Reid Garwin: Harry Potter can kiss my ass.
Chase Collins: I'm going to make you my Wee-yotch!
Chase Collins: Come to save little Ms. Muffet, have we? Well, you're too late. A spider came and sat down beside her and frightened Ms. Muffet away!
Aaron Abbot: What the hell are you staring at, faggot?
Chase Collins: That thing between your legs. It's like a penis, but smaller.
Caleb Danvers: [after Tyler jumps off the cliff] TYLER!
Pogue Parry: Come on, Caleb. It's not like it's going to kill us... yet.
Chase Collins: [At the end, during the battle] You ready to say "uncle"?
Caleb Danvers: I'm ready for you to go to hell.
[last lines]
Sarah Wenham: [regarding Chase] Where is he?
Caleb Danvers: I don't know...
Caleb Danvers: [while being chased by the police] Ugh. You gotta pull over.
Reid Garwin: Oh, you wanna stop? That'll impress Harvard.
Caleb Danvers: Oh, what the hell? Lose 'em. Cut across marblehead. Let's have some fun while we're at it.
Evelyn Danvers: For once in your life can you think of anyone besides yourself.
James Danvers: I will you my powers.
[Caleb then receives his powers and William dies]
Reid Garwin: [when teacher says Stephen King] Yeah! Dreamcatcher was the shit.
Reid Garwin: [seeing a girl in a short skirt, slapping a twenty on the table] Blue. Cotton.
Tyler Sims: [slapping down a twenty] Pink lace.
Pogue Parry: [slapping down a twenty] Boys, that girl hasn't worn panties since she was twelve.
Pogue Parry: [a gust of wind blows the girl's skirt up, revealing no panties. Pogue walks off with the money, smirking, and hands it to the bartender] Keep the change, man.
Reid Garwin: [snaps towel against Tyler's backside] SAY MY NAME!
Aaron Abbot: I think you owe Kyra an apology.
Caleb Danvers: Actually, I think it's Kyra who owes Sarah the apology.
[nods from Kyra to Sarah]
Sarah Wenham: [Sarah smirks]
Chase Collins: [after cutting in, speaking to Aaron] Sorry, but you were being kind of bitchy.
Caleb Danvers: [Caleb gets a phone call from Sarah about Kate being in the hospital; looks at Pogue]
Pogue Parry: What is it?
Caleb Danvers: It's Kate. Chase put a spell on her... creation... spiders.
Pogue Parry: [Stands up] What!
Caleb Danvers: [Stands up] Relax don't do anything stupid.
Pogue Parry: [Runs upstairs] We're talking about Kate!
Chase Collins: Say it! "I"
Caleb Danvers: I
Chase Collins: "will"
Caleb Danvers: will
Chase Collins: "you-"
Caleb Danvers: you... nothing.
[first lines]
Reid Garwin: What's up, fellas?
Tyler Sims: Where were you? I stopped by to give you a lift.
Reid Garwin: Had things to do. How's the party?
Pogue Parry: Don't know. Just got here.
Reid Garwin: Well, hell, boys.
[eyes go black]
Reid Garwin: Let's drop in.
[jumps off a cliff]
Tyler Sims: Shit, yeah!
[jumps off the cliff as well]
Chase Collins: That guy's puking really came at an opportune moment.
Reid Garwin: Didn't it, though?
Caleb Danvers: My power's greater than yours.
Reid Garwin: Not until you ascend.
Caleb Danvers: All right. Go for it, tough guy.
Kate Tunney: They're here.
Sarah Wenham: Who?
Kate Tunney: The sons of Ipswich.
Chase Collins: Oooooh, witchy! Oops. Did I just say "witch"?
Tyler Sims: It's not right using it on each other, Caleb.
Caleb Danvers: Ugh. Tell it to Reid.
Pogue Parry: [while talking about Chase Collins] Look, I don't even like the guy. Are you sure you're not imagining this?
Caleb Danvers: I'm telling you. His eyes were as black as the night in the pool today.
Chase Collins: Okay, I'll admit. I'm a little impressed. Not bad.
Caleb Danvers: Thanks!
[pushes Chase with his powers]
Chase Collins: [laughs] Ooh! Woo! Trying to impress your date, huh?
Caleb Danvers: [to Reid] What will it take for you to get it? It's addictive, you moron!
Tyler Sims: So what did the Provost want?
Caleb Danvers: Someone told him about the fight at Nikki's.
Reid Garwin: Feel like elaborating on that?
Pogue Parry: Oh, you got a piece of glass on your face.
Caleb Danvers: [pulls up in front of the house] Our family's first colony house.
Sarah Wenham: Wait, someone lives here?
Caleb Danvers: Just our caretaker, Gorman.
[a shot rings out, ducks from bullet]
Caleb Danvers: Gorman, it's me! It's okay! He doesn't see that well anymore.
Sarah Wenham: You think?
Gorman Twoberry: Who's with you?
Caleb Danvers: Just a friend! Be right back
Tyler Sims: He made the shot, dickhead. You bet him he couldn't and he did.
Reid Garwin: Move over.
Tyler Sims: But it's my car.
Caleb Danvers: Move over, baby boy. Now!
Chase Collins: Did you see my problem here? I like to use a lot. Only no one ever told me about the effects, the damage, the addiction.
Kira Snider: [snidely to Sarah] So, tell me. How does one go about getting into Spencer from a public?
Sarah Wenham: See? Chivalry isn't dead after all.
Kate Tunney: [smiling to Chase] No, it just transferred in.
Evelyn Danvers: [off screen] You're home early.
Caleb Danvers: It's after midnight. Mother. What are you still going up?
Evelyn Danvers: Thinking about my baby turning 18 this week.
[about his father]
Evelyn Danvers: You look so much like him in this light. You know, he was a year younger than you when we met.
Evelyn Danvers: [about his father] I'm so afraid I'll lose you like I did him.
Caleb Danvers: How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not him.
Evelyn Danvers: That's the same thing he said about his father. You know these... these powers that you and your friends developed when you turned 13 are nothing compared with what you'll get when you ascend. They are a thousand times stronger.
Sarah Wenham: [to Kate] So, why do you call them "The Sons of Ipswich"? What are they, like a boy band?
Kate Tunney: I like you. You're funny. Not like all the other stuck-up bitches. No, they're supposedly descendants of the five families that settled the Ipswich colony in the 1600's.
Sarah Wenham: Old money.
Kate Tunney: [turning from her mirror] You know, both Caleb and Reid were checking you out tonight, but if were me, I'd go for Caleb.
Sarah Wenham: Why?
Kate Tunney: He's just one of those majorly good guys, you know.
Sarah Wenham: Well, how do you mean?
Kate Tunney: Well, like he could stay here in the dorms and party with the rest of us, but he stays at home to care of his mom.
Sarah Wenham: What's wrong with her?
Kate Tunney: After Caleb's dad died, she became a bit of an alcoholic.
Sarah Wenham: Is he seeing anyone?
Kate Tunney: [happy] So we are interested.
Sarah Wenham: So, who's the fifth?
Kate Tunney: What fifth?
Sarah Wenham: Well, you said five families.
Kate Tunney: They say the fifth was killed off during the Salem witch hunt.
The Covenant Quotes
Extended Reading