Jack Godell: What makes you think they're looking for a scapegoat?
Ted Spindler: Tradition.
Churchill, Mac: Richard, I want that goddamn film.
Richard Adams: You can kiss my ass!
Evan Mc Cormack: Scram the son of a bitch.
Kimberly Wells: [defending her cameraman] He's good, I think he's good. He's won a lot of awards.
Don Jacovich: I'm sure. Hothead award, Foulmouth award, Can-of-worms award...
Greg Minor: [re evidence of a nuclear power plant accident] I may be wrong, but I'd say you're lucky to be alive. For that matter, I think we might say the same for the rest of Southern California.
Jack Godell: I know the vibration was not normal.
Ted Spindler: He was not a loony. He was the sanest man I ever knew in my life.
Bill Gibson: Mr. Mc Cormack I can't take responsibility for this.
Evan Mc Cormack: What's your alternative? Let this maniac wash out a billion dollar investment? At least this buys time, it will take the press an hour to get here.
Bill Gibson: I wouldn't count on it.
Evan Mc Cormack: I'm counting on you to take care of the goddamn press. Now you do your job and I'll do mine.
Bill Gibson: Yes sir.
Richard Adams: I showed the film to a nuclear engineer. You almost uncovered the core, Mr. Godell.
Kimberly Wells: Mr. Godell, you lied to me last night. We're not going to leave here until you tell us what happened at the plant.
Jack Godell: So some anti-nuclear nut tells you we almost uncovered the core? But we didn't uncover it, did we? We stopped it in time for one simple reason and I told you that! The system works, goddamn it! The system works! That's not the problem!
[he turns away]
Richard Adams: If that's not the problem, then what the hell is?
Jack Godell: [wiping sweat from his forehead] I love that plant. It's my whole life.
Kimberly Wells: What is the problem?
Jack Godell: The shudder... The damn shudder. The vibration I felt during the turbine trip. It bothered me. But it sure didn't bother anyone else. And while I'm checking it, I find that some idiot phonied the welding X-rays. I just can not believe a man would deliberately falsify the records of a nuclear reactor. My god!
Richard Adams: Holy shit.
Kimberly Wells: That means the plant's not safe.
Jack Godell: It means that vibration was a warning and the plant should be shut down, every one of those welds should be re-X-rayed... Of course we're talking about millions of dollars, but we don't want to talk about that. And no one will believe me. But if they ever put too much pressure on that pump, rupture those pipes...
Kimberly Wells: China Syndrome.
Jack Godell: It's possible.
Greg Minor: [reviewing the film footage that Richard had secretly taken while at the nuclear power plant during the emergency] It looks serious. In the control room, these lights are concerned with core water level. They might have come close to exposing the core.
Dr. Lowell: If that's true, we came very close to the China Syndrome.
Kimberly Wells: The what?
Dr. Lowell: If the core is exposed for whatever reason, the fuel heats beyond core heat tolerance in a matter of minutes. Nothing can stop it. And it melts down right through the bottom of the plant, theoretically to China. But of course, as soon as it hits ground water, it blasts into the atmosphere and sends out clouds of radioactivity. The number of people killed would depend on which way the wind is blowing. Render an area the size of Pennsylvania permanently uninhabitable, not to mention the cancer that would show up later.
The China Syndrome Quotes
Kaya 2022-06-01 16:42:30
4.5 The conscience of the media industry is in sharp contrast with the ruthlessness of capitalists. Jane Fonda and Douglas tried their best to act, but they didn't take one minute of Jack Lemmon's play. Jiang was still hot. Interestingly, a few days after the film was released, the Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurred in the United States. Movies are more than just entertainment.
Tiara 2022-06-01 13:45:41
7.8/10 A typical "withstand the pressure and reveal the truth, although thousands of people are going to go" genre film, the ending is not clichéd, nor is it clichéd to the end, but it is not particularly brilliant. I thought it was mainly about the efforts of journalists, but I didn't expect that all the limelight would be robbed by Jack Clement in the end.