The Client List Quotes

  • Samantha Horton: Oh, shoot! I gotta get ready. We're supposed to be at the bank.

    Brady Horton: Why do you have to be at the bank?

    Samantha Horton: [sighs] Because we need money for stuff,

    [to Charlie:]

    Samantha Horton: like your braces.

    Charlie Horton: But I don't want braces. I want a video game player.

    Samantha Horton: Charlie, your mama's gonna tell you something true. No matter what you choose to do or be, life is easier if you're pretty. It does a girl no good to be good at video games.

    [kisses Charlie on the top of her head]

  • Samantha Horton: [in a hurry to get out the sliding door] Oh! Dang it! I just broke my nail!

    Rex Horton: Sugar, no one's looking at your nails. Been married to you nine years, and I haven't gotten to your nails yet.

  • Doreen: Oh, and drinks and Viagra are on the house.

    Samantha Horton: You give away Viagra?

    Jacie: It pays for itself. The little blue pill keeps us in the black.

    Doreen: We were worried when the economy tanked, but turns out that this is the most recession-proof business there is.

    Samantha Horton: And what about the police?

    Jacie: Ah, well, let's just say doughnuts ain't the only thing they're getting for free.

  • Jacie: You know, the work is what it is. You gotta get in your own head-space about it. But at the end of the day, it...

    JacieDoreenTanyaEmma Hollings: the hell out of waitressing!

  • Samantha Horton: Well, stop looking so shocked.

    Dee: I'm sorry, Sam, but this is my shocked face. If you want me to look different, you might need to say something a little less shocking.

    Samantha Horton: [shakes her head] I was just hoping for a little sympathy. I thought Pretty Woman was like your favorite movie.

    Dee: Oh, God, I love that movie. When is Julia Roberts gonna make another one that good?

    Samantha Horton: Dee, focus.

    Dee: Sorry.

    Samantha Horton: Look, I just needed somebody to talk to. And I couldn't tell Laura 'cause she'd probably have to have me arrested. And, God, please don't tell Phil.

    Dee: Of course I won't tell Phil. What wife tells her husband that someone like you is available?

  • Samantha Horton: [sighs] You know, I know you're not supposed to say it, but I just love having money.

    Dee: Loving it maybe just a little bit too much?

    Samantha Horton: Dee, come on, you know I have always dreamed of not having to look at price tags.

    Dee: And Rex doesn't suspect anything? I mean, the watch, the earrings, the necklace? What do you tell him?

    Samantha Horton: That they're all fake. Come on, men don't know from jewelry.

    Dee: Well,


    Dee: that's the truth.

    Samantha Horton: You know what's weird? Nobody even wants an explanation. It's like I'm Santa Claus.

    [shakes her head]

    Samantha Horton: Just as long as I keep giving them presents, they can see me soaring through the sky with flying reindeer.

    [Dee gives her an uncertain look]

    Samantha Horton: Don't worry... I know what I'm doing.

  • Tanya: I'll tell you what's crazy. Me sitting here bored and horny while Sam's got three rooms going.

    Doreen: Oh, well, don't go comparing yourself to others, Tanya. We all got our own strengths. Though I gotta say, Sam's been busy as popcorn.

    Tanya: Yeah. She's got guys flying in from Germany on private jets. Guys buying her jewelry.

    Doreen: And three,

    [holding up three fingers]

    Doreen: three proposals! That's gotta be like some kinda record!


  • Charlie Horton: Mama, are you gonna get more Coke?

    Samantha Horton: [misunderstands] What did you just say?

    Charlie Horton: [doesn't understand why Mama looks angry] I want one too.

    Cassie Dale: I'll take a beer!

  • Samantha Horton: [to her kids] Bye, skunks. I'll call you like a hundred times.

  • Samantha Horton: [back home] The problem is it's just too darn quiet in here. It's not natural for a mother of three to be this quiet.

    [much later, after drinking tea, and a lonely lunch:]

    Samantha Horton: It's not good for someone to spend this much time alone. I half wish a Jehova's Witness would stop by.

    [hears something outside]

    Samantha Horton: I finally have a wish come true, and I wish that?

The Client List

Director: Eric Laneuville

Language: English Release date: July 19, 2010