Vera: You've got about as much style as a bowl of turnips.
[a boy runs up to Dixie in the street]
Boy in Street: Vincent's been telling everyone around here that you saved the Dutchman's ass!
Flynn: Blow that bughouse bastard to kingdom come!
Owney: In the next room, gentlemen, is the finest food, drink and pussy in New York at a price.
Owney: Someone oughta take out your brain and pickle it!
Dixie: I'm surprised at you! Don't you feel anything for Mr. Flynn at all? He's dead!
Vera: Mr. Flynn was a bootlegger. That's how they live in this world. Maybe one day you'll wise up, sap!
Vera: If he came in here right now, he'd kill us both.
Dixie: Forget about him.
Vera: Who?
[Frenchy has just broken Owney's watch]
Frenchy: You cheap son of a bitch! You only offered $500 for me?
Owney: What?
Frenchy: If you were kidnapped, I wouldn't offer more than that for you!
Owney: $500?
Frenchy: That's what I heard!
Owney: 50 grand! I paid 50 grand! They only wanted 35 but I gave 50 not to hurt you. $500. I would've given 500,000 for you. I been worried sick about you. Look at what you done to my fuckin' watch.
Frenchy: 50 grand?
Owney: Yeah.
[Frenchy hands Owney a box that Owney opens]
Owney: What's this? A platinum watch. (smiling) You asshole.
Vera: I was born looking 18.
Dixie: I can save you.
Vera: No, you can't.
Vera: I sing, tell a few jokes.
Dixie: Tell me a joke.
Vera: [laughs] Hello, sucker.
Dixie: What do they call you?
Sol Weinstein: Nobody calls me nothin'.
Dixie: Not even your mother?
Sol Weinstein: I didn't have a mother. They found me in a garbage pail.
Frenchy: Anything you need, Dutch?
Dutch Schultz: Yeah, why don't you bring me the moon, Frenchy?
Sandman Williams: Baby, you may be passin' for white, but you ain't invisible.
Bumpy Rhodes: [violently accosting a racist guard] This uppity nigger is buying you a drink!
[flushes his head down the toilet]
Vincent Dwyer: [on the cotton club] You know they don't let niggers in here.
Tish Dwyer: They don't let them in this club.
[last lines]
Flynn: You know Jews are just jigs turned inside out
[livid Dutch snatches up a knife and starts stabbing him]
Cab Calloway: [manhandles Sandman for kissing a dancer] Hands off the merchandise ni**er.
Frenchy Demange: I don't trust anyone who's called by just their nickname
Owney: You get called by your nickname
Frenchy Demange: Because I'm trustworthy
Lila Rose Oliver: I'm not black. I'm not white. I'm a human being. And that's the way I like it.
The Cotton Club Quotes
Tamara 2022-04-23 07:05:24
People who really like jazz probably can't forget this gangster movie that reflects the 20s and 30s. Most of the actors in the film became superstars in the future. In addition to the really wonderful jazz, what I remember is the anxious but affectionate sentence of the heroine: Just kiss me on my lips and dont say anything
Tressie 2022-04-21 09:03:46
Diane Lynn looked like supermodel KK when she was young
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Language: English,Italian Release date: December 14, 1984