Frank: I'll be coming for you. Depend on it.
Turner: Bobby Fischer would be proud of that move.
[just before being checkmated]
Frank: I don't have to help, I am the bad guy.
Frank: Don't confuse me with a nice guy.
[last lines]
Wainwright: I Hate *Amateurs*!
Frank: You Winning?
Turner: I Never Lose!
Frank: Your out of your depth
Chris: Now why did you have to say that... see now he
[his father]
Chris: has to put his toes in the water
Ray: Friends Of Yours?
Frank: *My* Friends... *Not* Yours!
Ray: *Friend* Of Yours?
Frank: More Like *Acquaintance*!
Davis: [coming across a slain Wainwright] I *Thought* He Was Red Hot... How'd He Get Taken Out By Some *Amateur*?
Royko: [grudgingly] Even A *Blind* Squirrel Can *Find* A Nut Or Two!
Davis: You Gonna Stop To Play That Pussy Game?
Royko: At Last We Have Something In Common That We Can Agree On!
[first lines]
Frank: It's On
[last lines]
Lydel Hammond Jr.: Okay... So How Much Is This Gonna Cost Me?
Frank: Well...
[shoves him in front of a speeding vehicle]
The Contract Quotes
Extended Reading