The Cured Quotes

  • Cantor: They're connected in a way that we can never understand.

  • Conor: Everyone says it's hell. It's like being trapped inside your body. Fighting to stop yourself. But what they don't talk about is the moment when you stop fighting. When you start to just go with it.

  • Senan: Sometimes I feel it. Screaming to get out.

    Dr. Lyons: The cure prevents reinfection or transmission. You're one of the lucky ones.

  • Dr. Lyons: You know we found the cure together? You can't imagine the excitement. Later we realized that the subject remembered what they did when infected.

    Senan: Was it worth it? After everything we've done?

    Dr. Lyons: You weren't in control, you were just sick. We cured you. You get to choose who you want to be.

  • Conor: Do you think we deserve forgiveness?

    Abbie: Yes.

    Conor: And if you were faced with the man that killed your husband... would you forgive him?

    Abbie: They weren't in control.

    [Starts to stand]

    Abbie: I'd better check on Cillian.

    Conor: [Puts hand over Abbie's] I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

    Abbie: You didn't.

  • Conor: There's always casualties, Senan.

  • Cantor: We try to make ourselves feel better feel safe, by saying it wasn't their fault. They're just mindless monsters. But the Infected aren't mindless. They hunt together. They communicate with each other. They decide who to kill... and who to infect. They're connected in a way that we will never understand.

  • Conor: We're not the only killers. We're just the ones being reminded of it.

  • Conor: I had to show you. They're all the same when they know the truth. I'm your real family, Senan.

    Senan: You never had any nightmares, did you?

    Conor: Why should I?