas: Yeah.

  • Richard: So what were you running from?

    Linda: Something Thomas did not believe in five minutes ago.