Julie Kohler: Je suis Julie Kohler!
Coral: Permit me to make an impossible wish?
Julie Kohler: Why impossible?
Coral: Because I'm a rather pessimist.
Julie Kohler: I've heard it said: "There are no optimists or pessimists. There are only happy idiots or unhappy ones".
Coral: [smiling] Yes, well. I'm an unhappy idiot then.
Bliss: You and your humor. You murder me.
Corey: You know my motto, "Don't run after women. But don't let any get by." And I wanted to ask Gilberte to choose a maid of honor who won't be too - who will be kind of - you know what I mean.
Bliss: It's about time you calm down. "When you've seen one, you've seen them all." You taught me that.
Corey: But I want them all.
Bliss: Just listen to that. Terrific isn't it? Go back to the start. I taped Gilberte crossing her legs. She didn't know what I was up to. Listen to the sound of her stockings rubbing against each other. How do you like it? That's the sound of nylons. The first time I tried it Gilberte was wearing a pair of silk stockings. Result: nothing.
Bliss: I wonder what she's doing now?
Corey: With whom, you mean.
Bliss: You're envious, you traitor. But you'll never make me doubt her. No, I'm sure she must be gazing tenderly at my photo.
Corey: And I'll bet she's looking at her naked body in a mirror.
Bliss: You're crazy.
Corey: I'm sure of it. In every novel written by a woman, the heroine looks at herself naked in the mirror.
Bliss: Gilberte's not in a book, though. What's the relation?
Corey: Sexual relation.
Bliss: There's a mysterious lady who admires me in secret. It seems that some beautiful woman tried to enter my apartment and even offered Charlie the doorman a hundred-franc note.
Corey: Which he refused, I suppose. I'd have let her in for half that. No, it must be a poor pregnant girl wanting an explanation.
Bliss: She wants something and she wants it bad.
Julie Kohler: He's also a man who won't face reality, but takes refuge in dreams.
La logeuse de Coral: That's right.
Julie Kohler: What he's looking for is an ideal woman, a woman he can't find and who exists only in his imagination.
La logeuse de Coral: You're right. I've noticed that whenever the poor man looks at a woman, he gets white as a sheet or red as a lobster.
La logeuse de Coral: Mr. Coral, what about your letter?
Coral: I don't think it's for me.
La logeuse de Coral: Yes, it is. It's for you.
Coral: [comes back, looks at the letter] That's right, it's for me. Mr. Coral, that's me.
Coral: Where?
Julie Kohler: Where? At your place?
Coral: My place? But I'd never have dared propose it.
Julie Kohler: Well, dare.
Coral: I was beginning to think you wouldn't come at all.
Julie Kohler: You're sweet, but you know I was sure you would say something stupid.
Coral: You're rather hard on me. But I don't mind much.
Julie Kohler: Don't put yourself down. In life you must always play to win. Losers are made, not born.
Coral: I won't put a hand on you. You're my fairy princess. My impossible dream. I won't put a hand on you, but I wish you'd ask me to touch you. That way I'd know deep down I could have done it, if I'd wanted to.
Coral: You're here with me. It's a miracle. Till now, I've had little to do with women. I've been a very lonely soul. I'll confess something that I can't tell to a man. I'll bet I could count on the fingers of one hand, no, let's say both hands, the women I've had. And now my impossible dream of making you happy.
Rene Morane: What are you crying for? Get a grip. You knew it would happen sooner or later. Your mother's no spring chicken.
Madame Morane: You might be a little more sympathetic. A poor sick lady alone in that big house, at her age.
Rene Morane: Alone, my eye. She's got a TV set.
Rene Morane: The world can still function without a woman that old.
Rene Morane: Life is like a big race. Someone has to win and someone has to lose.
Rene Morane: If you don't attend to politics, politics will attend to you.
Rene Morane: Cookie, how are things in school?
Cookie Morane: Everything's fine, Papa.
Rene Morane: That's surprising. Who'll get the star of the month?
Cookie Morane: I think José Macias.
Rene Morane: The Spanish boy?
Cookie Morane: He told me he can't speak any Spanish.
Rene Morane: The boy may not speak it, but his father does.
Rene Morane: I went to sleep, dreaming I was in a movie.
Rene Morane: You know, I may not look like a Don Juan, but as a general rule politicians make it big with women. It's normal because a woman can say "For an hour, he completely forgot France and gave himself to me."
Julie Kohler: No remorse. No fear.
Julie Kohler: The justice of men is powerless. I'm already dead.
Le mécanicien de Delvaux: Boss, a woman. She insists on seeing you. I don't know her. Looks like a tramp.
Fergus: This is stupid. They were asked to send a tall, stacked redhead.
Fergus: There you are. Now you know, I'm a skirt-chaser. But don't worry, you're in no danger.
Fergus: Good Lord! I was so busy with the front, I forgot about the rear.
[goes to look out the window at the girl that just left his studio]
Fergus: That's 36-23-37. Good. When I'm in shape, I can tell a woman's measurements, within an inch.
Fergus: I'm attracted to that redhead because she's so vulgar. I demand lots of vulgarity in my women. It's part of life.
Fergus: I simply must tell you about my nightmare. Listen to this. It's morning, I'm in the street, I'm dressed, and there are only women. No, there are on women, only men. So I walk along - only men. Not a single woman. And then I wake up in a cold sweat. But everything's fine, because it's only a dream.
Fergus: I walk around the neighborhood in the evenings and look the girls over in the cafés, the way that some nuns do while collecting alms. "I've collected from that one. That one, not yet. I'll have to try her."
Fergus: Your nose is remarkable. So is your mouth. If I were a writer, I'd write a book.
Fergus: Every place is the same, the subway, the train the bus. I get on and immediately I look around to see women I could pick up. And when I find one, there's a feeling of relief. And if there's more than one, I have a way of grading them.
Fergus: If I should see too many beauties in one place or in one day, do you know what happens to me? I get depressed. I think of those I will miss. I get dizzy.
Corey: Who's she?
Fergus: You passed her downstairs.
Corey: Oh, her. I just saw her back. I noticed her legs, not great, but nice.
Corey: Don't forget what the Italians say: All women ar prostitutes, except my mother. She's a saint.
Fergus: You'd never guess what those are. They're falsies. Manufactured by a customer of mine, an American businessman. He overestimated his sales possibilities and got stuck with 8,000 pair. So he sells them by the yard.
Fergus: Both of us are alive. Let's drink to that.
Fergus: When I was a boy, my father would say champagne is to adults what milk is to kids.
Fergus: Do you know why the Chinese never use this little finger? Because, it's mine.
Julie Kohler: I hate him, because, he's the sort of man who's always pawing girls, but I wouldn't kill him.
The Bride Wore Black Quotes
Extended Reading