Mundy: I don't know the rules, now. Do you think there's any chance it might grow back?
Acosta: I don't know. I don't know what to believe anymore.
Mundy: What are you talking about, Arm?
Mundy: Hey guys, check out my arm. I think my arm is trying to write something.
Tam: Logic doesn't apply to any of this.
Volkov: Earth disappears, the station does not feel the same. A woman appears in the wall. We're definitely not in Kentucky anymore.
Mundy: Kansas.
Volkov: Kansas. Really? Who gives a shit?
Mundy: People from Kansas.
Newscaster: Why does the Shepard Accelerator worry you so much?
Mark Stambler: Because that accelerator is a thousand times more powerful than any ever built. Every time they test it, they risk open the membrane of space-time, smashing together multiple dimensions, shattering reality. And not just on that station, everywhere. This experiment could unleash chaos, the like of which we have never seen. Monsters, demons, beasts from the sea...
Newscaster: To clarify, you believe their efforts to solve the energy crisis might unleash demons?
Mark Stambler: Yeah. Oh, yeah. And not just here and now. In the past, in the future, in other dimensions. You have no idea I would love to be wrong about that.
Kiel: Monk, turn that shit off.
Michael: Did he ask you?
Hamilton: I'm not leaving you. That mission could be years.
Michael: You said you could be back in six months.
Hamilton: Do you want me to go?
Michael: Joe knows what we've been through. And yet, he still wants you on the crew.
Hamilton: There are other comm officers.
Michael: Yeah, but he called you.
Hamilton: Why are you pushing this?
Michael: Why do you think? Forget about me and what I want, which is for you to stay. Why do you think?
Hamilton: Because you're sweet. Because people are starving. Because our energy supplies are running out. And this mission could unlock an endless supply of power that could save us all.
Michael: If you go... you and I... we'll survive. I'm afraid if you don't... no one will.
Hamilton: Kiel? It isn't there.
Schmidt: The frequency for Mission Control?
Hamilton: The Earth. I can't find anything.
Kiel: We must gotten turned around, moved during firing.
Mundy: It's big, blue, full of angry people. Keep looking, you'll find it.
Volkov: Wait, are we saying that this thing of his could have thrown us across the galaxy? We knew it was dangerous. That's why we had to go up in space to fire this thing.
Mundy: No, come on. Bullshit.
Mundy: Well, we found the worms.
Schmidt: Are you controlling it?
Mundy: 'Course I'm not controlling it. It's over there.
Schmidt: Are you sure?
Mundy: Yes, I'm sure because I'm giving you the finger right now.
Schmidt: One thing is clear. The overload did it. None of us believed it was real. But this is a paradox.
Mundy: Excuse me?
Schmidt: Particles interacting with others across two dimensions.
Mundy: Okay, I'm gonna sit down.
Schmidt: Two distinct realities in a multiverse, fighting to occupy in the same space. Creating chaos. These aren't the things we know. Because they don't belong to us.
Hamilton: Jensen.
Schmidt: My communication logs.
Mundy: It's nothing personal, Volky.
Acosta: Mundy.
Mundy: What? He's our friend.
Schmidt: He was about to shoot me.
Mundy: Well, you know, before that.
Mundy: I'd clap, if you know, I could.
Michael: I can't get through to your home yet. The circuits are busy. That means no calls will go through.
Molly: I know what it means. My uncle's dead.
Michael: There's nothing you could've done. Molly. Molly. We're gonna find your parents. The most important thing right now is keeping you safe.
Molly: You shouldn't text while driving.
Michael: You're a smart kid. Only in emergencies. This qualifies.
Jensen: [to Acosta] You got it working, didn't you? You got it working. Something went wrong. Shepard smashes a Higgs boson, overloaded. Somehow you ended up here. Your dimension crashed into mine. Crew must be working on power, trying to fire the Shepard again, to get you back home. Could you do me a favor? Would you mind mentioning to you crew that escaping your escaping my dimension will trap me in yours.
Kiel: Can you install Tam's algorithm?
Jensen: Yes. But I want all of Schmidt's work.
Schmidt: What?
Kiel: Done.
Schmidt: Kiel.
Kiel: Once we get the Shepard operational, we give her your work, we put her on an escape pod and we send her home with the specs. What do you need?
Jensen: Power. Parts of the core are irreparably damaged. What's left isn't sufficient to fire.
Kiel: How much?
Jensen: I'd like 210 kilowatts for at least eight seconds. Possibly as much as 12.
Mundy: And I'd like to take a bath with identical twins in a tub of Rocky Road.
Hamilton: So, you're just gonna kill us?
Jensen: If you're asking me if I'm willing to kill three people to save eight billion... Wouldn't you?
Hamilton: [Hamilton is recording a video message for her doppelganger on a parallel Earth] I don't know where to start. But this isn't my world. As much as I want it to be. It isn't mine. It's yours. Ava, you're not losing your mind, I promise. There's no other way to say this. I'm you. I have to be quick. Attached to this message are detailed construction and operation plans for the Shepard Accelerator. I'm praying it helps your planet. I have the same hope for mine. I need to say two things that won't make sense to you. But please hear me, and understand how important these both are. First, if you've installed a power cell at the house, take it out now. It's wrong and it's dangerous and if these plans work, you won't need to siphon power anyway. And two. Whatever you're doing right now, whatever meeting you're in or wherever you're going, stop. Go to your husband and your children. Right Now. Go to them and hold them. Hold them for as long as you can. Kiss them and love them and know how blessed you are to have them in your life. That's all there is. That's all there is.
Jensen: [Jensen is attempting to entice Hamilton to come out of hiding by playing a video of Hamilton's doppelganger's children on a parallel Earth] Ava, don't fail them again. That is your family down there. The same kids. The same man you married. You don't know how bad it is down there. It'll only get worse. Listen to their voices, Ava. They need you. You may be willing to kill your children again. But I won't let those people down there die.
Hamilton: Mina? Did you know my family?
Jensen: Of course. Michael. Isaac. Ayana.
Hamilton: And your friend was... strong enough to stay?
Jensen: Stay where?
Hamilton: On Earth. After the fire.
Jensen: What fire?
Hamilton: The power cell. The one I put in the house so they could have reading lights at night, so they'd feel safe. The fire. It killed them both.
Jensen: [Jensen plays a video showing Hamilton's doppelganger on a parallel Earth whose children are still alive] Ava, in this world your family is alive. They're on Earth. That's why you didn't come up here. You're down there, with them.
Schmidt: I have a stable beam.
The Cloverfield Paradox Quotes
Extended Reading
Director: Julius Onah
Language: English,Mandarin,German Release date: February 4, 2018