The Baytown Outlaws Quotes

  • [During the break-in at Carlos's house, McQueen fires blindly through a door, then kicks it open and finds Carlos's maid lying on the floor]

    McQueen Oodie: Oh, shit. My bad, lady. You okay?

    [No response from the maid, who is plainly dead]

    McQueen Oodie: My defense, you do work for an asshole.

  • Carlos: They shot my motherfucking maid!

  • [before the final shootout]

    McQueen Oodie: Hey, Brick?

    Brick Oodie: Hmm?

    McQueen Oodie: You startin' to think we should have finished school?

    Brick Oodie: [chuckles] At least junior high.

  • Brick Oodie: [as McQueen questions him about the job] Why you askin' me so many goddamn questions? Hell, it's a damn simple smash-and-grab! We smash our way in and grab Rob!

    [in the backseat of the car, Lincoln wakes up]

    Brick Oodie: Sorry, Lincoln, but your faggoty little brother won't shut up!

    McQueen Oodie: Hey, I'm inquisitive! Is that a crime?

    Brick Oodie: [laughing] "Inquisitive"? Where'd you learn that word, huh? You went and read a book?

    McQueen Oodie: It's in my lexicon!

  • Brick Oodie: [looking at Rob] You okay?

    [Rob can't speak]

    Brick Oodie: See? He understands us.

    McQueen Oodie: How do you get "I'm okay" from that?

    Brick Oodie: [to Rob] Hey, look, buddy, we ain't gonna hurt you. Celeste sent us. You know Celeste? Hey! See, he understands us just fine.

    McQueen Oodie: Once again, how the hell you know what he's sayin'? You the 'tard whisperer?

    Brick Oodie: Say that again, I'm gonna kill you.

    McQueen Oodie: I'm not...

    Brick Oodie: Say that again, I'm gonna kill you.

  • [Brick reveals to McQueen and Lincoln that they once had a younger brother who was disabled like Rob]

    McQueen Oodie: How'd he die?

    Brick Oodie: I don't know. He was there one day, gone the next. I asked Daddy about it one time, but that went over like a fart in church.

  • [as the Hood Pirates close on the Oodie Brothers' car, McQueen aims a shotgun at one of them]

    McQueen Oodie: Hey, Waterworld! You'd better back the fuck up!

  • Brick Oodie: Here they come! Strap in Rob, here they come, boys!

    [the Hood Pirates drive by, dropping a tear gas grenade into the brothers' car and ripping off the door with a grappling hook. When Brick brakes the car to a stop, Rob is gone]

    Brick Oodie: They took the kid! I thought I told you to strap him in!

    McQueen Oodie: They took the fuckin' door, man! I really don't think a fucking seat belt would have mattered, right?

  • McQueen Oodie: Welcome to the South, motherfuckers!

  • [as the brothers say their goodbyes to Rob and Celeste, Rob types on Lincoln's speech-box]

    Rob: [electronic voice] Thank you.

    McQueen Oodie: [grins] Well, ain't that some E.T. shit!

  • Carlos: Doesn't anybody know how to use finesse anymore?

  • [last lines]

    Carlos: This better be a box full of fucking cash.

    [opens the box and sees what's inside]

    Carlos: [laughs] You bitch!


  • McQueen Oodie: [about Rob] Why you reckon God would make someone like him?

    Brick Oodie: What?

    McQueen Oodie: Why would God let someone be wronged up like that?

    Brick Oodie: I don't... hell, I don't know, man. Hell, why you asking me that, man?

    McQueen Oodie: I don't know. I just been thinking about it.

    Brick Oodie: Don't ask why God made men like him. I wonder why He made men like us.

  • McQueen Oodie: That was a fuckin' arrow, man!

  • Montane: Hood Pirates, mount up!

  • Montane: And this time... try not to hit the motherfucking baby.

  • Diggs: Here they come, just like you said!

    Montane: Hey, who the driver?

    [to Rob]

    Montane: You want to see this? We're about to fuck your babysitters up!

  • Rose: [lifting a shotgun] Well hi, big boy, here's *my* boomstick!

  • [after finishing their latest hit]

    Jez: That was quick. I didn't even get off.

    Rose: This one's for Carlos.

    Jez: Well, that makes it better.

  • [the Hood Pirates' and the Oodie's car speed past a police car, guns blazing. The deputy in the passenger seat quickly turns on the siren, Officer Brown just as quickly turns it off]

    Officer Brown: [off the younger deputy's look] No... no, indeed. Hell, no.

  • Brick Oodie: [aims a gun at Chogan's head] You're about to have a bad day, John Redcorn.

  • [first lines]

    Brick Oodie: [impersonating the police] Open up! It's your dog, bro! We've got a warrant for a Hector De la Taco. So send him on out.

    Chogan: [from inside] You've got the wrong house, ese.

    Brick Oodie: Why don't you let me worry about that there, snookum?

    McQueen Oodie: [stepping up to the door now] This is the FBI! Why the fuck don't you open the fucking door? Let's go!

    Chogan: That's cute. Look! You putas got ten seconds to get the fuck off my stoop! OK? "Putas"?

  • Lucky: Damn bullshit. Don't want the kid seeing porn, but when some of that sweet tail walks in, they forget all about that, right? First time in four years I've got some sweet fresh snapper come in here, and I'm down here making fucking sandwiches for the road warriors? Kiss my fucking ass.