The Big Parade Quotes

  • James Apperson: Orders! Orders! Who the hell is fighting this war - men or orders?

  • James Apperson: Waiting! Orders! Mud! Blood! Stinking stiffs! What the hell do we get out of this war anyway! - cheers when we left and when we get back! But who the hell cares... after this?

  • James Apperson: [after Slim is killed] Slim, can't you just try to say... good-bye? They got him! They got him! GOD DAMN THEIR SOULS!

  • Intertitle card: [War has been declared. America is going to enter WWI, which sets off a wave of patriotic fervor] What a thing is patriotism! We go for years not knowing we have it. Suddenly - Martial music!... Native flags!... Friends cheer!... and it becomes life's greatest emotion!

  • Melisande: C'est vous qui m'a fait rire, n'est ce pas?

    James Apperson: I don't understand a word you say... but I know what you mean.

  • James Apperson: [to Melisande, who speaks French] French is Greek to me.

  • Bull: [Having - along with Slim - broken into the wine cellar under the farmhouse, where together they imbibe lots of wine] Can you imagine? Some guys was saps enough to join the Navy!

  • Black Barber: Are you for sure goin' to take a job in your father's mill?

    James Apperson: Me... work? I should say not!

  • Justyn Reed: Aren't you thrilled that we're going to war?

    James Apperson: No.

    Justyn Reed: You'll look gorgeous in an officer's uniform! I'll love you more than ever then.

  • Mr. Apperson: Look here, young man! I've stood all the nonsense and idleness from you that I'm going to stand! We're in the fight now... and it's time for every man to jump in and get busy! Look at your brother! See how he's putting his shoulder to the wheel! The country's at war! There's no room in my house for idlers! You'll do something or... get out!

  • Bull: Hey, you Bozoes! No sleep for you babies until you dress this manure pile! Come on! Take the anchors off them shovels!

  • Slim: Say, I joined the army to fight... not shovel!

    James Apperson: You'll shovel and like it, dearie!

  • Bull: Aw, nuts!

  • Bull: What do you birds think this is... a May party? Come on! Show me some speed!

  • Bull: This ain't such a bad war.

  • Intertitle card: [Italics] March and sweat the whole damned day; Sleep at night in lousy hay; Turn out mornin's full o'dirt, And scrub the real estate off your shirt! That's... the... life... in... the... arm-ee!

  • Doughboys: [singing] We drown the fleas In our Bee Vee Dees, We're in the army now!

  • Intertitle card: After an hour of his best sign language, convincing the wine-shop keeper that he wanted a barrel, and not a fat girl, Jim started on his way back.

  • James Apperson: Voo... and... me... vooley voo... take... little... petite... walk?

  • Bull: [to Milisande] Parley voo Francay... Chevrolet Coupe?

  • Bull: You big stiff! You don't handle girls the way you handle rivets!

  • James Apperson: Me... you... tres... much... love.

    [Looks in English-French Dictionary]

    James Apperson: Gee... aimy... vowse... boo... coop!

    Melisande: Je suis tres contente.

    [Looks in French-English Dictionary]

    Melisande: I... am... verree... happee!

  • Bull: Come on, Bon Ami... slip Poppa a little kiss!

    [Melisande promptly slaps Bull's face]

  • Officer: As soon as I've read my mail I'll have your chevrons removed.

    [Walks away]

    Bull: I'd like to see the little cootie try to break me!

  • Bull: Can you readee-voo Francay?

  • Doughboy: [after reading a letter in French from a French girl to Bull, he shakes Bull's hand] My boy, you certainly know your onions!

  • Doughboy: Fall in! Company street! Full packs and tin hats! Ten minutes! We're moving up!

  • James Apperson: I'm coming back! - Remember - - - I'm coming back!

  • Intertitle card: Men! Men! Men! Moving up! Up! UP! MEN! IT HAD BEGUN! THE BIG PARADE Men! Guns! Men! Men! Guns! To the front! To the front! To the front... Front!... FRONT! An endless column surging forward over roads that never were retraced.

  • Bull: We've ridden far enough and walked far enough to be in China!

    Slim: Nix! If this was China you'd see a lot of Chop Suey joints around!

  • Intertitle card: Whenever there were new arrivals near the front, "Flying Fritzie" usually sneaked across the line to give them their first welcome.

  • Slim: Gimme a cigarette, Bull.

    Bull: I don't mind givin' you cigarettes... but I hate carryin' 'em all 'round France for you.

    Slim: Gimme a match.

    Bull: What am I... Santy Claus?

  • James Apperson: They're not going to send us out in that open field, are they?

    Slim: Sure! We're gonna keep goin' till we can't go no farther!

  • Bull: [Stuck in a shell hole on the battlefield] This dump is lousy with Heinies! I could chuck my hat across to where they are.

    Slim: Quit squawkin'! You don't want to live forever, do you?

  • Slim: Am I dead yet?

  • Doughboy: The skipper says for one of you guys to go get that Fritzie with the toy cannon.

  • James Apperson: Do you think he'll make it all right?

    Bull: Sure! Slim'll come back wearin' the Kaiser's moustache!

  • Bull: Yo... Slim!

    Doughboy: [Crawling into Jim and Bull's foxhole] Say, you hyenas... pipe down!

    James Apperson: You can't make us shut up! Slim's out there alone!

  • Bull: [Dying words on the battlefield - defiantly] I'll meet you in Berlin!

  • James Apperson: Mother?

    Mrs. Apperson: Yes, Jim.

    James Apperson: There's a girl in France -...