Jim Grant: I thought he died.
Donal Fitzgerald: Yeah we all died. Some of us just came back.
Ben Shepard: Thank you for talking to me.
Sharon Solarz: Thank you for listening.
Jim Grant: Secrets are a dangerous thing, Ben. We all think we want to know them, but if you've kept one to yourself, you come to understand that doing so, you may learn something about someone else, but you also discover something about yourself. I hope you're ready for that.
Ben Shepard: I'm not trying to offend you, Mr. Grant.
Jim Grant: Well, I'm not offended, you're pretty much exactly what I expected.
Ben Shepard: These people, they're all nuts, but none of them are illogical.
Jed Lewis: [teaching] Chance is a nickname for providence. Okay? Well, which is another of saying that all history is inevitable, because it goes to the trouble of happening.
Mimi Lurie: The struggle doesn't end just because you got tired of it.
Nick Sloan: I didn't get tired of it. I grew up.
Mimi Lurie: Well, we promised each other we weren't going to do that.
Nick Sloan: Yeah, but it happened.
Sharon Solarz: You don't have kids, do you?
Ben Shepard: No. I... I barely have furniture.
Sharon Solarz: Well, if you do, you'll realize that they change you.
The Company You Keep Quotes
Extended Reading